Trump’s VP pick is a naked authoritarian

In 2022? No way. You're wrong as usual.

There was no red wave in those states in 2022...but there was a blue one.
Blatant lie.
In 2022 PA elected Democrats to the Governor, Lt. Governor, AG, and US fact, Shapiro won by 15% and Democrats flipped control of the PA is that a red wave?
The 2022 PA election faulted AGAIN due to DEMOCRAT election fraud.
In 2022 MI elected Democrats to the majority of both chambers, and Whitmer won for governor and won by 10%, Benson won SoS by 14%, Nessel by is that a red wave?
Special pleading fallacy. The 2022 MI election faulted AGAIN due to DEMOCRAT election fraud.
In 2022 WI elected Democrats to the governorship , AG, SoS, and the State Supreme Court in is that a red wave?
Special pleading fallacy.
Please do so, I love nothing more than humiliating Conservative groomers.

What's gonna happen on 11/5 is that Harris is going to win, and you're going to just repeat the same stupid shit you were saying between November 2020 and January 2021, and you still won't do anything about it.

You will still allege fraud but you will absolutely come up with a bevvy of excuses for why you didn't do anything about it, just like the last time.

Everyone knows you're full of shit, and the reason everyone knows that is because you spent two months screaming that the 2020 election was stolen, but then did absolutely nothing about it. NOTHING.
...annnd another cat gets hit by a train...
You believe in Global Warming, ergo you believe in the wackiest of shit.

There has never been a policy Conservatives came up with and did on their own that has made this country an objectively better place.

Nothing. Nothing from the last 40 years, or the 40 years before that, or the 40 years before that, or the 40 years before that, etc.

None of you clowns can even name a single bill Conservatives did all on their own that made this country an objectively better place.
If even the morons joined the smart people in recognizing the COVID scare/hoax, why are you still fooled?

You keep saying it's a hoax, but I'm not convinced you know what that word means.

What specifically was the "hoax"?

Because you said it was a the hoax can't be that it's a virus, so what is the hoax?
Nope. I said it was a MILD flu.
And you were wrong about that.

This is an example of you running your big, fat fucking mouth, but then you shy away from any scrutiny of your bullshit.

So COVID can't be both a hoax and not a hoax.

You need to make up your mind because all you're doing is proving why Conservatives continue to lose elections.
You aren't very good in science. Ask me how I know.
You can barely spell science.

You haven't produced one thing in the entire time you've been on JPP that has anything to do with science.

Blind faith isn't science.

You know what the real hoax is? Conservatism. It's never done anything objectively good. Never. Not once. Not ever.
When Harris gets spanked upside the patootie, will you change back to LV426?
Well since you've been wrong about every single election since 2017, what makes you think you're right now?

Let's see a scientific explanation for why Harris won't win in November since you seem to think you know science or whatever.
You keep saying it's a hoax, but I'm not convinced you know what that word means.

What specifically was the "hoax"?

Because you said it was a the hoax can't be that it's a virus, so what is the hoax?
I think he keeps posting reply's like that because he is too stupid to post a intelligent response.
Have a nice day .
There has never been a policy Conservatives came up with and did on their own that has made this country an objectively better place.
Blatant lie.
Nothing. Nothing from the last 40 years, or the 40 years before that, or the 40 years before that, or the 40 years before that, etc.
Blatant lie.
None of you clowns can even name a single bill Conservatives did all on their own that made this country an objectively better place.
It was your violence that you did everything to incite.

For two months, you claimed the election was stolen, you lied about it, but you didn't bother to follow through on it...which means it's bullshit and you don't believe it.