Universal, subsidized child Day care - scandinavian style

Again Damo, I did not use that universal word. sheesh....
and I mentioned adjusting the cost to income level.
I was talking about the thread title. And then I asked you a question. Why are you so defensive? And one more time... You have said "not for profit" thus promoting a government run system, or something much like that. No freaking way would I trust my kid to be raised by the government.
Anyone else note the fact that it was a GOVERNMENT run job... not those eeevil corps? Yet, some here propose that we have the government intervene to help prevent tragedies like this from occurring?

I was talking about the thread title. And then I asked you a question. Why are you so defensive? And one more time... You have said "not for profit" thus promoting a government run system, or something much like that. No freaking way would I trust my kid to be raised by the government.

No let it be run by Catholic priests :rolleyes:

We could pay for this by doing away with the deduction on income taxes for children. A libertarian thing ;)
What about dropping companies nominal tax rates by 1 or 2% if they have child care capacity to satisfy at 20% of their workforce. And in cases where companies are too small to do it alone, if they had some sort of trust or partnership with other local firms, they could merge facilities.

it wouldn't have to something that would cost $12K a yr per kid, but basic care - naptime, games, a meal or two etc.
No let it be run by Catholic priests :rolleyes:

We could pay for this by doing away with the deduction on income taxes for children. A libertarian thing ;)
Right, that's your two choices, Catholic Priests or The Government, those are the only two possible solutions to day care. :rolleyes:
But anyway, what's the problem with universal child care? We have universal education for children.
What about dropping companies nominal tax rates by 1 or 2% if they have child care capacity to satisfy at 20% of their workforce. And in cases where companies are too small to do it alone, if they had some sort of trust or partnership with other local firms, they could merge facilities.

it wouldn't have to something that would cost $12K a yr per kid, but basic care - naptime, games, a meal or two etc.
Wow, look a solution that doesn't involve the government starting a program of newthought with your kids so that they'll only speak in newspeak....

Amazingly there are ways that we can do this without 'universal' government-run daycares that don't involve Catholic Priests. In fact, I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a daycare run by Catholic Priests, but heck we can invent one so that USC can send his grandchildren there. Since those are the only two choices we have.
Yep and I had a smiley at the end Damo. False outrage ?

where did I imply or state that mine were the only possible soloutions ?
Yep and I had a smiley at the end Damo. False outrage ?

where did I imply or state that mine were the only possible soloutions ?
You imply it by rejecting any other solution in your answer than government-run care, and suggesting that the only other option was "Catholic Priests" by giving no other solution. You attempt to limit the discussion to your absurdity by using a tool of logic called Reductio ad Absurdam, but in this case the reduction wasn't salient and it became a fallacy. I use sarcasm to note how ridiculous your fallacy was. It is fun.
Well since my post about using priests was sarcasm isn't your sarcasm about sarcasm reducto doublo negativo ?
Wow, look a solution that doesn't involve the government starting a program of newthought with your kids so that they'll only speak in newspeak....

Amazingly there are ways that we can do this without 'universal' government-run daycares that don't involve Catholic Priests. In fact, I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a daycare run by Catholic Priests, but heck we can invent one so that USC can send his grandchildren there. Since those are the only two choices we have.

I heard Michael Jackson is opening up a daycare center.
BTW - I'm not opposed to some sort of universal childcare services. Perhaps not run at the federal level, but I wouldn't mind implementing something that was an extention of public schools so that it would be run at hte local level. For all children who come from all economic backgrounds.