Trump’s VP pick is a naked authoritarian

About 1M died of COVID,
Nobody died of COVID.

more Conservatives than any other group,
Good luck getting anyone but leftists to believe this.

and that's why AZ has a Democratic Governor, Secretary of State, and Attorney General.
You got that backwards. Because of the "pandemic" hoax, the DNC was able to thoroughly cheat in Arizona and voila!

You've got to hand it to the DNC when it comes to cheating. They are the Jon Jones of Cheating, i.e. you have to be foolish to take them on toe-to-toe.
You are shitting in your pants. You can't even answer a simple question that triggers you hard and turns you completely irrational.

You haven't asked me a question. You've just ranted and raved to avoid answering MINE. Then you wanted to make a bet but that's stupid because you're a coward and cowards can't be trusted.

So then you started calling me a coward, yet I'm not the one who screamed about voter fraud for 2 months but then did nothing about it. I call you a coward because you don't stand behind anything you say. Because cowards don't.

Are you ready?

How are you going to celebrate when Trump wins?

Oooops, I'm sorry, I'll wait until you change your underwear.

I don't see him so attesting. I do notice the panic underlying your posts, though.
Trump isn't going to win, he's going to lose like he did last time and you're gonna blame everyone but yourself.
Yep. There's no denial about this on my part.

Sure there is! Denial is a part of cowardice. You're too cowardly to confront the fact that it's YOU who cost Trump that election. And you're going to cost him this one too because you don't know how to control yourself.

You have to repeat some mantra rather than confront the harsh truth that you are much, much stupider than you thought.
I will never let anyone do my thinking for me. Why do you allow others to bend you over furniture and strap you down?
You don't do any thinking anyway. All you do is react.

There is nothing about you, your beliefs, or your personality that is worth defending here. You just try to make yourself feel better by calling smart people names that you've probably been called your entire fucking life.
You haven't asked me a question.
Sure I have. If you missed it, how are you going to celebrate when Trump wins in a few months?

So then you started calling me a coward,
I simply recognized that you and I are both cowards. The difference between your cowardice and mine is that mine was generated by placing the concern I have for my family to whom I have a substantial obligation, over my outrage at a tyrannical government stealing the election. Your cowardice, on the other hand, is generated by the mental manipulation you allow by your slave-masters who instill fear and panick into you as a means of completely controlling you.

You are so terrified irrationally of Donald Trump that you can't answer even simple questions on the matter.
This is the leftist code for "I'm tipping my king."

You've already admitted that you're a coward, so how is anything you say good faith?

Being a coward means you don't have the courage to stand behind the things you say. Like for instance, that the 2020 election was stolen...something you said from November 2020 to January 2021, yet you did nothing about it. The reason you've given is that you're a coward. But that's the easy answer because we all knew that already. It's less "are you a coward?" and more "what are you scared of for 1/6?"
'll jump to my turn. When Trump wins, I'm going to celebrate by reminding you every chance I get. I'm going to dig up every comment you have made about Trump and about the 2024 election and I'm going to have a blast with you. You and I will have a ball, guaranteed. You're going to be my very best friend on JPP.

What makes you think that Trump is going to win?
You don't do any thinking anyway. All you do is react.
This the is irrational reaction I expected out of you.

There is nothing about you, your beliefs, or your personality that is worth defending here.
You forgot to mention my good looks as well.

You just try to make yourself feel better by calling smart people names
The people I observe as being stupid, uneducated, irrationally terrified, TDS-afflicted, mindless, scientifically illiterate, mathematically incompetent, logically inept or economics challenged are not smart people. You obviously didn't pick up on that key detail.
You got that backwards. Because of the "pandemic" hoax, the DNC was able to thoroughly cheat in Arizona and voila!

I'm talking the 2022 elections, bucko. Not 2020. The Midterms. That's where COVID had an electoral effect. AZ is the best example where the AG race was decided by just 300 votes.
I don't need to, we already saw it happen in Arizona.
Aaaaahh, you couldn't help but return to the Marxist "we" (i.e. just you). So you deluded yourself into believing that DNC cheating was actually COVID transforming the election. You have quite the imagination in your safe space.

Sure there is! Denial is a part of cowardice.
Well, you would know ... but yes, the COVID pandemic thing was a hoax, and you are apparently just as much a victim, or more, as those of us who simply had our individual liberties curtailed by tyrannical government overreach, even though we weren't gullible believers of the disinformation, as you were.

You're too cowardly to confront the fact that it's YOU who cost Trump that election.
The DNC stole the election ... and got away with it.
Sure I have. If you missed it, how are you going to celebrate when Trump wins in a few months?

And I answered that Trump is going to lose and you're going to blame everyone but yourself. Why? Because that's what you've done the last 4 years and haven't changed a fucking thing. So if you didn't win with this same bullshit in 2020, why do you think it will win in 2024?