Trump’s VP pick is a naked authoritarian

You still haven't overcome your abject fear of Trump to answer my question.
What are you talking about? Why do you people always fucking stall like this?

You can't make an argument so you wishcast yourself into a fake situation in order to escape the real one you find yourself in.
What do you base this on?
I have explained this many times on JPP, and you have responded to several of my explanations, so I know you have read them. I don't want to write it out again (I wrote lengthy posts on the matter).

Go compare any three of Trump's rallies with all Democrat rallies combined. Notice how the DNC is homhorraging across all demographics.

Get back to me after you have read a few of my previous posts on the subject.
No you didn't observe it.
Yes, I did. Prove I didn't.

You're lying about that
You've got nothing. How are you going to celebrate when Trump wins?

because you need to cover for the lie that the election was stolen.
You need to deny the election was stolen, and you are going to melt like the wicked witch of the west when Trump wins. You're a lost cause. So you just keep telling lies. Lie after lie after lie.
Denial. Heavy, deeply rooted denial. You could just say "OK, sure, if Trump wins, I'll buy you a large meatlovers pizza with extra cheese" but doing so would force your mind into momentarily bursting its safe-space bubble of denial, and that would be far too painful, tantamount to torture. Besides, your slave-masters won't allow you to even entertain the idea.
Yes you are in denial. You are in denial of the election you lost in 2020. You are in denial over why you lost it. You are in denial that you must do something different in order to win.

It's been 7 years of electoral losses for Conservatives.
Read the thread on the topic ... or better yet, just go crying out of TDS-driven irrationality before having read the thread on the topic.
You changed my quote. I reported it. We can let the mods handle it. Learn when to shut the fuck up so you don't make things worse for yourself.
OK, so just a fever dream of yours...a fantasy.
I see you haven't been informed that Joe Biden was kicked to the curb. Would you like to ask someone else on JPP? I wouldn't want you to just take my word for it.

@JPP - Would someone confirm for An Orange Cat that Biden was, in fact, kicked to the curb? We have some serious denial occurring here.

Something you jerk it to. Again, cowardice. It's classic conflict avoidance.
Really people, we have some emergency denial here. Please someone bring a respirator and 12cc's of denialomine.
I see you haven't been informed that Joe Biden was kicked to the curb.
So other than your fever dream of conspiracies or whatever, what else makes you think Trump will win? Because I have several examples of things as to why I think he'll lose...but you don't wanna hear it because you're a fucking coward. It would hurt you too much. For real.
You changed my quote. I reported it. We can let the mods handle it. Learn when to shut the fuck up so you don't make things worse for yourself.
Let me know when I should drop my pants so you can blow me. Just because you are a fucking crybaby who has to shut the fuck up because my dick is down your throat, that doesn't mean I'm under any obligation to somehow remain silent on ... well, on really anything.

Let me know how your cowardly tattling works out for you ... after I pull out, that is.
Really people, we have some emergency denial here. Please someone bring a respirator and 12cc's of denialomine.
What am I in denial of, again? You're the one in denial of the 2020 election, not me.

Or at least you say you are but who knows you're probably just lying about that too because you're a coward.
Let me know when I should drop my pants so you can blow me. Just because you are a fucking crybaby who has to shut the fuck up because my dick is down your throat, that doesn't mean I'm under any obligation to somehow remain silent on ... well, on really anything.

Let me know how your cowardly tattling works out for you ... after I pull out, that is.
Everything you say is bullshit because you refuse to stand behind it.