Trump’s VP pick is a naked authoritarian

No idiot - she ran and hid in her basement when Trump offered a debate.

Yes, she did.

The next Presidential debate isn't the one Trump tried to unilaterally schedule in his safe space because he's a fucking pussy like you.

So just like Trump, you can only exist in safe spaces like Fox News and JPP. The minute you step out of them, you become a screeching, disingenuous mess. You don't believe a single fucking thing you post here. You're just doing it because you're pathetic and this is the only way you get human engagement.
You're a fucking pussy who screeched about a stolen election for two months but then hid out in your JPP safe space when the time came to do something about what you were alleging.

But you and I both know that you don't believe the 2020 election was really stolen...that's why you hid out on JPP on 1/6, isn't it? Because you didn't want to face accountability for the stupidest lie ever told by the stupidest person to ever tell it.


Back up your claim?

Show where I "screeched about a stolen election for two months"?

You truly are the dumbest creature I've ever encountered on a message board.

You have to be a Truthmatters/Evince sock.
Yes, she did.

Correct, she ran and hid in the basement.

The next Presidential debate isn't the one Trump tried to unilaterally schedule in his safe space because he's a fucking pussy like you.

It's the only one.

So just like Trump, you can only exist in safe spaces like Fox News and JPP. The minute you step out of them, you become a screeching, disingenuous mess. You don't believe a single fucking thing you post here. You're just doing it because you're pathetic and this is the only way you get human engagement.

Cowardly Kamala is too scared to debate Trump - as she should be.

And now that she has Tampon Timmy, the Stolen Valor Simp tied around her neck like an albatross, she REALLY doesn't want to be exposed to the public.

Back up your claim?

Show where I "screeched about a stolen election for two months"?

You truly are the dumbest creature I've ever encountered on a message board.

You have to be a Truthmatters/Evince sock.

You continue to screech that the 2020 election was stolen. YOU SAID SO ON THIS THREAD.

So why weren't you in DC on 1/6? If you're saying the 2020 election was stolen, what's your excuse for not doing anything about that?

Also, it's very convenient for you that we CAN'T go back to Nov 2020-Jan 2021 because of what happened to JPP earlier this year, where most posts older than a couple years have been lost.

YOU SAID ON THIS THREAD you "watched it happen", meaning the theft of the 2020 election. You watched it happen in 2020, which means you were talking about it in 2020 because you never know when to shut the fuck up.
You're a fucking pussy who screeched about a stolen election for two months but then hid out in your JPP safe space when the time came to do something about what you were alleging.

But you and I both know that you don't believe the 2020 election was really stolen...that's why you hid out on JPP on 1/6, isn't it? Because you didn't want to face accountability for the stupidest lie ever told by the stupidest person to ever tell it.
While I'm not positive like Sybil's other three socks, Uncensored has the same ideas, word limitations, behavior and mental instability as Sybil.
My guess is that he is Sybil, but I admit there could be two paranoid schizos on the same forum. :)
It's the only one.

No it isn't! LOL. Trump doesn't want to debate Harris because he knows he'll lose and she'll probably make him cry like a bitch because all Conservative end up crying like bitches the minute any of their stupid beliefs are held to scrutiny.

Like you on this thread.
Cowardly Kamala is too scared to debate Trump - as she should be.
Trump is the one who backed out of the scheduled debate for no good reason, and is now trying to set a new debate in his safe space because he's a fucking pussy, just like you.

That's probably why you like Trump so have lots in common. You're both cowards and liars who don't believe any of the shit that comes outta those big, fat, stupid fucking mouths of yours.
I see you don't know how to read.

Kamala Harris is scheduled to debate Trump. Trump is scared of her, which is why he's trying to unilaterally set a debate in his safe space because he's a gigantic fucking pussy, just like you.
Sybil is blinded by all the shit in his eyes.

Agreed Trump fears getting his ass kicked on a global stage by an intelligent, educated and strong black woman. It's his worst nightmare.

"Donald's worst nightmare's is coming true—the old, white, racist is being beaten by a young, strong Black woman," Mary Trump wrote. "Not surprisingly, he isn't taking it well ... J.D. Vance, his new running mate, has become a national punchline. The positive buzz around Harris' pick for vice president will only increase tomorrow when she makes the official announcement."
And now that she has Tampon Timmy, the Stolen Valor Simp tied around her neck like an albatross, she REALLY doesn't want to be exposed to the public.

LOL. Swift Boating isn't gonna work in this election, not when the top of the Republican ticket is a fucking draft dodger who called US soldiers "suckers and losers". And the other guy on the ticket exaggerated his military service which was him writing press releases in air conditioned offices.
No it isn't! LOL. Trump doesn't want to debate Harris because he knows he'll lose and she'll probably make him cry like a bitch because all Conservative end up crying like bitches the minute any of their stupid beliefs are held to scrutiny.

Like you on this thread.
Sept 4, 2024. I hope you will watch.
Fox and Trump do not play well together. Baer and McCallum have openly criticized Trump which led to the split.
George Stephnologioliiopis is quite possibly the most biased performer on any of the three major networks. Fuck all three of them.
I prefer a Town Hall format where RANDOM questions are brought forth by actual, (not hand picked) people.
I have no bitch with the format that Brandon demanded, no audience, cut the mikes, let the candidates talk one at a time.
FOX will do a good job. Let all of us actually see and hear Heels Up Harris and Trump answer an actual policy question.

I am sure Heels Up Harris will show. Really bad optics if she runs.

You continue to screech that the 2020 election was stolen. YOU SAID SO ON THIS THREAD.

So why weren't you in DC on 1/6? If you're saying the 2020 election was stolen, what's your excuse for not doing anything about that?

Also, it's very convenient for you that we CAN'T go back to Nov 2020-Jan 2021 because of what happened to JPP earlier this year, where most posts older than a couple years have been lost.

YOU SAID ON THIS THREAD you "watched it happen", meaning the theft of the 2020 election. You watched it happen in 2020, which means you were talking about it in 2020 because you never know when to shut the fuck up.

So you can't back your lie up, pathetic cum stain.

Hey, as dumb as you are, you could be commander douche duck! Even dumber than @evince - who I think is back in jail again.
Sept 4, 2024. I hope you will watch.

Trump is a coward like you, another asshole who claimed a stolen election happened but then hid out on JPP the day something could have been done about it.

Trump is a coward and a liar, and he can only exist in safe spaces like Fox News because the minute he steps out of it, suddenly all his policies failed and all his beliefs are stupid and unpopular.

And you know what else? Trump would find an excuse to back out of the one debate he tried to unilaterally schedule.

And while we're on that subject, why did he only want one debate? Why not 2 or 3 or even 4? Surely he believes he will win, so why is he limiting it to just one?
Trump is a coward like you, another asshole who claimed a stolen election happened but then hid out on JPP the day something could have been done about it.

Trump is a coward and a liar, and he can only exist in safe spaces like Fox News because the minute he steps out of it, suddenly all his policies failed and all his beliefs are stupid and unpopular.

And you know what else? Trump would find an excuse to back out of the one debate he tried to unilaterally schedule.

And while we're on that subject, why did he only want one debate? Why not 2 or 3 or even 4? Surely he believes he will win, so why is he limiting it to just one?
Sorry to disappoint you but I was not on board here on J6 but I admire your continuing to make false accusations in the hope anyone will listen and believe your tripe.

Let's get Heels Up out there and give a listen to all her wisdom and policies.
BTW, how did Trump do in the NOT FOX debate with Brandon?
Hey, as dumb as you are, you could be commander douche duck! Even dumber than @evince - who I think is back in jail again.
You're a fucking pussy and you know it.

You don't believe anything you say here.

You're just insecure and a liar.

And you're going to lose again this year, just like you have for the last 7 years, because you learned nothing and you just can't seem to control that big, fat, stupid fucking mouth of yours.