Trump’s VP pick is a naked authoritarian

The question is why do you HATE people who wish to make America great.
Another coward move on your part...instead of dealing with the response, you chicken out again.

Just like how you chickened out when the time came to do something about all this supposed election fraud you insisted.
Well you said you're a coward...and being a coward means you won't accept anything that might upset you or force you to reconcile your poor judgment.

You're scared of me. You're scared of accountability. You're scared of scrutiny. All these things are why you're a coward.
Nope. Trump had gasoline down below $2.00 before the pandemic hoax, and Biden could have kept the price down. The hoax didn't specifically require gas to be prohibitively expensive, but Biden and Harris sure needed America to be shitty.
NO Trump had NOTHING to do with the price of gas. I see you have a short memory and forgot all about the Saudi / Russian oil price war.
and Trumps lack of action when it first started when the US oil drilling / producing companies went to him and asked him for help to try and stop it, he did nothing until over 100 US oil drilling / producing companies went bankrupt and out of business, some of them for good.
finally they went back to Trump AFTER over 100 companies went out of business and asked him to do something before the complete US oil industry went under, he finally did, he went to the Saudis and told them to GUT their production and RAISE the price of oil or he would STOP ALL military aid to them and they did and haven't brought the price down that much.
NO it WAS the Saudi / Russian oil price war that drove down gas prices NOT Trump.
the US oil industry did hit a production high of 13 MBPD for ONE month under Trump and US oil production was down to 9.7 MBPD when Biden took office and has now been over 13 MBPD for a year or more.
you say " Biden could have kept the price down " I have to ask you how could he have done that?
Have a nice day
Nope. Trump had gasoline down below $2.00 before the pandemic hoax, and Biden could have kept the price down. The hoax didn't specifically require gas to be prohibitively expensive, but Biden and Harris sure needed America to be shitty.
the COVID Pandemic was a " HOAX " tell that to the families of the millions and millions of people who died from it.
You really are a stupid ass.
Have a nice day
NO Trump had NOTHING to do with the price of gas. I see you have a short memory and forgot all about the Saudi / Russian oil price war.
and Trumps lack of action when it first started when the US oil drilling / producing companies went to him and asked him for help to try and stop it, he did nothing until over 100 US oil drilling / producing companies went bankrupt and out of business, some of them for good.
finally they went back to Trump AFTER over 100 companies went out of business and asked him to do something before the complete US oil industry went under, he finally did, he went to the Saudis and told them to GUT their production and RAISE the price of oil or he would STOP ALL military aid to them and they did and haven't brought the price down that much.
NO it WAS the Saudi / Russian oil price war that drove down gas prices NOT Trump.
the US oil industry did hit a production high of 13 MBPD for ONE month under Trump and US oil production was down to 9.7 MBPD when Biden took office and has now been over 13 MBPD for a year or more.
you say " Biden could have kept the price down " I have to ask you how could he have done that?
Have a nice day

He doesn't have a short memory. He's a coward that doesn't believe a single thing he posts here. He's insincere. He has no convictions. He doesn't even really have any beliefs other than trolling as a means to gain human contact.
Calling COVID a hoax is one of the reasons Trump lost in 2020.

In fact, it may have actually been the primary reason.
and from what I see I believe he is one of the MAGAS that think Biden shut down a oil pipeline that was actually transporting oil when he took office.
They have been saying for years now Biden shut down the Keystone pipeline, fact is the Keystone pipeline has NEVER been shut down by the Government , it has ONLY been shut down because of leaks and maintenance,
it was the Keystone XL pipeline that was shut down and it was ONLY 8% complete and IF it would have been completed it would just about be ready to transport oil.
and it would have transported TAR SAND oil , a type of oil we do NOT use in the US for gas here, Tar sand oil is used in plastic and most of what the XL pipeline would have transported was going to go to China.
Have a nice day
and from what I see I believe he is one of the MAGAS that think Biden shut down a oil pipeline that was actually transporting oil when he took office.
They have been saying for years now Biden shut down the Keystone pipeline, fact is the Keystone pipeline has NEVER been shut down by the Government , it has ONLY been shut down because of leaks and maintenance,
it was the Keystone XL pipeline that was shut down and it was ONLY 8% complete and IF it would have been completed it would just about be ready to transport oil.
and it would have transported TAR SAND oil , a type of oil we do NOT use in the US for gas here, Tar sand oil is used in plastic and most of what the XL pipeline would have transported was going to go to China.
Have a nice day
The KXL pipeline would increase the price per barrel of shale oil because it would divert the flow of the oil to the Gulf where it can be sold globally for a higher price than it currently does in the US PADD II region.
The topic is JD Vance and how terrible, weird, and fascist his Conservative politics are, not Conservative Coward Time to pretend a thread is about something other than the subject of it.

JD Vance is Weird?

Is that because he didn't order tampons in all boy bathrooms in public schools then way Tampon Tim Walz did?


You Marxists are fucking retards. I mean that will all due respect.
JD Vance is Weird?

Yeah, he lied about being from Appalachia and he fucked a couch.

He also has weird beliefs like adults without children are second class citizens, and how children's genitals should be inspected by "medical professionals" (re: NOT DOCTORS) before they use a bathroom or play basketball.
This is why you lost in 2020, and why you will lose this year too.

You absolutely refuse to admit your judgment is shit.

Comrade, didn't 30% MORE Americans die from the Wuhan Designer Virus® under the Harris/Biden Regime than under the last legitimate President? Even though they had the so-called vaccine?

Talk about shit judgement.
s that because he didn't order tampons in all boy bathrooms in public schools then way Tampon Tim Walz did?

It's weird that Vance calls Walz a San Francisco liberal even though Walz visited SF for the first time this year, while Mr. JD Vance literally lived and worked in San Francisco for four years.

Weird. Just weird.