Truth About Mandatory 'Safety Device' Biden Signed Into Law - This Is the Power Gover

Biden and the democrats now want control of your car. This goes against you freedoms and rights. The government shouls not control you

Extremely fucking disturbing. Especially in light of countless incidents of hacking of government sites and services (literally just had 40,000 people with info in the Veteran's Affairs have their personal private info exposed in a hack like last month)
I agree that it's a pretty fucking stupid idea.

I spent the entire time time between returning from the service and getting married mostly drunk driving.
I wouldn't have had much of a young adulthood with the attitudes people have now.
It is simply not possible for anyone to control every aspect of your life.

Tell that to N. Korea's government.

Manufacturers have been told to both add gps tracking to all cars and monitor the diver for drinking. When mind readers are invented you can be sure that they will be added.
Speed limiters are already in place in Europe and will be here soon. Likely there will eventually be safe driving software, which will always be on the ready to overrule the driver.
One thing at TDAK will like is that cars will constantly be told what the speed limit is where they are, and drivers will have limited to no ability to go over it.
These breathalizer ignition switches have been available for years.


Some states already have laws where if you get a DWI, one will be installed in your car for you by the police.

Has nothing to do with Big Brother spying on you! You breathe in the damn thing to start your car, if it detects a certain alcohol level, the car won't start!

Many parents install these in their teenager's automobiles.

I think you are overthinking it!

Probably not a bad idea since....

More than a quarter (25%) of all traffic-related deaths are the direct result of alcohol impairment. (NHTSA)
Every day, 30 people in the United States die in car crashes with an alcohol-impaired driver. This is one death every 50 minutes. (CDC)
As of last year (2020), about 290,000 are injured in such accidents every year. (NHTSA)
Drunk driving cost the United States $132 billion in 2011. (Mothers Against Drunk Driving)
10,511 people died in alcohol-related accidents in 2018. (NHTSA)
In 2017, more than 10,800 people were killed in drunk driving incidents. (NHTSA)
In 2016, 10,497 people were killed in crashes involving a drunk driver. These deaths accounted for 28% of all U.S traffic-related fatalities. (CDC)
Drivers with a Blood Alcohol Content of over 0.10 are 7 times more likely to be involved in a fatal accident than sober drivers. (
Over 10,000 Americans a year are killed by drunk drivers, about 1,000 of them being children. (CDC)
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These breathalizer ignition switches have been available for years.


Some states already have laws where if you get a DWI, one will be installed in your car for you by the police.

Has nothing to do with Big Brother spying on you! You breathe in the damn thing to start your car, if it detects a certain alcohol level, the car won't start!

Many parents install these in their teenager's automobiles.

I think you are overthinking it!

Probably not a bad idea since....

More than a quarter (25%) of all traffic-related deaths are the direct result of alcohol impairment. (NHTSA)
Every day, 30 people in the United States die in car crashes with an alcohol-impaired driver. This is one death every 50 minutes. (CDC)
As of last year (2020), about 290,000 are injured in such accidents every year. (NHTSA)
Drunk driving cost the United States $132 billion in 2011. (Mothers Against Drunk Driving)
10,511 people died in alcohol-related accidents in 2018. (NHTSA)
In 2017, more than 10,800 people were killed in drunk driving incidents. (NHTSA)
In 2016, 10,497 people were killed in crashes involving a drunk driver. These deaths accounted for 28% of all U.S traffic-related fatalities. (CDC)
Drivers with a Blood Alcohol Content of over 0.10 are 7 times more likely to be involved in a fatal accident than sober drivers. (
Over 10,000 Americans a year are killed by drunk drivers, about 1,000 of them being children. (CDC)

These are easily disabled as well.