Trump’s VP pick is a naked authoritarian

Did you look at your link? Beginning in 2021, the deaths switched from the Blue States to the Red Ones as Blue States flattened their curve.

Lying isn't going to help you.

{But by January 2022, as we showed in an analysis posted on the Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker, about 4 in 10 deaths were vaccinated or boosted. By April 2022, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data show that about 6 in 10 adults dying of COVID-19 were vaccinated or boosted, and that’s remained true through at least August 2022 (the most recent month of data).}

You really are a pile of shit - you lie about everything - even when you just got nailed on the same lies.
Trump brought the price of gasoline down below $2.00. I can't wait for him to do it again.

Trump single-handedly brought gasoline under $2.00/gallon as part of his pledge to make America great again.

Have a gleeful day.
OH so Trump runs Saudi Arabia ?
if not seeing it was their oil price war with Russia that drove the price of oil down how did he do it?
Have a nice day
Did you look at your link? Beginning in 2021, the deaths switched from the Blue States to the Red Ones as Blue States flattened their curve.
I doubt Sybil looked at anything very long.

Notice too that most of the posts here are Sybil's Socks; Uncensored and IBDa
well IF NOBODY DIED from COVID just what the hell did they die from, the common cold?
Here's something novel, try checking the death certificate.

Tell that to the families of the millions and millions of people that watched their loved ones die from it.
Nobody died from it. Go tell that to the person who told you to believe that millions and millions died from it.

Have a delicious day
You're here saying the 2020 election was stolen because you were told that by Trump.
Yep, I watched it happen.
Uh-oh! Now the Cray-Cray comes out.

Trump eliminates costly regulation.
wake up asshole .
IT WAS the Saudi oil price war.
remember they drove the price of oil down to almost nothing and they drove the futures market into the negative ,
just cutting back on regulations would NOT have dropped it as much as the oil price war would have.
Have a nice day
Here's something novel, try checking the death certificate.

Nobody died from it. Go tell that to the person who told you to believe that millions and millions died from it.

Have a delicious day
I see YOU know more then the US government knows.
2020. COVID-19 was the 3rd leading cause of death in 2020, with nearly 150,000
you might want to let the US government know they are wrong.
have a nice day
Have a nice day.

Thank you.
well I sure the hell wouldn't want to argue with somebody that knows more then the US government OR most of the rest of the Governments around the world.
Heck YOU HAVE GOT to be the SMARTEST person in all the world
Have a nice day asshole
Here's something novel, try checking the death certificate.

Nobody died from it. Go tell that to the person who told you to believe that millions and millions died from it.

Have a delicious day
So long as you continue this weird obsession with retconning your horrible response to COVID, Conservatives will never win another election ever again.