Trump’s VP pick is a naked authoritarian

I just answered your question with a thorough explanatio
No you didn't. You said I chanted something, then you proceeded to not say what it was I chanted, even though you can search every single one of my posts.

Let me tell you what the general theme to most of them are: Conservatism is bullshit. It fails. It sucks. It's not done a single thing to make this country an objectively better place. AND TO THIS DAY, none of you clowns and cowards have been able to "debunk" that.
The trouble is that we all saw it happen...
Your trouble is that you only speak for you. Your "we" are just your personal collective comprised of your little imaginary friends that hang out with you in your safe space, droning on and on in snowflake.

so you're asking us to not believe what we saw with our own eyes
Your imaginary friends don't have any eyes that can see anything that you don't see; they can only imagine what you have them imagine.

and instead believe a coward who can't be trusted.
You are correct. You and I are cowards that cannot be trusted ... but I still won't hang out with you in your safe space.

At least you were smart enough to not bet me a pizza, knowing that you'd have to pay up.
Aaaah, so you're posting from your fantasy safe space. That must mean that your first language is "snowflake."

You literally called yourself a coward.

That was you who said that about yourself.

I think you're not a coward when it comes to violence, I think you're a coward when it comes to accountability.
LMAO! You don't believe this for a fuuuuuckin second bro. Come on. LOL.
I just checked. I determine what I believe, not you.

The whole "pandemic" thing was a total hoax.

You gotta do better than that to convince me of your sincerity.
Whoa, ease down Ripley, ease down, you've blown the trans-axle. I have no intention of trying to convince you of anything. I'd be wasting my time because you can't be convinced of any ideas no approved by your thought collective.
Your trouble is that you only speak for you. Your "we" are just your personal collective comprised of your little imaginary friends that hang out with you in your safe space, droning on and on in snowflake.
OK, true I'm only speaking for myself...though you aren't but OK, that's cuz you're a coward.
Whoa, ease down Ripley, ease down, you've blown the trans-axle. I have no intention of trying to convince you of anything. I'd be wasting my time because you can't be convinced of any ideas no approved by your thought collective.

You keep saying that COVID was a hoax and you're in denial about it. Give it up. Is this really worth it?
Speak for yourself, I'm no coward.
You are shitting in your pants. You can't even answer a simple question that triggers you hard and turns you completely irrational.

Are you ready?

How are you going to celebrate when Trump wins?

Oooops, I'm sorry, I'll wait until you change your underwear.

Mr. Dillon can probably attest to that,
I don't see him so attesting. I do notice the panic underlying your posts, though.
It was a hoax. There weren't any "excess deaths." Nobody died of COVID.

Is the problem that you simply want to bet a different type of pizza? I can do a large Hawaiian with extra pineapple.

You don't act in good faith and you're trying to convince me to trust you. Dude.
You don't act in good faith
This is the leftist code for "I'm tipping my king." Cypress does it whenever he backs himself into a corner as well.

The short answer is "No, I won't ever allow you to do my thinking for me." You are faithless; there is no "faith" to be had in any attempted communication with you. You EVADE all questions that terrify you and trigger you.

I'll jump to my turn. When Trump wins, I'm going to celebrate by reminding you every chance I get. I'm going to dig up every comment you have made about Trump and about the 2024 election and I'm going to have a blast with you. You and I will have a ball, guaranteed. You're going to be my very best friend on JPP.

and you're trying to convince me to trust you. Dude.
You need to get over yourself. I have yet to see anyone wasting effort trying to convince you of anything, or trying to get you to trust him.