Trump’s VP pick is a naked authoritarian

All I asked was why you didn't go to DC on 1/6 despite screaming at the top of your lungs that the election was stolen?

You've never accounted for that day, and every time it gets brought up, you dodge and cower.

You're rambling with no connection to the thread.

I get it, you're far too stupid to debate the topic so you try and rattle off random talking points from the hate sites.
No, you're just overmatched because you're a little bitch.

You are the perfect mascot for Conservatism...cowardice and failure.


In all seriousness, you truly are about the dumbest person I've encountered on any message board over the last 30 years.
Trump went into the lefts den of CNN and took Quid Pro apart. Is Cowardly Kamala afraid that if their aren't moderators debating for her that she can't hold her own?

Trump lied more than 30 times during that debate, and since then, he's become more and more senile.

Trump is too old. He should get out of the race because his faculties aren't there.
You're rambling with no connection to the thread.

I get it, you're far too stupid to debate the topic so you try and rattle off random talking points from the hate sites.
Look! Even now you're dodging and cowering because you know that the truth is you don't actually believe the 2020 election was stolen.

You were just saying it was because you're a sore loser.

You obviously believed it was legitimate because you didn't do anything about it.

So you ran your big, fat, fucking mouth again...and now you're being scrutinized for it and are forced to defend yourself. But you're not really doing a good job there either.
In all seriousness, you truly are about the dumbest person I've encountered on any message board over the last 30 years.

You are the biggest fucking liar I've ever encountered on any message board.

And you're a total pussy too...saying the election was stolen and then hiding out in your JPP safe space when the time came to do something about it.
What's hilarious about this whole thing is that Fox News reported that Trump plunged us into a recession in February 2020, before a single lockdown was ordered.

Funny and true, but MAGAts and other psychos go by "alternative facts". They claim the real recession and lockdowns were all Brandon's fault.

BTW, how many MAGAts are now stuck with "Let's Go Brandon!" t-shirts, hats and flags they'd bought for the election?

What are the odds that some dumbass MAGAt like Sybil has a roomful of "Let's Go Brandon!" merch where they were going to make a killing at a Trump rally near their home?

well I sure the hell wouldn't want to argue with somebody that knows more then the US government OR most of the rest of the Governments around the world.
... but you sure as hell will convince yourself that you somehow speak for the US government and for the rest of the governments around the world.

Heck YOU HAVE GOT to be the SMARTEST person in all the world
At least you are finally coming to your senses.

Have a nice day asshole
Have a wonderful day, you governments of the world, you.
Harris has no scheduled debates - she's too much of a coward to face Trump.
Kamooooooolah is too much of a coward to face either Trump or Vance. Remember that she EVADED both.

This is the debate that Kamala needs:

Moderator: Mr. Trump, why did you order your hypnotized followers to violently attack all humans in the DC capitol area like mindless zombies?

Moderator: Kamala, you look fabulous tonight. Who does your hair?

Moderator: Mr. Trump, our fact checkers show that while you were President, you tried to expel millions of Muslims from the US, and would have succeeded if Kamala Harris hadn't put a stop to it. Why do you HATE Muslims so much?

Moderator: Kamala, I was so impressed with your dancing in your public appearances. Would you give the viewing audience a sample of some of your moves?

Etc ...