Trump’s VP pick is a naked authoritarian

What specifically am I chanting that's been "debunked for decades"?
Two things.

1. Leftists, such as you, are gullible scientifically illiterate morons who OBEY their slave-masters and worship a Climate religion that requires its congregation to believe that the religion is settled science and to HATE and FEAR science as though it were Satan incarnate. When faced with the actual science that exposes the absurdity of your religion, you, just like all the other leftists, begin treating purveyors of science as blindly believing in a Satanic religion and continue treating your WACKY religion as science, chanting "Blind faith isn't science." Whatever. If you're stupid enough to fall for a religion that requires you to worship physics violations, you deserve to be the miserable, naive dullard that you are.

2. You deny all the benefits of a republic out of OBEDIENCE to your Marxist slave-masters who have ordered you to aid them usher in an oppressive tyranny with them at the helm. You continue to chant "You know what the real hoax is? Conservatism. It's never done anything objectively good. Never. Not once. Not ever." I thought that when you changed your avatar that you might stop regurgitating this every week or so, but I see that your slave-masters have you redoubling your efforts.
Nope. I'm correct because that's what excess deaths prove.

What's HILARIOUS is that way more Conservatives died of COVID than any other political stripe.

So you literally and figuratively couldn't keep your dumb fucking mouths shut; yammering like a mynah bird and spreading COVID to grandpa Herman Cain and his buddies. So you cost yourself votes because you couldn't shut up about COVID. You just couldn't do it. Because you act on impulse and have no self control.

That's why you lost then, and why you'll lose this November too.

You people are craven. That's the only appropriate word for what you fucking pussies, cowards, and traitors are.
.. nobody died from COVID.
About 1M died of COVID, more Conservatives than any other group, and that's why AZ has a Democratic Governor, Secretary of State, and Attorney General. Juuuuuuuust enough Conservatives died of COVID ahead of the 2022 elections to make the difference in at least one of those races....the AG race that was decided by just 300 votes. If 300 fewer Conservatives had died of COVID, AZ would have a Trump-backing AG to raise "election fraud" cases to the State Legislature in order to prevernt the electoral votes from going to Congress...(This stuff is in Project 2025, BTW - that's where I'm getting this).

The point should know when to keep your fucking mouth shut.
Huge crowds, in both main venues and overflow seating, all in enclosed/superspreader areas, none wearing facemasks, all survived, all thrived. In fact, none got COVID.

Yeah, and they died like Herman Cain and couldn't vote in the 2020 election.

But I'm not talking about that one. That was at the point in the pandemic where the Blue States were hit hard first. I'm talking 2022 through today. Don't forget that over 2021 and into 2022, the deaths started to flip and the red states kept seeing surges while the Blue states did not.

COVID absolutely had an impact on the Conservative vote in the 2022 election and beyond.
Are you saying that COVID only strikes leftists? Are Trump supporters immune? Was it you who stated that all the Trump supporters are dead now because they wouldn't get the vaccine? I'd appreciate you explaining this apparent discrepancy

Look, you can continue to call COVID a hoax all you want, but the fact of the matter is your poor handling of it and not taking it seriously cost you electorally and you just don't want to admit it because then you'd have to admit you were wrong. About Trump. About COVID. About Conservatism.

So you blame COVID for that.

Sounds like you should blame yourself...specifically that big, fat, fucking mouth.

But you'll never do that because you're a self-described coward. Which makes all your posts cowardice. So you don't affirmatively engage in anything or whatever you fucking tried to say. You're a coward, so every action is done from a point of cowardice. And insincerity. It's not like you're even denying it..,.you're leaning into it and that's fucking weird as shit.
There were no excess deaths. Good luck trying to define what you are attempting to have accepted without supporting.

Nope. We are simply not going to believe that a million extra people died during the hoax.
Well it's not something you believe, it's something you accept.

So that right there tells me you're not fucking serious about this or anything. You're just a fucking phony coward.
We the People lost because the DNC stole the election and got away with it, a testament to their centuries of election fraud experience.

So if that's what you really believe then how come on 1/6 your ass was right here on JPP? Why weren't you in DC to stop all this supposed theft or whatever?


But you want me to think you were too scared to show up because of the violence, but I think you were too scared to show up because you knew you';d end up in jail or worse by going along with it.

That's what makes you a coward. Not wanting to face violence doesn't make you a coward. Lying about it does.
I mean Herman Cain literally died from COVID that he caught at Trump's rally.
Herman Cain did not die of COVID. I realize that the Marxist media is playing to gullible leftists around the world, but there are two things to remember in this case:

1. Herman Cain's death certificate, Section 1 line A, does not list COVID as the cause of death; he died of complications from his previous cancer.
2. If we were to graciously grant you this case, you would have amassed a total of one conservative death from COVID when, by your claims, millions of maskless conservatives at superspreader venues should have been wiped from the face of the earth.

Re: #2, I'm not granting you even this one case. No one died from COVID. Feel free to dig up his death certificate and prove your case, and get your first COVID death. I will, however, save you the wasted time and recommend you move onto something else.
How are you going to celebrate Trump's victory? I'll tell you what you are going to do. The first thing you're going to do is send me my large meatlovers pizza with extra cheese. Then, before you take a header off a tall building and rid the world of your constant, pointless drivel, you're going to walk out into the middle of the street and tell the world just how elated you are.

Is the reason you think that because all those thoughts crossed your mind when you lost the last time?