U.S. Supreme Court Ruling: ATHEISM IS RELIGION

I see the facts I posted in #157 were just too much for you to take into your distorted brain.
The tax cuts expired for the regular guy. They didn’t for the corporations. He fooled you idiots into supporting that. What did corps do? Did they pass those savings on to consumers or employees? Not a fucking chance. They paid down debt.
The tax cuts expired for the regular guy. They didn’t for the corporations. He fooled you idiots into supporting that. What did corps do? Did they pass those savings on to consumers or employees? Not a fucking chance. They paid down debt.
Tax benefits for small businesses and families will expire in 2025. Bet your bottom dollar that Trump will reinstate his successful Tax reform and Jobs Act.
Atheism is Religion according to the 1961 Torcaso v. Watkins case that was affirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court--the highest court in the land--where court rulings become national law. In spite of the many court rulings since 1961 that Atheism is Religion, atheists insist on fooling themselves by claiming they are not religious. They attempt to take the higher ground by claiming Christians are mental midgets for believing in a "non-existent sky gawd."

Atheist religionists often refer to the Judeo-Christian Bible as a book of fairytales. At one website where I have debated, the Bible was referred to by atheists as the "BuyBull."

In most of my conversations with atheists at various websites, their usual accusation is that because of the belief in God, theists have committed all sorts of human rights violations in the name of "cultish religions." According to the many atheists I have debated at other websites, it is the belief in God that has caused people to commit the various atrocities common to sinful mankind. Remove religion--the atheists frequently argue--and the world will be a better place. This latter conclusion is mortally flawed for the following reasons:

1. Atheism is itself a religion.

2. Atheists have committed human rights violations en masse throughout history. For instance, Joseph Stalin--the atheist--ordered the deaths of between 40 million to 62 million people (at least 20 million of whom were everyday Soviet civilians). Compare that to the 9 million or so murdered by Adolph Hitler, the Roman Catholic, who merely claimed he was a Christian.

In reality, the problem is not the Bible or God. The problem is false religions that have failed to teach the masses Biblical truths. Blaming God for the crimes of people whose behavior he himself rejects is an attempt at passing the buck.

"See! This only I have found, that the true God made mankind upright, but THEY THEMSELVES have sought out many plans." (Ecclesiastes 7:29)

Considering that atheists have themselves committed human rights violations under the banner of non-belief in a supernatural God or gods, why can one argue that "belief in god" is not the actual reason behind crimes against humanity?

2. Atheists routinely argue they do not belong to a religion. According to them, non-belief in God is proof positive that they are not religious. Do you agree with the atheists' position? Why so or why not?

3. Based upon numerous court rulings that Atheism is Religion, it is obvious that belief in a supernatural God or gods is not a requirement for being considered part of a religion. What arguments can you present along this line?
This is a lie made up out of whole cloth. You made Jesus sad. Atheism is not a religion, such a proposition shows your abject ignorance. Atheism is a lack of belief in something. It has no dogma, it has no holy scripture, it is simply absence of belief. You cannot prove your points by quoting the Bible, because the bible is a work of fiction. If you want body counts, just look to religion. The Crusades. The Spanish Inquisition, and of course, more recently, Catholics and Protestants killing each other, Rwanda, Shiites and Sunnis killing each other, Muslims killing Jews..... more horrors and atrocities have been committed in the name of some fictional God are a stain on human history. And let's talk about your 'loving and benevolant' God. He slaughtered hundreds of thousands of children, and this is an event that is CELEBRATED by the Jewish faith. They celebrate what would be (if it was true, which it isn't) the greatest act of infanticide ever perpetrated. He advocated rape, slavery, and slaughter on a massive scale. That God can go fuck himself. That is monstrous evil. So save your idiotic arguments for your next anti gay hate rally. You have no audience here.
but it must be defined for law to operate.

and you are saying it be redefined on a case by case basis.

THAT is NOT how laws works.

you are more obnoxious than any Fundy. at least they're against transing kids secretly at school.
The Supreme Court establishes the guidelines for cases they accept. Those guidelines are then followed by lower courts for similar cases until those are modified by a later court.

They don't define religion but establish the guidelines to follow as they did for establishment and freedom of religion.

I've never discussed transing kids secretly at school. You must be confusing me with someone else or made erroneous assumptions.
Sure ... and that is totally irrelevant. You have not shown how Congress defining "religion" somehow violates the 1st Amendment.

Nope. I'll post the text of the 1st Amendment here again, so we can marvel at its straightforward simplicity while simultaneously noting that it bears no prohibition against defining the word "religion," "exercise," "speech," "grievance," "redress," "press," or any other word in the English language. Let's take a closer look:

1st Amendment - Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The floor is yours.

I regularly post text from the Constitution on JPP.

We've been over this. You have repeatedly stopped short of showing how this clause is somehow violated by a definition of the word "religion."

Not according to Article 1 Section 1 of the Constitution.
If it is so important to define the term "religion" it seems strange Congress has never bothered to do so in 200+ years and yet that has not been a problem.
Tax benefits for small businesses and families will expire in 2025. Bet your bottom dollar that Trump will reinstate his successful Tax reform and Jobs Act.
The cuts were for the wealthy and businesses. The top 1% or so saved about $60,000 each in taxes while the bottom 60% about $500.
The Supreme Court establishes the guidelines for cases they accept. Those guidelines are then followed by lower courts for similar cases until those are modified by a later court.

They don't define religion but establish the guidelines to follow as they did for establishment and freedom of religion.

I've never discussed transing kids secretly at school. You must be confusing me with someone else or made erroneous assumptions.
what is your take on transing kids at school?

this is a litmus test.

its going on your permanent record.

You are not disagreeing. You are agreeing. The Executive branch determines policy whereas Congress legislates. Did you catch that clause in Article 1 granting Congress all legislative power?

You did?

Well, there you go.

All State functions that are reserved to the States occur under Congressional legislation of interstate commerce. Congress gets to determine what constitutes interstate commerce.
Totally false. Powers reserved to the states are those powers Congress has no authority to legislate (education). The recent Dobbs decision declared the power to make laws regulating abortion belong to the states.

The constitutional provision that Congress has all legislative authority is for the federal government only. The intersate commer clause allows Congress to legislate. In practice, the Supreme Court has determined the meaning of interstate commerce. They have steadily broadened the definition of that term so Congress may legislate in more areas that previously. Today, Congress can legislate anything that "affects" interestate commerce (federal marijuana laws).

The states have the legislative power over the reserved powers the states choose to perform.
Correct. It is based on court interpretation.
Incorrect. Congress will define terms as needed for it's legislation per Article 1 Section 1. Federal law is riddled with definitions, often referring to other legislation for definitions as well.
This is a lie made up out of whole cloth. You made Jesus sad. Atheism is not a religion, such a proposition shows your abject ignorance. Atheism is a lack of belief in something. It has no dogma, it has no holy scripture, it is simply absence of belief. You cannot prove your points by quoting the Bible, because the bible is a work of fiction. If you want body counts, just look to religion. The Crusades. The Spanish Inquisition, and of course, more recently, Catholics and Protestants killing each other, Rwanda, Shiites and Sunnis killing each other, Muslims killing Jews..... more horrors and atrocities have been committed in the name of some fictional God are a stain on human history. And let's talk about your 'loving and benevolant' God. He slaughtered hundreds of thousands of children, and this is an event that is CELEBRATED by the Jewish faith. They celebrate what would be (if it was true, which it isn't) the greatest act of infanticide ever perpetrated. He advocated rape, slavery, and slaughter on a massive scale. That God can go fuck himself. That is monstrous evil. So save your idiotic arguments for your next anti gay hate rally. You have no audience here.

The lack of belief in a God or gods is of overwhelming importance to atheists. That, in and of itself, is defined as religion. Notice how one dictionary defines religion.

World English Dictionary
religion (rɪˈlɪdʒən)

— n
1. belief in, worship of, or obedience to a supernatural power or powers considered to be divine or to have control of human destiny
2. any formal or institutionalized expression of such belief: the Christian religion
3. the attitude and feeling of one who believes in a transcendent controlling power or powers
4. chiefly RC Church the way of life determined by the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience entered upon by monks, friars, and nuns: to enter religion
5. something of overwhelming importance to a person: football is his religion
6. archaic
a. the practice of sacred ritual observances
b. sacred rites and ceremonies
This is a lie made up out of whole cloth. You made Jesus sad. Atheism is not a religion, such a proposition shows your abject ignorance. Atheism is a lack of belief in something. It has no dogma, it has no holy scripture, it is simply absence of belief. You cannot prove your points by quoting the Bible, because the bible is a work of fiction. If you want body counts, just look to religion. The Crusades. The Spanish Inquisition, and of course, more recently, Catholics and Protestants killing each other, Rwanda, Shiites and Sunnis killing each other, Muslims killing Jews..... more horrors and atrocities have been committed in the name of some fictional God are a stain on human history. And let's talk about your 'loving and benevolant' God. He slaughtered hundreds of thousands of children, and this is an event that is CELEBRATED by the Jewish faith. They celebrate what would be (if it was true, which it isn't) the greatest act of infanticide ever perpetrated. He advocated rape, slavery, and slaughter on a massive scale. That God can go fuck himself. That is monstrous evil. So save your idiotic arguments for your next anti gay hate rally. You have no audience here.

The Judeo-Christian is inspired of God. Proof of that is seen by the nearly 2,000 accurately fulfilled Bible prophecies.

The lack of belief in a God or gods is of overwhelming importance to atheists. That, in and of itself, is defined as religion. Notice how one dictionary defines religion.

World English Dictionary
religion (rɪˈlɪdʒən)

— n
1. belief in, worship of, or obedience to a supernatural power or powers considered to be divine or to have control of human destiny
2. any formal or institutionalized expression of such belief: the Christian religion
3. the attitude and feeling of one who believes in a transcendent controlling power or powers
4. chiefly RC Church the way of life determined by the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience entered upon by monks, friars, and nuns: to enter religion
5. something of overwhelming importance to a person: football is his religion
6. archaic
a. the practice of sacred ritual observances
b. sacred rites and ceremonies
Stupid. If someone does not live in Paris, is their whole life based on not living there?!
Incorrect. Congress will define terms as needed for it's legislation per Article 1 Section 1. Federal law is riddled with definitions, often referring to other legislation for definitions as well.
Many things require definition and Congress has included those. The legislative power of Congress is not unlimited. You fail to consider Article I, Section 8 that specifies those functions which Congress can legislate.

But, it has never legislated a definition of religion because they never found it necessary and it defeats the purpose of the establishment and free execise clause. Congress included a reference to religion in the original Constitution when it prohibited a religious test to hold office. It has never defined "religious test."

When there is doubt about policy dealing with religion it is settled by the courts and not Congress unless the disagreement is based on legislation. When it is a constitutional issue, it is decided by the court like the many cases dealing with the 1st amenment.

When there was an issue with the constitutionality of issues such as posting the 10 commandments, prayer, Bible reading, etc. these issues were not settled by Congressional legislation but by the Supreme Court.