Trump's whole strategy: scare white people

...there really is no more BLM...
Do you ever tire of being wrong, lil' bro, or is it just everyone else tiring of it?

Yes, I get that white supremacists and wannabe "militia men" want to return back to the old days. Here's a clue, lil' brother; you can't turn back the clock. You'll always fail in the long run and only end up hurting yourself.

Our Mission

Black Lives Matter is working inside and outside of the system to heal the past, reimagine the present, and invest in the future of Black lives through policy change, investment in our communities, and a commitment to arts and culture.
Always. MAGAts are full of excuses.
Excuses For being LIARS AND backing up their ORANGE GOD.
It is lie after lie after lie with them, Just like with Trump, LIE, LIE, LIE.
Trump has got his MAGA followers trained well. ( well I guess IF you don't have an IQ over 30 as most MAGA don't it doesn't take much ).
They not only DON'T Listen to or read what TRUMP has said he wants to do but come out on here and say stupid Shit like HE never said that when people like me HAVE posted MANY links for them to read , OR he was just kidding, He didn't mean THAT.
how FUCKING STUPID do you have to be to NOT realize Trump has already come out and told them HE doesn't give a SHIT ABOUT THEM all he wants id their VOTE and their MONEY.
And on top of that Trump has come out and said HE IF reelected go after his political oppointtenctices
Being dumb in a debate is declaring a position, stating a conclusion but omitting the argument. Your specialty.
which position of mine have I not supported to your satisfaction?

I'm willing to do it right now if you can just formulate your question.

It's stupid to send all the jobs and production capacities out of the country, for many reasons.

we can get into it if anyone here wants to embarrass themselves by mentioning "comparative advantage" like a fucking imbecile.
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Being dumb in a debate is declaring a position, stating a conclusion but omitting the argument. Your specialty.
....and Trump's.

I've noticed that Team Trump has reversed course and, instead of downplaying Walz before the debate like they did with Harris, they are claiming Walz to be a very accomplished debater despite his lack of history in debates. I ❤️ Irony

Jason Miller, a senior adviser to Trump, portrayed Walz much differently than Klobuchar.

“Tim Walz is very good in debates, really good. He’s been a politician for nearly 20 years. He’ll be very well prepared for tomorrow night,” Miller told reporters Monday.