Trump’s VP pick is a naked authoritarian

Don't forget to add FTFY or some such (I added it for you on this post). Folks should not have to figure out that you changed things, it should be apparent in order for rule 16 to work.
What is FTFY and what did I change that wasn't totally obvious?
It is "fixed that for you" and it is self-explanatory.
You like to leave cryptic messages and assume that everyone knows what you mean.

I don't understand your original comment, and my assumption is that you don't want me to understand because you could have written a few words to explain in your original post what you were talking about, and you could have written a few words when I asked you directly.

So either you are saying "nevermind" or you simply had my post confused with another.

Have a great day.
You like to leave cryptic messages and assume that everyone knows what you mean.

I don't understand your original comment, and my assumption is that you don't want me to understand because you could have written a few words to explain in your original post what you were talking about, and you could have written a few words when I asked you directly.

So either you are saying "nevermind" or you simply had my post confused with another.

Have a great day.
@Damocles made the mistake of assuming you are sane, intelligent and educated enough to understand basic English. He should have simply spanked you like a miscreant 6-year-old and left it at that.
Dear Dachsieweenie,

I will tell the girls "Hi" from their Australian friend without mentioning that you're a dawg. They are sensitive and greetings from a dawg might seem a little too much like the wolf saying "Hi" to the lambs, if you know what I mean.

:loveu: Meow! :loveu:

P.S. My opinion is that it would be hard for a wealthy person, i.e. trump, to understand the life and struggles of the middle-class (or the poor,) anymore than I could understand what it's like to own an airplane or a Birkin bag. At least JD actually had that experience.
Dear ChristieFANNY

My Dachshund (Mr Peanut) is a very sweet and gentle thing, who gives lots of little kisses ( just like me :) !) he would never hurt a fly, let alone a kitty-cat.

Yes, Trump was born into a wealthy family (his dad, Fred, was a successful businessman), but, Donald T worked very hard and struggled and strived all of his adult life (before entering politics) in some super - tough and "cut-throat" working environments- like "horse-trading" in the $ multi-Billion, Real Estate market (known as the "Shark Pool" because the competition is so savage and potentially lethal). Trump also worked as a property developer in Manhattan (e.g. "Trump Tower" and many other old properties he restored). So,Trump was always working flat-out and pretty much non-stop trying to make the best of himself. I mean, for example, he managed to get "The Apprentice" to the number 1 spot on the US television ratings - can you imagine how hard it would be, ChristieFANNY, to get your own TV show to the number 1 spot in AMERICA !!??

Maybe Trump didn't have hardships related to economic poverty, but I think his life was still pretty tough and he faced plenty of hardships. I mean in the sense in that he always strived with 100% of his energy to succeed, and he was prepared to work around the clock to truly WORTHWHILE things - and not just for himself - but for other people as well. For example,he did a lot of really first-rate renovation of old buildings in NYC that looked awesome when they were finished; and lots of people enjoy having them around as they make for a more beautiful, urban environment. Also, lots of Americans really loved watching "The Apprentice", a lot of people got heaps of laughs and general enjoyment out of it, and that's a good thing. Right ChristieFANNY ?

Lots of Love

From DD - Your Virtual Boy Friend !!


Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
What day are you referring to? I told you that I was not on this forum on j6, 2021 BTW, neither were you so your question is idiotic.


You "joined" the forum literally 5 days after 1/6. That's because you were using a sock before, right? You were running your mouth under a different ID and once 1/6 turned into what everyone expected it to turn into, suddenly this new ID appears that is very clearly an attempt to reset.

We are expected to believe you just happened to stumble onto JPP 5 days after the insurrection, huh?
Trump is a coward who has given dozens and dozens of rallies both inside and outside,

Low energy, rambles, crowd leaves halfway through, uses stolen music.

The bar is so low it's lying on the floor.

And Trump's been hiding out in Mar-a-Lardo for like the last week because Joe Rogan said he wasn't going to vote for him.

Trump had the guts to be interviewed by the National Association of Black Journalists a week ago,

Except that his handlers pulled him from that 60-minute interview after only a half hour because he kept putting his foot in his mouth.
he survived an attempted assassination

Did he?

Because I've not seen any real medical report.

Two days after the supposed assassination his ear looked perfectly fine. Nothing wrong with it.

And George Wallace also survived an assassination attempt, that's not something to brag about.
he voiced his policies

No he didn't!

His policies all failed. All of them. Every single one. Not a single policy success to speak of.

His tax cut caused a recession.

His COVID response cost 30M jobs.

He called Nazis "very fine people".

His tariffs ended up costing US taxpayers $30B that will never be paid back.

His Afghanistan deal with the Taliban (that he wanted to do at Camp David on 9/11) released 5,000 of the worst prisoners who proceeded to take over the country because Trump let them.

He never surpassed Obama's best GDP growth.

Murder rates increased during Trump's term.
What does sound like a coward is someone who, since she was anointed, has not been asked one question about her policies if she became president.
Going up on stage and lying your ass off is not confronting a critical media.

We are supposed to give Trump credit for making an ass of himself and getting pulled offstage halfway through?

The bar is so low it's lying on the floor.
hat does sound like a coward is someone who, since she was anointed, has not been asked one question about her policies if she became president.

Trump did not answer a single question about his policies. Not one. The reason is because all his policies failed. All of them.
Dear ChristieFANNY

My Dachshund (Mr Peanut) is a very sweet and gentle thing, who gives lots of little kisses ( just like me :) !) he would never hurt a fly, let alone a kitty-cat.

Yes, Trump was born into a wealthy family (his dad, Fred, was a successful businessman), but, Donald T worked very hard and struggled and strived all of his adult life (before entering politics) in some super - tough and "cut-throat" working environments- like "horse-trading" in the $ multi-Billion, Real Estate market (known as the "Shark Pool" because the competition is so savage and potentially lethal). Trump also worked as a property developer in Manhattan (e.g. "Trump Tower" and many other old properties he restored). So,Trump was always working flat-out and pretty much non-stop trying to make the best of himself. I mean, for example, he managed to get "The Apprentice" to the number 1 spot on the US television ratings - can you imagine how hard it would be, ChristieFANNY, to get your own TV show to the number 1 spot in AMERICA !!??

Maybe Trump didn't have hardships related to economic poverty, but I think his life was still pretty tough and he faced plenty of hardships. I mean in the sense in that he always strived with 100% of his energy to succeed, and he was prepared to work around the clock to truly WORTHWHILE things - and not just for himself - but for other people as well. For example,he did a lot of really first-rate renovation of old buildings in NYC that looked awesome when they were finished; and lots of people enjoy having them around as they make for a more beautiful, urban environment. Also, lots of Americans really loved watching "The Apprentice", a lot of people got heaps of laughs and general enjoyment out of it, and that's a good thing. Right ChristieFANNY ?

Lots of Love

From DD - Your Virtual Boy Friend !!


Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
Trump never worked hard. He was a playboy who chased girls. Trump was not respected in construction or society because he is such a shallow person. When he decided to enter politics, he had to fire all the illegals he had working for him.
The Apprentice came along when he was in one of his bankruptcies. It saved him. Since it was on TV, many people have believed that Trump was a successful industrialist.
Many of the people living in Trump apartments have gathered to take Trump's name down.
Trump spent a decade palling around with Epstein. He has never grown up and feels entitled.