Another laughably stupid lie filled post from the forums pet halfwit.Safe from what?
Just having a gun in your house greatly increases the chances of you or someone else in your home being a victim of gun violence

Another laughably stupid lie filled post from the forums pet halfwit.Safe from what?
Just having a gun in your house greatly increases the chances of you or someone else in your home being a victim of gun violence
Wait a minute, now we are going from you feeling you have to have a gun to “defend” yourself to police carrying weapons?
And don’t try to tell us you encounter daily the type of people the law enforcement sees on a daily basis, especially cause the probability is you live in a gated community
You have just confirmed the topic thread’s point, you believe Trump’s schtick and you are scared
it's about his policies, dumbass....Agreed. Is it really any wonder why they think Trump is such as "strong" man? They have a really fucked up POV of what it means to be a man and a husband to believe an adulterous pedophile is the best example of American manhood.
Legina likes guns. I like guns too, but he seems to be obsessed with it. I don't know why it takes him a handful of socks to formulate an intelligent response to defending our Constitutional rights.
FWIW, once we start defining our rights, and human rights, but "need", then we are going down the road Trump wants us to go: an authoritarian state. Better to preserve the rights of all.
I know you do, Fat Boy. Let's hope that's just brotherly love; me the big brother and you the littlest one.....and Mom's favorite because you're the last one. LOL
It's common. Don't blush.![]()
So your "idiots" argument is that if we take away all the guns, we will all be safer?So after all the attempted deflections, above included, the actual question still remains, who do you feel you are “defending” yourself from that it makes it necessary for you to have a gun?
Absurdity; the last desperate refuge for the ignorant, the dishonest and the stupid.Wrong
And now we got cannibals invading America, forget dogs and cats, their coming to eat Americans
Apparently guns really scare you halfwit. Why is that? You think it's going to jump up and shoot you?So arsenal, “few guns,” what’s the difference, either both still shows you are scared of something confirming the topic posters point
Questions answering questions doesn’t get you off the hook, and the actual questions remains unanswered, who are you defending yourself from?
Ah, did you actually believe Murdoch was in it because he believes in the bullshit his entities shovel
Absurdity; the last desperate refuge for the ignorant, the dishonest and the stupid.THEY ARE EATING THE DOGS!
So guns are scary, right arsecheese?With a gun in close proximity a knife wouldn’t be anyone’s weapon of choice and killing someone with a knife is much more work and messy, there is a reason knives are not the first choice for suicides or homicides, dun
What a fucking moronic statement.Been there, done that, and to break it down even further so even you can comprehend it, yes, having knives in the home increases you chances of getting stabbed by a knife, but the difference is that knifes serve a practical function in the home that makes them useful, guns do not
If you don't like guns, that's fine. Who is forcing you to get one?And do you have a lot of occasions of individuals challenging your life and limb?
And? What is your moronic argument? That because guns scare you, you want to take them all away? How would that make anyone safer from mentally challenged criminals?This ^ is like whack a mole, you ain’t a cop, as 99% plus of America aren’t cops, you don’t have a cops job, you don’t experience what a cop experiences, nor come close to the situations a cop finds himself nearly daily, your question is ludicrous
He is a threat, well, at least if you define America as based upon those principles and beliefs the Founders used to creat the nation
And none of that compares to predicted actual murder in the streets and an immigration armagadden
Last time, a cop needs a gun, you don’t
, a cop is often in potentially life threatening situations, you aren’t,
And again....the opportunity costs of a cop being armed are incomparable of what they are for you. Why don’t you just surround your house with claymore mines and be done with it
There you go with those dumb leftist lies again. You seem to wallow in dishonesty, stupidity, ignorance and blissful naivete.No, the ones Trump actually threatens and has already shit on already, don’t you remember, he said he can do anything he wants, that he is above the Constitution
Tiresome...The Constitution is over, this illegal illegitimate regime simply has not informed us of this fact yet, but they are clearly ready to stop pretending that Constitutional America is not dead.
So? It's a cult classic.CBHype
Your JPP forum profile image is "Alex" from "A Clockwork Orange." Right ?
It's strange - the enduring fascination lots of young people like you still have with "Clockwork Orange."
I mean, it was a great movie, but it came out in the early 1970s, over 50 years ago (?)