Trump’s VP pick is a naked authoritarian

Let's get Heels Up out there and give a listen to all her wisdom and policies.
BTW, how did Trump do in the NOT FOX debate with Brandon?
Hold on a second, because we need to finish the thought you had about some ambiguous accusations I made.

What accusations did I make? That you hid out on JPP on 1/6? OK then. Does that mean you don't believe the 2020 election was stolen?
What accusation am I making? Do you or do you not believe the 2020 election was stolen?
We have no proof that it was.
Trump is a coward like you, another asshole who claimed a stolen election happened but then hid out on JPP the day something could have been done about it.
What day are you referring to? I told you that I was not on this forum on j6, 2021 BTW, neither were you so your question is idiotic.

Trump is a coward and a liar, and he can only exist in safe spaces like Fox News because the minute he steps out of it, suddenly all his policies failed and all his beliefs are stupid and unpopular.

Trump is a coward who has given dozens and dozens of rallies both inside and outside, Unlike Heels Up Harris, Trump had the guts to be interviewed by the National Association of Black Journalists a week ago, he survived an attempted assassination, he voiced his policies for all to hear that doesn't sound like a coward. What does sound like a coward is someone who, since she was anointed, has not been asked one question about her policies if she became president.
And you know what else? Trump would find an excuse to back out of the one debate he tried to unilaterally schedule.
Can you prove that?
And while we're on that subject, why did he only want one debate? Why not 2 or 3 or even 4? Surely he believes he will win, so why is he limiting it to just one?

Can you prove that?
LOL. Swift Boating isn't gonna work in this election, not when the top of the Republican ticket is a fucking draft dodger who called US soldiers "suckers and losers". And the other guy on the ticket exaggerated his military service which was him writing press releases in air conditioned offices.
Agreed, but that doesn't stop these idiots from trying. Notice that their entire playbook is from the past. They are driving into the future at 90MPH while only looking in the rearview mirror. All MAGAts are fucking morons.
Trump won the election. The election was stolen, rendered null and void, and Biden was installed as the oligarchy's puppet.
I believe you are cray-cray enough to actually believe that's true, Sybil. That's why I feel sorry for you.
No idiot - she ran and hid in her basement when Trump offered a debate.
Well, Kamala tried to hide in her basement, but Biden was already there, thinking that it was his basement, ... and Biden told Kamala to go find her own basement in which to hide, except that he was talking to the invisible people to her left. Kamala just reassured Biden that now, since medicare has been defeated, basements referred to the floors below the main floors, and that working families had to go downstairs everytime they wanted to access the basement, and that they would all have to physically climb the stairs if they wanted to exit the basement.
What does sound like a coward is someone who, since she was anointed, has not been asked one question about her policies if she became president.
She has been asked. She doesn't provide any answers. This is precisely why she chickens out of all debates, i.e. she is stupid and was not cut out to clearly express ideas, much less debate anything.

She has been asked. She doesn't provide any answers. This is precisely why she chickens out of all debates, i.e. she is stupid and was not cut out to clearly express ideas, much less debate anything.

This moron has to be an embarrassment to all women.
Don't forget to add FTFY or some such (I added it for you on this post). Folks should not have to figure out that you changed things, it should be apparent in order for rule 16 to work.
I doubt Sybil responds much to admonishments. He's so far gone that he believes he controls the universe with his mind. :)
While I'm not positive like Sybil's other three socks, Uncensored has the same ideas, word limitations, behavior and mental instability as Sybil.
My guess is that he is Sybil, but I admit there could be two paranoid schizos on the same forum. :)
I can't explain it but when I click on "show ignored content" for IBdaMan, it says I was ignoring posts by him and Uncensored. When I click on "show ignored content" for ggfm7175, it says I was ignoring posts by him and IBdaMan. There's a lot of socks running around here.
BTW, how many MAGAts are now stuck with "Let's Go Brandon!" t-shirts, hats and flags they'd bought for the election?

What are the odds that some dumbass MAGAt like Sybil has a roomful of "Let's Go Brandon!" merch where they were going to make a killing at a Trump rally near their home?

It would be really funny if Democrats deliberately kept Biden in until the last minute to get Trump to waste resources on political consultants, advertising, and opposition research intended for a campaign against Biden

That would be textbook Sun Tzu!
I can't explain it but when I click on "show ignored content" for IBdaMan, it says I was ignoring posts by him and Uncensored. When I click on "show ignored content" for ggfm7175, it says I was ignoring posts by him and IBdaMan. There's a lot of socks running around here.
It's a puzzle, which is a lot of fun, no? :)

You have good intuition, Christie. Keep using it. :)
It would be really funny if Democrats deliberately kept Biden in until the last minute to get Trump to waste resources on political consultants, advertising, and opposition research intended for a campaign against Biden

That would be textbook Sun Tzu!
No doubt the conspiracy theorists will claim that's exactly what he did! LOL