Trump’s VP pick is a naked authoritarian

What forces you to deny it?

# of Campaign offices opened
# of voter canvassers
# of volunteers
fundraising goals
Voter registrations
Previous election results
Trump's age
The GOP has changed nothing about themselves to appeal to any new voters
There is no record for Trump to run on
34 criminal convictions for Trump
Elon revoked his pledge
JD Vance
How does reporting you for breaking the rules make me a coward?
I didn't break the rules. You just need to censor opposition. As I mentioned, if you had bothered to read the thread on the topic, this has been addressed. Nonetheless, you aren't being rational enough to do any sort of research. You are operating on pure fear at this point.

Leftists are all cowards at heart and need to censor opposing speech because they can't refute anything. In a forum of ideas, they are defenseless, penniless and naked. Censorship is their only hope.

Report me again, coward. How is the first one working out for you?

You broke the rules, you're the fucking coward.
Without censorship, leftists have less than nothing.
I'm always happy to discuss my most glaringly obvious flaws. You, on the other hand, are too terrified to be rational.
That's funny because every time I try to talk about what your specific cowardice is, you throw a little tantrum like this.

Cowards don't believe the things they say. That's what makes them cowards. That's what makes you a coward.
eftists are all cowards at heart and need to censor opposing speech because they can't refute anything. In a forum of ideas, they are defenseless, penniless and naked. Censorship is their only hope.

None of you Conservatives believe the 2020 election was stolen.

You all knew it wasn't, which is why you had to scramble to come up with laughable excuses that are just way too ambiguous to be believed, for why you weren't in DC that day.
Go compare any three of Trump's rallies with all Democrat rallies combined.
It's all the same people at the Trump rallies!

They follow him around like the fucking Grateful Dead.

So you think the rallies where his supporters leave in the middle of his speech are indication that he's going to win in November? How?
# of Campaign offices opened [irrelevant]
# of voter canvassers [irrelevant]
# of volunteers [irrelevant]
fundraising goals [inconsequential]
Voter registrations [immaterial]
Previous election results [fraudulent]
Trump's age [inconsequential]
The GOP has changed nothing about themselves to appeal to any new voters [not needed, the DNC repulses voters ]
There is no record for Trump to run on [you don't know of any reason Trump wasn't the best US President ever]
34 criminal convictions for Trump [totally rigged, We the People know this]
Elon revoked his pledge [not revoked, Trump got the amount wrong]
JD Vance [irrelevant, We the People are voting for Trump]
Is the word "relevance" among the many you don't understand?

During the Viet Nam conflict, at one point progress was determined by the amount of Napalm dropped. Totally irrelevant.
Notice how the DNC is homhorraging across all demographics.
It's not actually, and in the days since Kamala Harris became the presumptive nominee, 100,000 new voters were registered. By Democrats.

They're not hemorrhaging anything...but the GOP is. Duncan here in GA just came out and said he'd vote for Biden. And he was a pretty Conservative Republican. The GOP is also hemmoraging money because it's all going to Trump's legal defense. So there's nothing left to use to campaign.

Trump's opened no campaign offices, has no voters canvassing, has no volunteers, has no GOTV effort at all, and is spending $0 on his campaign.