Trump’s VP pick is a naked authoritarian

You Marxists are fucking retards. I mean that will all due respect.

You're the ones whose policies always fail.

There has never been a Conservative policy they came up with on their own that has made this country an objectively better place.

I've asked for an example for over a year now and none of you clowns have been able to come up with anything.

The reason is because Conservatives are fucking stupid. That's why their policies keep failing. That's why they keep losing elections.
Yeah, he lied about being from Appalachia and he fucked a couch.

Both claims are outright lies.

But that's what you Marxists do - lie.

He also has weird beliefs like adults without children are second class citizens,

More lies.

You are pathetic. But I think you're pretty typical for democrat scum.

and how children's genitals should be inspected by "medical professionals" (re: NOT DOCTORS) before they use a bathroom or play basketball.

More lies.

Let's talk about something that is actually true - why did Walz order tampons be put in BOYS restrooms in public schools? Where does the old pervert think boys will put them?
Comrade, didn't 30% MORE Americans die from the Wuhan Designer Virus® under the Harris/Biden Regime than under the last legitimate President? Even though they had the so-called vaccine?

Most of the people who died of COVID after Biden was inaugurated were Conservative Christian Republicans in red states who refused to get vaccinated or wear a mask.

Those excess Republican deaths are the reason AZ has a Democratic Governor, Attorney General, and Secretary of State.

That's an example of you blowing things for Conservatives by not literally AND figurative keeping your dumb, fat, stupid mouth shut.
Easy. Nobody died from COVID.

You really are a true genius, and not at all gullible.

Have a most wonderful day.
well IF NOBODY DIED from COVID just what the hell did they die from, the common cold?
Tell that to the families of the millions and millions of people that watched their loved ones die from it.
Have a nice day
ou are pathetic. But I think you're pretty typical for democrat scum.

That's what he said. Like you, he's unable to keep his big, fat, stupid fucking mouth shut.

Every time he opens it, it causes more problems for him....problems you end up toiling and eventually blaming on someone else...because you're a piece of shit that has no true convictions or beliefs.
It's weird that Vance calls Walz a San Francisco liberal even though Walz visited SF for the first time this year, while Mr. JD Vance literally lived and worked in San Francisco for four years.

Weird. Just weird.

Goddamn but you're fucking stupid.

Are you a Desh sock or something? Seriously, you must have an IQ in the low 40's.

No, Vance did not call "Walz a San Francisco liberal," that was Harris, ya fucking retard. Walz is the Minnesota Maoist.

Now Cowardly Kamala is too scared to debate Trump - for obvious reasons. But what about Tampon Timmy? Will he debate Vance? I'd love to see it.

It would go something like this...

No, Vance did not call "Walz a San Francisco liberal," that was Harris, ya fucking retard. Walz is the Minnesota Maoist

Yes he did. The day Walz was announced.

Even calling Kamala Harris a SF liberal after he spent four years being a liberal in SF is projection at this point.

Kamala Harris hasn't been in SF for decades. She was in Sacramento and Washington DC while Vance was palling around with tech billionaires
Now Cowardly Kamala is too scared to debate Trump - for obvious reasons. But what about Tampon Timmy? Will he debate Vance? I'd love to see it.

Trump is the one who backed out of the scheduled debate and then unilaterally tried to schedule a new one in his Safe Space.

Because like you, he's also a cowardly bitch who doesn't do what he promises.
Most of the people who died of COVID after Biden was inaugurated were Conservative Christian Republicans in red states who refused to get vaccinated or wear a mask.

Nope, not even close to true.

You just make shit up. It's because you have no integrity. democrats are the scum of the earth.

Those excess Republican deaths are the reason AZ has a Democratic Governor, Attorney General, and Secretary of State.

You're what's known as a "fucking liar."

Notice how what you claim is the opposite of established fact, but you think you can deceive people if you repeat long debunked lies?

It makes you a really bad person. But as noted, democrats are the scum of the earth.

That's an example of you blowing things for Conservatives by not literally AND figurative keeping your dumb, fat, stupid mouth shut.

Again, you lying isn't very convincing.

Notice how I back up what I post with links and facts? Notice that you never do? You just blabber what you think someone said on MSNBC - but you don't care - you'll say anything to promote your party or slander the Americans - because you're a pile of shit.
Yes he did. The day Walz was announced.

Even calling Kamala Harris a SF liberal after he spent four years being a liberal in SF is projection at this point.

Kamala Harris hasn't been in SF for decades. She was in Sacramento and Washington DC while Vance was palling around with tech billionaires


You really are mentally retarded.

Even the above says he called HARRIS a SF Liberal - which she is. Are you too stupid to grasp that you exposed your own lie? Or do you think you can change reality by changing names in this post.

To recap, you blatantly lied when you said {It's weird that Vance calls Walz a San Francisco liberal even though Walz visited SF for the first time this year,} and then prove your own post to be a lie with the above..

You truly are stupid - no wonder you're a Communist.
Trump is the one who backed out of the scheduled debate

That's another fucking lie. Trump never had a Scheduled debate with Harris - and Harris is too much of a coward to debate Trump.

I don't blame her, the last democrat to debate Trump was thrashed so badly he had to drop out.