Trump's whole strategy: scare white people

I haven't gotten close to you. So I don't have to worry about what you spread.

Actually, I don't even use buses, so would never be in the Greyhound Station mens room to be offered your service. Further, I don't carry cash, so wouldn't even have a quarter to pay you...
More sick delusions. A mental fuck like trump.
I'm not lying. Look it up. What being on the same side as violent racists bothers you? Seems it hasn't before.


You are a complete dumbfuck - it's why you're a Commie pile of shit.

{Founded in 1865, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for Black Americans. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and Black Republican leaders. Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal—the reestablishment of white supremacy—fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s.}

I understand Douchey - you never made it to third grade and you're a pathological liar.

It's a shitty combination - and you're a shitty person.

You are a complete dumbfuck - it's why you're a Commie pile of shit.

{Founded in 1865, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for Black Americans. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and Black Republican leaders. Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal—the reestablishment of white supremacy—fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s.}

I understand Douchey - you never made it to third grade and you're a pathological liar.

It's a shitty combination - and you're a shitty person.
LOL asshole, nice try

Why Do White Supremacists Love Donald Trump? Ex-KKK Grand Wizard Explains​

“It takes chaos to deteriorate the empire,” Tom Metzger, one of America’s most notorious living white supremacists, tells TheWrap

LOL asshole, nice try

Why Do White Supremacists Love Donald Trump? Ex-KKK Grand Wizard Explains​

“It takes chaos to deteriorate the empire,” Tom Metzger, one of America’s most notorious living white supremacists, tells TheWrap

Oh look, the stupid fuck is posting Marxist hate sites - how very convincing.

{White nationalist Richard Spencer reiterated his support for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden Tuesday, days after a spokesman for the Biden campaign rejected Spencer's endorsement.}

{"Spencer is a collectivist, and he found that Trump is not. But Biden and the Democrats are collectivists," Rectenwald wrote.

Collectivism is a movement which prioritizes the needs and goals of an entire group rather than those of individuals. Right-wing collectivism, as demonstrated during the 2017 "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, is "fascism, or, in its German form national socialism, nazism," writes professor Deirdre McCloskey in the preface to Jeffrey Tucker's book "Right-Wing Collectivism: The Other Threat to Liberty."

Spencer responded to Rectenwald's tweet Tuesday morning, agreeing with him}

You're as stupid as you are dishonest.
Republicans are increasingly more likely than Democrats to hold prejudiced views of minorities, so Black Republicans like Sears often draw especially strong support from white Americans with otherwise anti-Black views simply because they draw most of their support from Republican voters.

A clear example of this was in the 2016 Republican presidential primary, when Ben Carson made a bid to become the GOP’s first African American presidential nominee. Support for Carson was positively correlated with the belief that Black Americans have too much influence on U.S. politics, according to data from Washington University in St. Louis’s American Panel Survey (TAPS) in late 2015:

...Spencer responded to Rectenwald's tweet Tuesday morning, agreeing with him}

You're as stupid as you are dishonest.
Spencer hates Trump for betraying all the white supremacists who supported him on 1/6. I'm surprised none of the neo-Nazis or militias have tried to attack TrumpCo in revenge. Sure, Trump is well protected, but his businesses and grown children are not.

Ergo, domestic white supremacist terrorists want revenge even if it means supporting Brandon.
I myself do not know a single White person who is scared. I do however know a ton who are quite pissed off. HUGE difference. ;)
Pissed off about what, exactly? Where do these people that you know live? What is their personal contact with ANY immigrant, legal or otherwise?

Trump's whole strategy: scare white people​

It's working, but Trump is slipping. Even the die-hard white supremacists know it and fear J.D. Vance is a sleeper Leftie.

How long before MAGAts start using whataboutism rather than address the obvious?
Vance is just a shameless climber. He'll hitch his wagon to any movement or ideology that he thinks will bring him a more influential position and money.
Trump is getting more of the Black and Hispanic vote also.
Not quite:

63. “I was doing very well with Black voters, and I still am. I seem to be doing very well with Black males. This is according to polls, as you know.

Trump was not doing “very well” with Black voters. Biden was not doing as well with Black voters as he did in 2020, according to most surveys, but that didn’t mean Black voters were moving heavily toward Trump. Many seemed more likely not to vote. There were signs that Trump was doing better with Black men, but there wasn’t much good evidence to support this in polling, considering most national polls have such high margins of error with voter groups. A typical national survey might have 1,000 voters and 100 or so Black voters, give or take. That’s typically a margin of error upward of +/- 10 percentage points, meaning results could be a whopping 10 points higher or lower.

64. “Extremely well with Hispanic.”

Like with Black voters, it’s difficult to tell in most national surveys exactly how well a candidate is doing with Latino voters because of high margins of error. “Extremely well” depends on how it’s defined, but this is an exaggeration.
You MUST be joking right? When it comes to racial division and hate NOBODY has divided this country like the left. It began very slowly back in the early to mid 80's. They were smart enuff to begin slowly lest it be squashed before it even got off the ground. Little by little PROGESSIVELY thru the years until we ended up right here where we are now. " nation against nation". YOU the left DID THIS and you did it as a way to win elections. I honestly cant think of anything more lowly or despicable.
How about some DETAILS, bunky? Some valid documentation to back up your vague generalizations and smoke blowing? We'll wait.
They learned this tactic at the universities in the mid to late 60's then went about the work of getting themselves elected and into politics. By the late 80's they finally had some numbers and lower level clout in the political world. Their power grew until here we are today with the decrepit old Nancy Pelosi's of the world in power at the head of the progressive machine. The old Heads of the left wing learned from the Alinsky's of the world who learned from the writings of Marx , Lenin and Trotsky who themselves learned from the original old divider and rebeller himself,...Satan.
:rolleyes: Man, do you LOVE to throw every type of BS against the wall when faced with the deplorable actions of your leaders. No matter how you wiggle and dance, you can't escape, excuse, deny or lie about the following:

Donald Trump’s Racism - 2018 list​
Why should white people be the only people to be embarrassed by their heritage? I don't see floppy naken black titties everywhere i go, do i?
What in the hell are you babbling about? The OP is about the fear mongering about illegal/legal immigrants and general racist BS that flows out of the mouth of Cheeto Jeezus. Seems you're right in sync with him. Pitiful.
Kamala Harris has no problem with America's open Southern Border. Right ? She's happy to allow any UNVETTED, foreign immigrants from anywhere in the world to enter America in any quantity, and then put them on a super-fast track to citizenship. Right ?

For the sake of argument, let's suppose that a President Kamala allows countless 1000s of native West African residents from the Democratic Republic of Congo ( the DRC) a violent "Failed State" that has been embroiled in a blood-drenched, barbaric civil war for the past 30 years to date; to move into (and overwhelm) your nice, civilised Western neighbourhood /town in America. I should mention that the average IQ of the DRC is 64, and that atrocities like slaughtering their fellow human beings to cook and cannibalise organs and limbs from their corpses is commonplace today in 2024. Moreover, since 1610, Western European explorers and colonists have recorded their experiences of witnessing the practice cannibalism amongst the natives of West-Central Africa (Joseph Conrad refers to it being practiced in the Congo in a matter-of fact manner in his classic novel "Heat of Darkness" that was published in 1899).

Anyway, if I were you , Anchovies, a bitchy, sookie; whiney; little, American "liberal" I think I would definitely be very "scared" if where I lived in the US was suddenly flooded with hairy-assed, ultra-violent West African savages ( iINCLUDING cannibal tribesmen) from the DRC. I mean, just think of it Anchovies, one minute you might be walking home at night from your local MacDonald's restaurant, the next minute you could be abducted by a Congolese cannibal who Kamala had granted TRS (Temporary Protected Status) and end up as a "Quarter Pounder" yourself !! :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Later, Anchovies, later....

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
Ahh, it was only a matter of time that the Nazi dog from Down Under slithered out from under his rock to mount his soapbox.

Unable to deny things such as this old hat

our little Goebbels wanna-be defaults to the usual pointy hooded mantras of revisionist racist history. His scatter shot bigoted babbling is as pathetic as Cheeto Jeezus' recent performance:

162 lies and distortions in a news conference. NPR fact-checks former President Trump​

Yep, since that NYT 1990's article, people like our Nazi Dog just ain't been right (and I have yet to understand why he is so obsessed with black people in America?).

And the band played on.
You are a blatant fool. You call the prophet a racist and a hater. This has happened many times through history. Fools such as yourself will welcome the destruction of their nation.
Okay folks, this buffoonish troll just called Cheeto Jeezus "the prophet". No sense in entertaining such nonsense. I'm ignoring him, as should you.
Cuz nothing to be scared about.....

It's not his strategy. He just talks about things that already trouble people. There's a real actual threat so he really and actually addresses it instead of pulling an ostrich impression or doing a twisty political maneuver like you're slime that will do anything to win.
Why do you make excuses for Cheeto Jeezus? His bigotry/racism has been documented for decades. You're okay with that, as is the apartheid beneficiary that now runs Twitter (your link doesn't fully work, by the way). But the majority of America is not .... hasn't been since 2018