Trump’s VP pick is a naked authoritarian

J.D. Vance was chosen by Donald Trump to be hid running mate for the November 2024 election. That means that JD and Trump see eye - to-eye on all of the big policy issues, But even more fundamentally TRUMP is a POPULIST politician - that means he makes his pitch, and directs his policy agenda efforts to the ORDINARY American - the average working class or struggling middle-class dudes.

JD Vance has much the same political worldview as TRUMP - he's tuned into the voice of "WE THE (REAL) PEOPLE."

Interestingly, America's last great POPULIST politician is also President TRUMP'S personal hero - Andrew Jackson. Jackson and Trump had some uncanny similarities. Jackson - who became the 7th President of the United States - had a flamboyant shock of orangey/red-coloured hair like Trump; he also very "down-to-Earth", no BS manner of speaking and a volatile temper ( just like TRUMP). Another spooky coincidence is that in January of 1835, then-President Jackson (aged 67 survived an assassination attempt. The would be assassin - a man named Lawrence - pulled a Derringer revolver to shot Jackson but the Derringer misfired and Jackson survived. Another trait the two shared is toughness (and courage). Jackson's nick-name was "Old Hickory" (because he was said to be as tough as Hickory wood). As for Trump, even his most vehement critics would have to concede that he is a remarkably tough and resilient character. Right ChristyFANNY ?

So,getting back to the point I wanted to make....You need to understand, ChristyFANNY, that the Democrats are no longer the Party of the working man in America (and haven't been for many decades). To the contrary, they are the Party that serves the selfish, greedy, wealthy, privileged elites of American society.

Lots of love from your devoted admirer (XOXOXOX), DD
(PS: Say "Hi" to "the Girls" for me !)

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
Dear Dachsieweenie,

I will tell the girls "Hi" from their Australian friend without mentioning that you're a dawg. They are sensitive and greetings from a dawg might seem a little too much like the wolf saying "Hi" to the lambs, if you know what I mean.

:loveu: Meow! :loveu:

P.S. My opinion is that it would be hard for a wealthy person, i.e. trump, to understand the life and struggles of the middle-class (or the poor,) anymore than I could understand what it's like to own an airplane or a Birkin bag. At least JD actually had that experience.
You are the biggest fucking liar I've ever encountered on any message board.

And you're a total pussy too...saying the election was stolen and then hiding out in your JPP safe space when the time came to do something about it.
I would do the thumbs up thing 5 or 6 times but they won't let me.
Have a nice day
... but you sure as hell will convince yourself that you somehow speak for the US government and for the rest of the governments around the world.

At least you are finally coming to your senses.

Have a wonderful day, you governments of the world, you.
what the FUCK are you trying to say???????????????
I am not the one saying that NOBODY DIED from COVID, YOU YES YOU said NOBODY DIED from COVID.
YOU did and seeing that almost EVERY government in the WORLD has come out and said there were MILLIONS of people that died from COVID AND I have also given you LINKS showing they did , YOU keep saying NOBODY DIED FROM COVID.
YES YOU are the one that thinks he knows SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much more then the US Government and every other government in the world knows .
NO , YOU need to WAKE UP and do just a LITTLE research and you will find the Doctors that have a LOT more education then YOU have say that there have been MILLIONS of people died from COVID
Have a nice day .
what the FUCK are you trying to say???????????????
Shouldn't you be drawing upon your English comprehension to simply read what I am saying?

I am not the one saying that NOBODY DIED from COVID,
Correct. You are the gullible, disinformed media zombie who has no understanding of biology, but who never turns down a good piece of fear-mongering hype.

Naive, undereducated people, such as you, are condemned to being manipulated via fear and hype throughout their lives. I have neither the time nor the inclination to teach you everything you need to know to break out of that existence.

That is correct. Let it sink in. Also, let it sink in that all you are going on is media hype that was aimed solely at toppling Trump, and that you were just one of the front line pawns.

Just remember that you have never seen a single death certificate with COVID on Line A of Part 1 whereas you can find countless examples of all other causes of death on that same line. As you continue to gibber, I will simply remind you of this.

YOU did and seeing that almost EVERY government in the WORLD has come out and said there were MILLIONS of people that died from COVID AND I have also given you LINKS showing they did
I fully attest to your gullibility. You should have remained awake in school.

All governments will fully leverage (read: "milk") all opportunities to power-grab all that they can. They will play along with every pandemic hoax and every Climate scam, just to seize power and extract more money from the people.

You're not aware of this, are you?

This will be my first reminder that you have never seen COVID on line A of Section 1 on any death certificate.

YES YOU are the one that thinks he knows SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much more then the US Government
You do not speak for the US government. I am not required to be gullible as you are, and I choose to not be.

and every other government in the world knows .
You don't speak for any government. You only speak for you. Yes, I do know SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much more than you do.

Have a great day. Check those death certificates.
Funny and true, but MAGAts and other psychos go by "alternative facts". They claim the real recession and lockdowns were all Brandon's fault.

BTW, how many MAGAts are now stuck with "Let's Go Brandon!" t-shirts, hats and flags they'd bought for the election?

What are the odds that some dumbass MAGAt like Sybil has a roomful of "Let's Go Brandon!" merch where they were going to make a killing at a Trump rally near their home?

It's a cult.
So long as you refuse to produce death certificates to support your ridiculous claim, it will be obvious that you cannot support your ridiculous claim.
Retconning COVID is not going to win you the 2024 fact, it's going to cost you just like it did in 2020 and 2022.
@An Orange Cat has only two brain cells, which are desperately fighting each other for third place....
You're a fucking pussy who screeched about a stolen election for two months but then hid out in your JPP safe space when the time came to do something about what you were alleging.

But you and I both know that you don't believe the 2020 election was really stolen...that's why you hid out on JPP on 1/6, isn't it? Because you didn't want to face accountability for the stupidest lie ever told by the stupidest person to ever tell it.