Trump’s VP pick is a naked authoritarian

Idiot, there is a was your sock.

Why do Conservatives have such trouble with things like this? Because every Conservative is the dumbest fucking idiot you will ever meet until the next one.

I have no sock, you drooling retard.

You lied - got busted - then tried to link to someone else?

What a pile of shit you are. No wonder you're a Communist.
I have already covered DNC election stealing ad nauseum. My hope is that this election will be different.

It is only a hope.

After 1 billion people watching Trump last night - it will be pretty damn hard for the Commies to convince anyone that they legitimately won an election against Trump.
Marxists are always on about the popular vote which is not a race in the US. You should learn how the US government works.
Even you know Trump lost the 2020 election which was why you hid like a coward on the one day something could have been done about it.
Trump never ran for the Senate, i.e. it was never his to lose. You should learn the difference between the different branches of government.
Trump made the 2021 Georgia Senate runoff elections about himself and that's why the Republicans lost both of them.
Nope. The DNC stole many elections; they are very good at it.
No, Trump couldn't keep his fat, stupid mouth shut and neither could you, and that's why there was no red wave in the midterms.

All of your losses from the last 7 years have been your fault. You blew those elections because you have nothing to campaign on since every single one of your policies failed.

Every. Single. One.

There has never been a Conservative policy, that they did on their own, that has made this country an objectively better place.

Never. Not once. Not ever.

As Republican House member Chip Roy said, the Republicans don't have a single meaningful accomplishment they can campaign on
Trump made the 2018 midterms about himself, and that's why the Republicans lost.
Agreed, but more specifically, the Republicans lost the 2018 Midterms because Trump targeted all Republicans who disagree with him and they lost their elections. That act cost the Republicans the House.
No, Trump couldn't keep his fat, stupid mouth shut and neither could you, and that's why there was no red wave in the midterms.
DNC Election stealing certainly has that effect.

All of your losses from the last 7 years have been your fault.
I'll take the hit for that.

You blew those elections because you have nothing to campaign on since every single one of your policies failed.
I was never elected.
Who do you think my sock is?
He doesn't think you're a sock. He knows that referring to you as a sock will get under your skin. By confirming that it bothers you, he will continue to do so.

I think you could be Evince - you're stupid enough to be...
He's LV426. He's irrationally bonkers, but his only purpose is to get under your skin. If you'd like, you can just ignore him and I'll handle him.
Trump made the 2022 midterms about himself,
That's typically how all endorsements begin, i.e. establish the authority of the endorser, then the endorser endorses, followed by the DNC stealing the election.

and that's why Republicans lost all those state legislatures.
Exactly. Step 1: Endorser Authority, Step 2: Endorse A Candidate, Step 3: DNC Steals the Election.
He doesn't think you're a sock. He knows that referring to you as a sock will get under your skin. By confirming that it bothers you, he will continue to do so.

He's LV426. He's irrationally bonkers, but his only purpose is to get under your skin. If you'd like, you can just ignore him and I'll handle him.

Nah, I enjoy kicking him in the teeth occasionally.