Universal, subsidized child Day care - scandinavian style

It sounds as if she is heartbreakingly stupid, but she seemed to have made some pathetic attempts by leaving water and fans.

I hope her boss feels good today.

Seriously. Even if they had a movie room and two people just watching the kids at minimum while they watched movies that would be beneficial.
Have a heart, man.

Sure, it was a dumb decision. But, she obviously intended no malice, and gave them a fan to try to keep cool.

Desparate people sometimes make desparate decisons. I haven't walked in her shoes - and throwing her in jail doesn't make a lick of sense to me.

I agree. When you have family and the financial means to lean on, its easy to pass judgement.
Umm ever driven while drinking with children in the car ? Excessive speeding, , let them ride ATV's without helmets, Ride in the back of a pickup truck, etc Many endanger their children, most are lucky.
Not trying to defend the lady, just explain that she is not alone in child endangerment.

thank you. Bingo.

Obviously, this women was desparate not to get fired. Anyone who's been a poor, single mother can relate. It was a stupid decision, and it was made without malice. As Darla said, this poor stupid lady tried to take sad little mitigating measures to keep her children comfortable in the car, while she had to work.
I think states should admisiter it but fall under federal guidelines.

You mean like unfunded federal legislation. Good plan.

Why should we have subsidized day care for people making over say $40k per year? Like Damo, I haven't a problem with helping those that would be in a position of picking welfare or childcare, but do not see any reason for the vast majority to be 'subsidized' to increase their lifestyle or personal fulfillment of work.
You mean like unfunded federal legislation. Good plan.

Why should we have subsidized day care for people making over say $40k per year? Like Damo, I haven't a problem with helping those that would be in a position of picking welfare or childcare, but do not see any reason for the vast majority to be 'subsidized' to increase their lifestyle or personal fulfillment of work.
Where did I say we should have subsidized day care for those making over 40K ?
We can have formulas based on income as to how much your child care would cost in the federally mandated child care centers. And you missed the federal grants part of the thread I guess ?
I agree. When you have family and the financial means to lean on, its easy to pass judgement.

We pass judgements all the time on people on this board whose shoes we've never walked in. I agree its a great philosophy to have but it is rarely adhere to.
Umm ever driven while drinking with children in the car ? Excessive speeding, , let them ride ATV's without helmets, Ride in the back of a pickup truck, etc Many endanger their children, most are lucky.
Not trying to defend the lady, just explain that she is not alone in child endangerment.

No, I've never done any of that. Yeah I realize that people endanger their child sometimes in lees obvious ways but the outcome of what she did should have been obvious. Maybe she has mental health issues.
No, I've never done any of that. Yeah I realize that people endanger their child sometimes in lees obvious ways but the outcome of what she did should have been obvious. Maybe she has mental health issues.

Perhaps BF, many in the US does, Bush was re-elected after all.
And I was not meaning to point at you just point out that many do endanger their children daily.
Where did I say we should have subsidized day care for those making over 40K ?
We can have formulas based on income as to how much your child care would cost in the federally mandated child care centers. And you missed the federal grants part of the thread I guess ?

Perhaps I was confused with the 'child care for everyone' regardless of income. I thought that was you, if not, I'm sorry.

Federal grants come and go, depending on elections for the most part. Now licensing of day care centers logically seems a local issue, for the simple reason that it would be the municipality or county that would have to inspect/certify.

My personal opinion on most 'social programs' is that they should be 'means tested.' Even with social security reform I think any beginning of 'reform' should mandate that the retired folks get back what they've paid in, with reasonable interest, once that is done, recipients should be means tested. It would not be fair to just knock out the thousands of $$ paid into a 'forced retirement account', but the amount paid is not sufficient for those that truly need it.
Child care is expensive. I pay 12,000 dollars a year for 1 child. It seems like funding that would raise taxes beyond their already ridiculous levels.
Perhaps I was confused with the 'child care for everyone' regardless of income. I thought that was you, if not, I'm sorry.

Federal grants come and go, depending on elections for the most part. Now licensing of day care centers logically seems a local issue, for the simple reason that it would be the municipality or county that would have to inspect/certify.

My personal opinion on most 'social programs' is that they should be 'means tested.' Even with social security reform I think any beginning of 'reform' should mandate that the retired folks get back what they've paid in, with reasonable interest, once that is done, recipients should be means tested. It would not be fair to just knock out the thousands of $$ paid into a 'forced retirement account', but the amount paid is not sufficient for those that truly need it.
He called it "universal" which more than implies, it is directly stating that everybody would receive this same child care benefit.
Child care is expensive. I pay 12,000 dollars a year for 1 child. It seems like funding that would raise taxes beyond their already ridiculous levels.

I agree. You have chosen that daycare place because it meets the needs of your family expectations. That's one thing that people with money have that those of limited means often do not.
Most do not pay 12 K per year for day care.
And if it were a not for profit thing it should be cheaper.
And would people like me who choose to have a parent at home to care for the child receive the cash that otherwise would go to pay this?

Seriously, the same government that mucks everything up is suddenly good to go on raising your kids?

No way, block grants to localities is pretty much the only way to go. A form of welfare, not a "universalized" system.
And would people like me who choose to have a parent at home to care for the child receive the cash that otherwise would go to pay this?

Seriously, the same government that mucks everything up is suddenly good to go on raising your kids?

I was thinking the same thing. Those arguing for this, 'for the children' are likely the same that argue against school choice. I am for 'choice' but only for the lowest income families. If the middle class wishes to pay for better schools, they have the opportunity to move to a better location or send their kids to private schools, it's a choice they have. I think the inner city kids' parents should also have some say in where their children might best be served.
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And would people like me who choose to have a parent at home to care for the child receive the cash that otherwise would go to pay this?

Seriously, the same government that mucks everything up is suddenly good to go on raising your kids?

No way, block grants to localities is pretty much the only way to go. A form of welfare, not a "universalized" system.

Again Damo, I did not use that universal word. sheesh....
and I mentioned adjusting the cost to income level.