Truth About Mandatory 'Safety Device' Biden Signed Into Law - This Is the Power Gover

Biden and the democrats now want control of your car. This goes against you freedoms and rights. The government shouls not control you

You know what was most alarming about the covid plandemic? It wasnt that it was a risk to life, the most alarming part was how easily and eagerly some so called Americans gave away their freedom. An astonishing number of these so-called Americans were more than happy to do any and everything the govt told them to do without question. They even became furious with those of us who weren't quite so willing to give up our freedoms.

Freedom in America is a dying principle. Leftists have patiently turned out lemmings from their indoctrination centers they disguise as schools. They sadly will do wherever the "experts" tell them because that's how they have been trained.
You know what was most alarming about the covid plandemic? It wasnt that it was a risk to life, the most alarming part was how easily and eagerly some so called Americans gave away their freedom. An astonishing number of these so-called Americans were more than happy to do any and everything the govt told them to do without question. They even became furious with those of us who weren't quite so willing to give up our freedoms.

Freedom in America is a dying principle. Leftists have patiently turned out lemmings from their indoctrination centers they disguise as schools. They sadly will do wherever the "experts" tell them because that's how they have been trained.

I did not get the Vaccine and I never locked down as a truck driver I was needed to deliver propane
I did not get the Vaccine and I never locked down as a truck driver I was needed to deliver propane

Is this you...?


We know it is... :awesome:
They will have access to stop your car from working any time they want. You do not care how much control the government has over you

And yet, no where in the law does it say anything about that. There is no mention of a "kill switch" or even a hint. It gives a time frame for the NHS to come up with proposals for a system to detect drunken drivers, but it will need further laws to actually come into existence... And will almost certainly not make its deadlines.

It really is quite boring.
Yeah, get rid of those mandated seat belts and airbags too. Rightys should have the option of buying a vehicle without those government-mandated devices.

I am sure PTif will start claiming the government can deploy airbags whenever they want also... They just have not.
Seat belts work. Airbags are largely a waste of time. If airbags work so well why haven't they been used in race cars?

Because race cars require the best seat belts. Seat belts if worn correctly make airbags redundant, but they are often not worn completely correctly in normal cars. Are you saying normal car drivers should have five point seatbelts tightened on them? Have you seen how firm those things are?

This current thing is just a timeline for a proposal... A timeline that will certainly slip... For a proposal that may never happen.

If the proposal is bad, then come out against it, but making up lies about a proposal that does not even exist yet just makes the maga/alt right look dumber... If that were possible.
I wonder... If the device tracks say, eye movement, would wearing sunglasses cause the system to turn your car off? :thinking:

And if that proposal that might happen several years from now involves a pterodactyl, couldn't that pterodactyl break lose, mate with other pterodactyls and take over the skies?:thinking:

There is no mention of a pterodactyl in the law, but there is also no mention of a kill switch. The law only authorizes a proposal to sense when a driver is impaired; it pointedly does not authorize any kill switch. It is a hard argument to make that a kill switch is needed to sense when a driver is impaired... But the argument for a pterodactyl is also hard.
Speed limiters are already in place in Europe and will be here soon. Likely there will eventually be safe driving software, which will always be on the ready to overrule the driver.

I remember UHaul had them back in the 1990's... Uhm... Who cares?
Because race cars require the best seat belts. Seat belts if worn correctly make airbags redundant, but they are often not worn completely correctly in normal cars. Are you saying normal car drivers should have five point seatbelts tightened on them? Have you seen how firm those things are?

This current thing is just a timeline for a proposal... A timeline that will certainly slip... For a proposal that may never happen.

If the proposal is bad, then come out against it, but making up lies about a proposal that does not even exist yet just makes the maga/alt right look dumber... If that were possible.

They construct a defensive capsule in race cars. Nascars bump into each other and bounce off walls. Airbags would deploy too easily.