U.S. Supreme Court Ruling: ATHEISM IS RELIGION


The lack of belief in a God or gods is of overwhelming importance to atheists. That, in and of itself, is defined as religion. Notice how one dictionary defines religion.

World English Dictionary
religion (rɪˈlɪdʒən)

— n
1. belief in, worship of, or obedience to a supernatural power or powers considered to be divine or to have control of human destiny
2. any formal or institutionalized expression of such belief: the Christian religion
3. the attitude and feeling of one who believes in a transcendent controlling power or powers
4. chiefly RC Church the way of life determined by the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience entered upon by monks, friars, and nuns: to enter religion
5. something of overwhelming importance to a person: football is his religion
6. archaic
a. the practice of sacred ritual observances
b. sacred rites and ceremonies
No it is not of any importance at all. Since I am an atheist, I think I can speak for myself. You don't need to do it for me. I have absolutely no need for God or for dogma. I feel the same about Zeus, Neptune, Atlas, Venus, Mars...... and Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. Your need to have a rulebook written by someone else for you to follow is the height of insecurity and moral irresponsibility. My lack of belief in God has the exact same impact on my life as your lack of belief in Thor has on yours. You are clueless.

The Judeo-Christian is inspired of God. Proof of that is seen by the nearly 2,000 accurately fulfilled Bible prophecies.
There’s going to be another flood that kills a bunch of people.
There’s going to be another war that kills a bunch of people.
There’s going to be another disease outbreak that kills a lot of people.

See how fucking easy that is?
Incorrect. Congress will define terms as needed for it's legislation per Article 1 Section 1. Federal law is riddled with definitions, often referring to other legislation for definitions as well.
Many issues are not settled by legislation because they involve interpretations of the Constitution. These are settled by court interpretation. A good example is the recent decisions about presidential immunity. Congress did not define those terms.
No it is not of any importance at all. Since I am an atheist, I think I can speak for myself. You don't need to do it for me. I have absolutely no need for God or for dogma. I feel the same about Zeus, Neptune, Atlas, Venus, Mars...... and Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. Your need to have a rulebook written by someone else for you to follow is the height of insecurity and moral irresponsibility. My lack of belief in God has the exact same impact on my life as your lack of belief in Thor has on yours. You are clueless.
It would be like saying those who don't worship Shiva have a religion of not worshipping Shiva.

The Judeo-Christian is inspired of God. Proof of that is seen by the nearly 2,000 accurately fulfilled Bible prophecies.
Completely false. You have tailored events to fit your idiotic prophecies when they have nothing at all to do with them. If you want to believe in a magic sky daddy, that's your business. Keep it to yourself. Everyone is sick of your proselytizing.
This is a lie made up out of whole cloth. You made Jesus sad. Atheism is not a religion, such a proposition shows your abject ignorance. Atheism is a lack of belief in something. It has no dogma, it has no holy scripture, it is simply absence of belief. You cannot prove your points by quoting the Bible, because the bible is a work of fiction. If you want body counts, just look to religion. The Crusades. The Spanish Inquisition, and of course, more recently, Catholics and Protestants killing each other, Rwanda, Shiites and Sunnis killing each other, Muslims killing Jews..... more horrors and atrocities have been committed in the name of some fictional God are a stain on human history. And let's talk about your 'loving and benevolant' God. He slaughtered hundreds of thousands of children, and this is an event that is CELEBRATED by the Jewish faith. They celebrate what would be (if it was true, which it isn't) the greatest act of infanticide ever perpetrated. He advocated rape, slavery, and slaughter on a massive scale. That God can go fuck himself. That is monstrous evil. So save your idiotic arguments for your next anti gay hate rally. You have no audience here.

The most commonly accepted English translation of the Divine name is Jehovah. None of the atrocities you listed above have ever been done in the name of Jehovah. The people you listed who committed the atrocities did not represent him for the simple reason that there are no scriptures in the Judeo-Christian Bible condoning their behavior. So what's your point?

BTW: Far more atrocities have been committed by atheist regimes. This is confirmed by numerous sources. I will quote one such source below. Focus on the areas bolded in blue:

"Christians have generally been offended by the comparison while atheists and progressives have generally applauded it as proving all religions, including both Christianity and Islam, are equally destructive. Violence committed by dedicated atheists has largely been ignored.

Whereas progressives and atheists must go back 800-1,000 years to chronicle significant “Christian” violence, atheist communist despots of the 20th century collectively killed an estimated 100 million human beings, according to “The Black Book of Communism,” “The Naked Communist,” and articles in Le Monde magazine. Professor Dr. R.J. Rummel of the University of Hawaii estimates the loss of human life from atheistic communism to range from 40 million to 259 million with a median estimate of 110 million."

The point being, Concart, humans alienated from Jehovah will continue to commit crimes against humanity (regardless of whether they claim they are theists or atheists). Jehovah hates violence, and he has promised that he will annihilate the wicked (including those claiming to be his worshippers) in his own due time.

Psalm 11:5

Jehovah examines the righteous one as well as the wicked one; He hates anyone who loves violence.

Psalm 37:10

Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; You will look at where they were, And they will not be there.

The most commonly accepted English translation of the Divine name is Jehovah. None of the atrocities you listed above have ever been done in the name of Jehovah. The people you listed who committed the atrocities did not represent him for the simple reason that there are no scriptures in the Judeo-Christian Bible condoning their behavior. So what's your point?

BTW: Far more atrocities have been committed by atheist regimes. This is confirmed by numerous sources. I will quote one such source below. Focus on the areas bolded in blue:

"Christians have generally been offended by the comparison while atheists and progressives have generally applauded it as proving all religions, including both Christianity and Islam, are equally destructive. Violence committed by dedicated atheists has largely been ignored.

Whereas progressives and atheists must go back 800-1,000 years to chronicle significant “Christian” violence, atheist communist despots of the 20th century collectively killed an estimated 100 million human beings, according to “The Black Book of Communism,” “The Naked Communist,” and articles in Le Monde magazine. Professor Dr. R.J. Rummel of the University of Hawaii estimates the loss of human life from atheistic communism to range from 40 million to 259 million with a median estimate of 110 million."

The point being, Concart, humans alienated from Jehovah will continue to commit crimes against humanity (regardless of whether they claim they are theists or atheists). Jehovah hates violence, and he has promised that he will annihilate the wicked (including those claiming to be his worshippers) in his own due time.

Psalm 11:5

Jehovah examines the righteous one as well as the wicked one; He hates anyone who loves violence.

Psalm 37:10

Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; You will look at where they were, And they will not be there.
The slaughter of Canaanites at the order of Yahweh. The flood that killed almost the entire world - Yahweh.

The most commonly accepted English translation of the Divine name is Jehovah. None of the atrocities you listed above have ever been done in the name of Jehovah. The people you listed who committed the atrocities did not represent him for the simple reason that there are no scriptures in the Judeo-Christian Bible condoning their behavior. So what's your point?

BTW: Far more atrocities have been committed by atheist regimes. This is confirmed by numerous sources. I will quote one such source below. Focus on the areas bolded in blue:

"Christians have generally been offended by the comparison while atheists and progressives have generally applauded it as proving all religions, including both Christianity and Islam, are equally destructive. Violence committed by dedicated atheists has largely been ignored.

Whereas progressives and atheists must go back 800-1,000 years to chronicle significant “Christian” violence, atheist communist despots of the 20th century collectively killed an estimated 100 million human beings, according to “The Black Book of Communism,” “The Naked Communist,” and articles in Le Monde magazine. Professor Dr. R.J. Rummel of the University of Hawaii estimates the loss of human life from atheistic communism to range from 40 million to 259 million with a median estimate of 110 million."

The point being, Concart, humans alienated from Jehovah will continue to commit crimes against humanity (regardless of whether they claim they are theists or atheists). Jehovah hates violence, and he has promised that he will annihilate the wicked (including those claiming to be his worshippers) in his own due time.

Psalm 11:5

Jehovah examines the righteous one as well as the wicked one; He hates anyone who loves violence.

Psalm 37:10

Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; You will look at where they were, And they will not be there


The most commonly accepted English translation of the Divine name is Jehovah. None of the atrocities you listed above have ever been done in the name of Jehovah. The people you listed who committed the atrocities did not represent him for the simple reason that there are no scriptures in the Judeo-Christian Bible condoning their behavior. So what's your point?

BTW: Far more atrocities have been committed by atheist regimes. This is confirmed by numerous sources. I will quote one such source below. Focus on the areas bolded in blue:

"Christians have generally been offended by the comparison while atheists and progressives have generally applauded it as proving all religions, including both Christianity and Islam, are equally destructive. Violence committed by dedicated atheists has largely been ignored.

Whereas progressives and atheists must go back 800-1,000 years to chronicle significant “Christian” violence, atheist communist despots of the 20th century collectively killed an estimated 100 million human beings, according to “The Black Book of Communism,” “The Naked Communist,” and articles in Le Monde magazine. Professor Dr. R.J. Rummel of the University of Hawaii estimates the loss of human life from atheistic communism to range from 40 million to 259 million with a median estimate of 110 million."

The point being, Concart, humans alienated from Jehovah will continue to commit crimes against humanity (regardless of whether they claim they are theists or atheists). Jehovah hates violence, and he has promised that he will annihilate the wicked (including those claiming to be his worshippers) in his own due time.

Psalm 11:5

Jehovah examines the righteous one as well as the wicked one; He hates anyone who loves violence.

Psalm 37:10

Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; You will look at where they were, And they will not be there.
The story of passover is right in your book, dude. Have you not read it? Quoting your imaginary bullshit in order to convince me of said bullshit is a waste of time. It's called a tautology. Look it up.
Completely false. You have tailored events to fit your idiotic prophecies when they have nothing at all to do with them. If you want to believe in a magic sky daddy, that's your business. Keep it to yourself. Everyone is sick of your proselytizing.

Until you can prove anything you stated above, I will consider your response to be the words of a clearly embittered person.
I have no burden of proof about anything. You are the one trying to sell your snake oil, not me.
Bible thumpers can twist anything to fit their narrative. And they do. Including events that defy the laws of physics and biology. Their ability to perform those mental gymnastics is nothing short of amazing.
Bible thumpers can twist anything to fit their narrative. And they do. Including events that defy the laws of physics and biology. Their ability to perform those mental gymnastics is nothing short of amazing.
His sales pitch sucks. He tells me what I believe, and then tell me I need to buy his stuff in order to cure myself of that belief. And when I say 'nah, I think your sales pitch is a pack of lies', he says 'prove it'. It's like me having to explain to used car salesman why I am not buying his product. Weird.
His sales pitch sucks. He tells me what I believe, and then tell me I need to buy his stuff in order to cure myself of that belief. And when I say 'nah, I think your sales pitch is a pack of lies', he says 'prove it'. It's like me having to explain to used car salesman why I am not buying his product. Weird.
Christians think if anyone rejects their religion it makes their own faith weaker.