Trump’s VP pick is a naked authoritarian

I simply recognized that you and I are both cowards. The difference between your cowardice and mine is that mine was generated by placing the concern I have for my family to whom I have a substantial obligation, over my outrage at a tyrannical government stealing the election.
Wait, wait, wait....wait.

If you're 100% convinced of this yourself, what does your "substantial obligation" have to do with it?
And I answered that Trump is going to lose
You didn't answer the question that I asked and instead answered a question that I didn't ask. You did this because your TDS-affliction precludes you from engaging in rational discussion.

When Trump wins, how are you going to celebrate? That's the question, not "Is Trump going to win?" You undereducated leftists are also very poor in reading comprehension.

and you're going to blame everyone but yourself.
Like I said, you leftists have the reading comprehension of a desk lamp. I specifically pointed out the guilt of the DNC.
Your cowardice, on the other hand, is generated by the mental manipulation you allow by your slave-masters who instill fear and panick into you as a means of completely controlling you.

See, what you're doing here is cowardly because it's not actually getting to some kind of deep-rooted psychology or pathology as you seem to be implying. It's just a distraction.
This the is irrational reaction I expected out of you.

You have no fucking idea what you're saying. You're just stalling. You're trying to delay any accountability for the shit you say. You're so ready to move on from the biggest character flaw someone could have on a message board.
Wait, wait, wait....wait.
OK, I'm waiting, but make it snappy.

If you're 100% convinced of this yourself, what does your "substantial obligation" have to do with it?
In my particular situation, my family would suffer immensely and irreparably if I were singled out by the government for persecution, probably moreso than family members of others who were so persecuted. I simply could not accept that risk and I went along with the government tyranny. My cowardice lies in advocating that others protest in ways that I would not protest myself. You can call me a hypocrite as well.

I deserve it.

You are simply to be pitied. You deserve it.
The people I observe as being stupid, uneducated, irrationally terrified, TDS-afflicted, mindless, scientifically illiterate, mathematically incompetent, logically inept or economics challenged are not smart people. You obviously didn't pick up on that key detail.
You need to work on your observation skills because they sure suck.
Trump won the 2020 election. The DNC stole the 2020 election, rendering it null and void. Biden will forever be *Biden.
No, he didn't and you don't believe it and the reason is because you're a coward.

You don't believe this. Because you wouldn't stand behind it.

But it was really you not wanting to be held accountable for a lie, so you come up with this ambiguous "substantial obligation" excuse. But if you unpack that excuse, it ultimately comes down to the fact that you didn't want to be arrested, or worse, over a lie as stupidly obvious to everyone including yourself.

You didn't go to DC on 1/6 because you didn't want to end up in jail -or worse- over the stupidest lie told by the stupidest person ever.
I am terrified of another Trump Presidency.
False. You are terrified of Trump individually, not of any Presidency that he might have. Let's allow you to make this point abundantly clear.

Considering only official duties as President (i.e. no tweets, no campaign ads, no personal affairs), to the best of your recollection, in what way did Trump somehow fall short of being the best US President ever?

You won't answer this question, because you can't, so my next post will be to point out that to the best of your knowledge, you are unaware of any reason (considering only official duties of the President) Trump wasn't the best US President ever.

To save time, I'll just jump to that point: To the best of your knowledge, you are unaware of any reason (considering only official duties of the President) Trump wasn't the best US President ever. Oh, and you are terrified of Trump because you are a little fucking crybaby and coward.

Don't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff.
Aaaaahh, you couldn't help but return to the Marxist "we" (i.e. just you). So you deluded yourself into believing that DNC cheating was actually COVID transforming the election. You have quite the imagination in your safe space.

Because Conservatives lied to each other about COVID, AZ's Attorney general is a Democrat who won by about 300 votes.
You've already admitted that you're a coward, so how is anything you say good faith?
You've already shown that you don't know the meanings of words, so how will any explanation be any good?

Being a coward means you don't have the courage to stand behind the things you say.
This is completely immaterial on an anonymous forum of ideas.

Like for instance, that the 2020 election was stolen
Yes, I observed this. What would you like to know about the theft?
What makes you think that Trump is going to win?
Only a handful of voters aren't itching to vote for Trump. A vast majority of Americans can't wait to elect Trump by a record landslide ...

... *AND* ...

Joe Biden was kicked to the curb, which tells me that the DNC has abandoned plans for a full election-steal. As such, the DNC can't possibly defeat Trump in 2024, so they're going to simply engage in damage control and position themselves the best they can for 2026, 2028 and beyond.