Trump’s VP pick is a naked authoritarian

He's not going to win,
EVASION. You can't make an arachnophobe like spiders, you can't make an acrophobe want to look out over the city from the roof of a tall building, you can't make a hoplophobe give a shit about people's individual liberties and you can't make an irrational, TDS-afflicted Trump-phobe vote in his own best interests.
obably moreso than family members of others who were so persecuted.
You didn't want to throw years of your life away over what you completely, 100% knew was a lie.

Because anyone with the courage of their convictions would be willing to risk something in order to have them.
You guys keep losing elections and you're not changing anything about you're going to keep losing until you change.
Denial. Heavy, deeply rooted denial. You could just say "OK, sure, if Trump wins, I'll buy you a large meatlovers pizza with extra cheese" but doing so would force your mind into momentarily bursting its safe-space bubble of denial, and that would be far too painful, tantamount to torture. Besides, your slave-masters won't allow you to even entertain the idea.
You didn't want to throw years of your life away over what you completely, 100% knew was a lie.
You're still stuck on your omnipotence delusion that you get to somehow declare what I think, what I believe, etc... Omnipotence delusions are psychological defense mechanisms against untreatable, debilitating fear that precludes any rationality.

Because anyone with the courage of their convictions would be willing to risk something in order to have them.
Incorrect. I have a great deal of finite courage for my convictions, which is less than my obligation to care for my family. I will back down on practically anything before I allow something to happen to my family.
Trump wasn't the best US President ever.

I've already taken you through how his tax cuts created a didn't want to accept it so you cried and tried to change the subject.

When I tried to talk about his Afghan deal failure you didn't want to talk about it so you cried and tried to change the subject.

When I tried to talk about how your COVID policy cost you the election you didn;t want to accept it so you cried and tried to change the subject.

And most importantly, when I tried to talk to you about the fact that you haven't changed in 4 years, haven't learned a thing from all the election losses you've suffered, you don't want to accept it so you cry and try to change the subject; constantly trying to reframe a debate you've lost.
No, Trump is a gigantic fucking pussy just like every single one of his whiny, crybaby Nazi voters.
Aaaaahh, you simply deleted the main part of my post that you cannot face, and pivoted to raving lunacy about "Nazis."

Sure, we can be "done" if you are too terrified to continue.
Yes, I observed this. What would you like to know about the theft?
No you didn't observe it. You're lying about that because you need to cover for the lie that the election was stolen. So you just keep telling lies. Lie after lie after lie. You lie about "obligations" as an excuse to avoid accountability.
Joe Biden was kicked to the curb, which tells me that the DNC has abandoned plans for a full election-steal. As such, the DNC can't possibly defeat Trump in 2024, so they're going to simply engage in damage control and position themselves the best they can for 2026, 2028 and beyond.

OK, so just a fever dream of yours...a fantasy. Something you jerk it to. Again, cowardice. It's classic conflict avoidance.
I've already taken you through how [I conflate the Executive Branch with the Legislative Branch].
Try getting that straight.

his tax cuts created a recession
Congress cust taxes, not the President.

When I tried to talk about his Afghan deal failure
Trump didn't have any Afghan deal failure.

you didn't want to talk about it so you cried and tried to change the subject.
You're delusional. This never happened. There is no such Afghan deal failure to discuss anyway.

I had a family member who died of pancreatic cancer. One of the sad effects of terminal cancer are your type of delusions. Are you on chemo?

When I tried to talk about how your COVID policy cost you the election
I have no COVID policy and I have no election.

you didn;t want to accept it so you cried and tried to change the subject.
I fully accept that I have no COVID policy and no election.

And most importantly, when I tried to talk to you about the fact that you haven't changed in 4 years, haven't learned a thing from all the election losses you've suffered, you don't want to accept it so you cry and try to change the subject; constantly trying to reframe a debate you've lost.
Are you talking about your continued terror-driven denial of the stolen 2020 election?