Trump’s VP pick is a naked authoritarian

Two things.

1. Leftists, such as you, are gullible scientifically illiterate morons who OBEY their slave-masters and worship a Climate religion that requires its congregation to believe that the religion is settled science and to HATE and FEAR science as though it were Satan incarnate. When faced with the actual science that exposes the absurdity of your religion, you, just like all the other leftists, begin treating purveyors of science as blindly believing in a Satanic religion and continue treating your WACKY religion as science, chanting "Blind faith isn't science." Whatever. If you're stupid enough to fall for a religion that requires you to worship physics violations, you deserve to be the miserable, naive dullard that you are.

OK, so you can't say what I "chanted." that has "been debunked". ..fine. Fuck me for expecting the bare minimum from you and you still somehow underdeliver those expectations!

You just can't fucking keep your mouth shut!

Like, why did you write asll that shit? Did you think it was meaningful?
2. You deny all the benefits of a republic out of OBEDIENCE to your Marxist slave-masters who have ordered you to aid them usher in an oppressive tyranny with them at the helm. You continue to chant "You know what the real hoax is? Conservatism. It's never done anything objectively good. Never. Not once. Not ever." I thought that when you changed your avatar that you might stop regurgitating this every week or so, but I see that your slave-masters have you redoubling your efforts.
OK so just more grievance diarrhea that just makes no fucking sense and you don't believe any of it anyway because you're a coward!

So you'll never stand behind anything you say here because cowards don't stand behind a fucking lie that an election was stolen. To have a coward say that the election was stolen...dude. Come on. You can't think that you're making yourself and your cause out to look good, right?
Craig Calcaterra

J.D. Vance got famous for writing a book in which he acknowledged that the only thing that saved him as a child was a grandfather with a union job and benefits, the sort of which he has dedicated his professional and political life to eliminating.

3:15 PM · Jul 15, 2024
Yet another testament to the hypocritical actions of Little Dump. This guy is a climber .... period. He's a worst sociopath than Dump because HE KNOWS BETTER!
There was an assassination attempt on his life by an unhinged, dangerous Demotard, just like you.
He was a registered Republican who voted for Cheeto Jeezus, you simpleton. A one-time donation to a progressive cause when he was a teenager isn't going to change that. GTFU, will ya please?
I'm not buying this. I don't think you are even capable of understanding rational conversation. Saying that you can somehow be convinced of something is just not believable.
OK fine asshole, no skin off my ass. I don't have to prove anything to some fucking coward.
Herman Cain did not die of COVID. I realize that the Marxist media is playing to gullible leftists around the world, but there are two things to remember in this case:

1. Herman Cain's death certificate, Section 1 line A, does not list COVID as the cause of death; he died of complications from his previous cancer.
2. If we were to graciously grant you this case, you would have amassed a total of one conservative death from COVID when, by your claims, millions of maskless conservatives at superspreader venues should have been wiped from the face of the earth.

Re: #2, I'm not granting you even this one case. No one died from COVID. Feel free to dig up his death certificate and prove your case, and get your first COVID death. I will, however, save you the wasted time and recommend you move onto something else.
Dude...he caught COVID at that rally and then DIED. Before he could vote in the election. So that was one vote Trump lost.
Herman Cain did not die of COVID. I realize that the Marxist media is playing to gullible leftists around the world, but there are two things to remember in this case:

1. Herman Cain's death certificate, Section 1 line A, does not list COVID as the cause of death; he died of complications from his previous cancer.
2. If we were to graciously grant you this case, you would have amassed a total of one conservative death from COVID when, by your claims, millions of maskless conservatives at superspreader venues should have been wiped from the face of the earth.

Re: #2, I'm not granting you even this one case. No one died from COVID. Feel free to dig up his death certificate and prove your case, and get your first COVID death. I will, however, save you the wasted time and recommend you move onto something else.
"No one died from COVID"

Which is why you lost the 2020 election. Because no one died from COVID.
Nobody died from COVID. The only way to pretend to support your position is to forge death certificates, and you'd do it incorrectly since you don't have any valid examples to copy.
The trouble is that we all saw it you're asking us to not believe what we saw with our own eyes and instead believe a coward who can't be trusted.
Nope. I'm correct because that's what excess deaths prove.
You have to have "excess deaths" to support your argument, and there are no excess deaths.

What's HILARIOUS is that way more Conservatives died of COVID than any other political stripe.
Nobody died of COVID. You have been thoroughly manipulated while bent over furniture.

So you literally and figuratively couldn't keep your dumb fucking mouths shut;
Says the moron who can't keep his dumb fucking mouth shut.

You people are craven.
Well, you and I might be, but Conservatives overall have 99% of the backbone in this US.