Trump’s VP pick is a naked authoritarian

The odds are certainly good.
Yes, that you will lose.

Personally, I think it's gonna be a landslide. I think Trump is going to lose every state he lost in 2020 by more + North Carolina.

I also think Florida and Texas are going to be very close too. They are the swing states in this election. Trump lost AZ when Democrats won there in 2022. Trump has no shot in any of the states that he lost in 2020. Every one of those states has trended Blue since. Michigan, for example.
You're what's known as a "fucking liar."

Notice how what you claim is the opposite of established fact, but you think you can deceive people if you repeat long debunked lies?

It makes you a really bad person. But as noted, democrats are the scum of the earth.

Ummm...that's what you're doing on this thread, pal. Not me.

You're the one claiming the opposite of established fact: 2020 election results, COVID death count, Tax Cut-fueled recession, 30M jobs lost.

You haven't debunked anything on JPP of've just ranted, raved, repeated, and you also avoided scrutiny of Conservative policy.

There has never been a Conservative policy that they did on their own, that has made this country an objectively better place.
otice how I back up what I post with links and facts? Notice that you never do? You just blabber what you think someone said on MSNBC - but you don't care - you'll say anything to promote your party or slander the Americans - because you're a pile of shit.
You've only posted one link in this thread, and you didn't even fully read it.
Until Kamala Harris says that she never held down a 6 year old boy for Hunter to rape, she held down a 6 year old boy for Hunter to rape.

You're desperate. The couchfucking must really be working because look at how deficient this response is.

It's like you have no answer for it because even you think he might have fucked a couch.

The problem is that the story is out there and Vance has done nothing to dispel it.

He can never be photographed on or near a couch ever again.

You really are mentally retarded.

Even the above says he called HARRIS a SF Liberal - which she is. Are you too stupid to grasp that you exposed your own lie? Or do you think you can change reality by changing names in this post.

To recap, you blatantly lied when you said {It's weird that Vance calls Walz a San Francisco liberal even though Walz visited SF for the first time this year,} and then prove your own post to be a lie with the above..

You truly are stupid - no wonder you're a Communist.
JD Vance is a phony baloney who eagerly lived in San Francisco for many years, embracing liberal policies and California's liberal economy.

Now he's trying to say that embracing liberal policies and a successful economy is something he's opposed to, so it's all just really fuckin' weird.
Who is doing my thinking for me?

MSNBC and CNN program you.

The party bosses in DC and New York do the actual thinking that your programming is based on.

The problem is that you're stupid - REALLY stupid, so you don't even accurately bleat what the hate sources tell you to bleat.
Ummm...that's what you're doing on this thread, pal. Not me.

You're the one claiming the opposite of established fact: 2020 election results, COVID death count, Tax Cut-fueled recession, 30M jobs lost.

You haven't debunked anything on JPP of've just ranted, raved, repeated, and you also avoided scrutiny of Conservative policy.

There has never been a Conservative policy that they did on their own, that has made this country an objectively better place.

You're too stupid to bother with.

Stick to what I say. If you want to debate what others post, debate it with them.
The problem is that you're stupid - REALLY stupid, so you don't even accurately bleat what the hate sources tell you to bleat.

What's hilarious about this whole thing is that Fox News reported that Trump plunged us into a recession in February 2020, before a single lockdown was ordered.

No, he agreed to a Presidential Debate..

The bring out the desiccated old pervert Biden

.who he's debating doesn't matter.



You get dumber by the minute.

He's obviously scared of Harris, which is why he ran to his Safe Space (Fox News).

Why does Cowardly Kamala run from the debate?

Trump went into the lefts den of CNN and took Quid Pro apart. Is Cowardly Kamala afraid that if their aren't moderators debating for her that she can't hold her own?