US COVID-19 deaths by Election Day

Will US COVID-19 deaths exceed the 62,000 by Election Day?

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I kinda feel bad for someone that doesn't know where people come from. Maybe I should have just said 'the stork' and left it at that :)

Yes, it's sad. No one on this forum can help him. It's up to him to get himself help...if he's not already getting it.
Don't be too hard on either of the TD twins. Both shit a little too close to the house, but Truth Detector is obviously the most afflicted.

I kinda feel bad for someone that doesn't know where people come from. Maybe I should have just said 'the stork' and left it at that :)

Here we go again with another act of Dumber and Dumbest back slapping. It's funny to watch two idiots blather back and forth while avoiding the topic and the facts.

You both would be embarrassed if you had any self awareness or an IQ above room temperature. ;)

I kinda feel bad for someone that doesn't know where people come from. ...

As you can see, it doesn't take much trigger Truth Detector into a slobbering hot mess.

That's amusing, you think you are smart? You do nothing but prove the exact opposite with every post. You're nothing but another uneducated, useless left wing hack snowflake.
Here we go again with another act of Dumber and Dumbest back slapping. It's funny to watch two idiots blather back and forth while avoiding the topic and the facts.

You both would be embarrassed if you had any self awareness or an IQ above room temperature. ;)

No, it wouldn't. Failure is not an indicator of goals. Is Trump's failure to be a dictator proof he's not a wannabe dictator? Of course not.
Someone's opinion piece about what they should have done is also not an indicator of goals. Someone's goals would require them to take action or attempt to take action. Is it Trump's goal is to become a dictator just because some LW pundit claims he that is his goal? No. Frankly, I think Trump would like the powers of a dictator but that is out of his stupidity not because it is a goal of his. He is not making some concerted effort to take control of government by undermining institutions. Rather he is flailing about whenever he doesn't get his way.

Same for the Democrats. I look at Democrats and Republicans, Left and Right to be Yin-Yang; necessary opposites of each other. Each half makes the whole, like male and female make a couple. To carry that analogy further, the current parties are so extreme they rarely work with each other forming a dysfunctional couple. That's part of the problem. You are free to blame one side over the other, but the fact remains they're dysfunctional and our nation is suffering from that dysfunction.
So you have no objective standard to judge either side by. OK. Got it. To be non partisan, you would set standards and then judge each side by those standards based on the actual actions not based on what the other side says they want to do.
Did you skip high school? You must have skipped economics as well. I wish you knew what the fuck you are bloviating about. You could tax the rich at 100% and it would change NOTHING. It would not fix our debt problems, it would not fix SS, it would not fund Government pensions and it would not reduce Washington's propensity to spend money, particularly from the Party of the Jackass.

We don't have a REVENUE problem dumbass; we have a SPENDING problem. It just grew by $3.5 trillion thanks to a Government demanded shut down of our economy based on hysterics over a data that has been inflated and wildly overestimated.

Well, that explains why you are still working for minimum wage. You don't realize that increasing revenue allows you to spend more without going into debt. Again, would a picture help?
Same for the Democrats. I look at Democrats and Republicans, Left and Right to be Yin-Yang; necessary opposites of each other. Each half makes the whole, like male and female make a couple. To carry that analogy further, the current parties are so extreme they rarely work with each other forming a dysfunctional couple. That's part of the problem. You are free to blame one side over the other, but the fact remains they're dysfunctional and our nation is suffering from that dysfunction.
So you have no objective standard to judge either side by. OK. Got it. To be non partisan, you would set standards and then judge each side by those standards based on the actual actions not based on what the other side says they want to do.
Wow. That's not what I said, but it's an interesting leap you've made.
Did you skip high school? You must have skipped economics as well. I wish you knew what the fuck you are bloviating about. You could tax the rich at 100% and it would change NOTHING. It would not fix our debt problems, it would not fix SS, it would not fund Government pensions and it would not reduce Washington's propensity to spend money, particularly from the Party of the Jackass.

We don't have a REVENUE problem dumbass; we have a SPENDING problem. It just grew by $3.5 trillion thanks to a Government demanded shut down of our economy based on hysterics over a data that has been inflated and wildly overestimated.

I'm pretty sure it would change quite a bit. Here's a little hint for you: If you MAKE more, you can spend more without going into debt. So, for example, when Federal Tax Revenues as a percent of GDP fell below 15% in the late 2000's, that was a REVENUE problem, since that number was the lowest in over fifty years. Your ignorance is matched only by your arrogance.
OMG!!! 80,000 die every fucking year from the common flu; and we have a vaccine for that! Are you leftists stuck on moron and incapable of getting up?

We have gone over this before, Poopiehead.

At no time in the last 30 years have 80,000 people died from the flu. These numbers are for 12 month time frames.
2011 - 37,000
2012 - 12,000
2013 - 43,000
2014 - 38,000
2015 - 51,000
2016 - 23,000
2017 - 38,000
2018 - 61,000
2019 - 34,000

How many died JUST from the Covid? Anyone? Everyone of these deaths they are quoting were OTHER causes where COVID complicated the deaths. Nothing more.

Every flu death is from complications caused by the flu. Flu doesn't kill anyone on it's own. It causes pneumonia or heart attacks or strokes but it is usually people with preexisting conditions.

Was destroying an economy, forcing thousands of businesses into bankruptcy and perhaps 40 million onto unemployment rolls worth it? Was burying the American taxpayer under an additional $3.5 trillion in debt worth it?

You have to be mentally unfit to believe this bullshit.
I think there is little doubt you are mentally unfit for believing as well as spouting your bullshit.

Number of deaths for leading causes of death annually:

Number of deaths: 2,813,503
Death rate: 863.8 deaths per 100,000 population
Life expectancy: 78.6 years
Infant Mortality rate: 5.79 deaths per 1,000 live births

Heart disease: 647,457
Cancer: 599,108
Accidents (unintentional injuries): 169,936
Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 160,201
Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 146,383
Alzheimer’s disease: 121,404
Diabetes: 83,564
Influenza and Pneumonia: 55,672
Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis: 50,633
Intentional self-harm (suicide): 47,173
Your numbers are from 2017. Funny how the number is NOT 80,000 and includes not just flu deaths but also pneumonia. You are so mentally unfit you contradict yourself in the same post, poopiehead.
I'm pretty sure it would change quite a bit. Here's a little hint for you: If you MAKE more, you can spend more without going into debt.

You dunce; the Government takes in more and more every fucking year. It spends MORE than it takes in every fucking year. If it MADE more every year, it would still spend MORE than it takes in every year.

Only a low IQ, uneducated asshole believes that Government should confiscate more of our hard earned wealth.

P.S. The government doesn't "MAKE" anything; it "TAKES". #moron

So, for example, when Federal Tax Revenues as a percent of GDP fell below 15% in the late 2000's, that was a REVENUE problem,

The late 2000's? WTF are you even bloviating about you moron. We are in the early 2000's shit-for-brains. It's only 2020.

In 2000 revenues were at 2,025 trillion. in 2008 it was at 2,524 trillion. At the end of Obamunism it was at 3,268 trillion. Where's the "revenue" problem dumbass?

Yet, during that same period, in 2000 expenditures were 1,789 trillion. In 2008 they were at 2,982 trillion and by the end of Obamunsim they were at 3,853 trillion. As you can see by the data, we have a SPENDING problem.

What changed you might ask where we went from a balanced budget to deficit spending? Democrats controlled the house and the senate. ;)

QUOTE=Concart;3621238].....since that number was the lowest in over fifty years. Your ignorance is matched only by your arrogance.[/QUOTE]

Irony; a low IQ, uneducated ignoramus without any facts calling others ignorant. You're the reason I don't argue with idiots and morons. :rolleyes:
We have gone over this before, Poopiehead.

At no time in the last 30 years have 80,000 people died from the flu. These numbers are for 12 month time frames.
2011 - 37,000
2012 - 12,000
2013 - 43,000
2014 - 38,000
2015 - 51,000
2016 - 23,000
2017 - 38,000
2018 - 61,000
2019 - 34,000

2019-2020 U.S. Flu Season: Preliminary Burden Estimates:

39,000,000 – 56,000,000 flu illnesses
410,000 – 740,000 flu hospitalizations
24,000 – 62,000 flu deaths

Perspective: There were 83,780 Flu-Pneumonia Deaths in US this Season

CDC: 80,000 people died of flu last winter in U.S., highest death toll in 40 years
September 26, 2018[/size]

Every flu death is from complications caused by the flu. Flu doesn't kill anyone on it's own. It causes pneumonia or heart attacks or strokes but it is usually people with preexisting conditions.

Poor poopiehead: Every COVID death is from complications caused by the virus. COVID doesn't kill anyone on it's own. It causes pneumonia or heart attacks or strokes but it is usually people with preexisting conditions.

I think there is little doubt you are mentally unfit for believing as well as spouting your bullshit.

I think it is ironic that you don't realize you're mentally retarded and should be kept in a padded cell poopiehead. :rolleyes:

Your numbers are from 2017. Funny how the number is NOT 80,000 and includes not just flu deaths but also pneumonia. You are so mentally unfit you contradict yourself in the same post, poopiehead.

See above little poopiehead. :rolleyes:
2019-2020 U.S. Flu Season: Preliminary Burden Estimates:

39,000,000 – 56,000,000 flu illnesses
410,000 – 740,000 flu hospitalizations
24,000 – 62,000 flu deaths

Funny thing about those numbers, poopiehead. They don't say 80,000 flu deaths. The high estimate is still only 75% of that number.

Perspective: There were 83,780 Flu-Pneumonia Deaths in US this Season
Oh.. Poopiehead!!! You whine about including everyone that has Covid 19 as a Covid death and then you include in flu deaths everyone that died from pneumonia even if they didn't have the flu.

CDC: 80,000 people died of flu last winter in U.S., highest death toll in 40 years
September 26, 2018[/size]
You might want to check your calendar, poopiehead. This is 2020. The numbers for 2018 are no longer preliminary estimates. The CDC estimate was revised from the preliminary number to 61,000.

It also raises the question - If 80,000 was the highest death rate in 40 years, how could the US average 80,000 deaths per year from flu? Is math hard for you, poopiehead?

Poor poopiehead: Every COVID death is from complications caused by the virus. COVID doesn't kill anyone on it's own. It causes pneumonia or heart attacks or strokes but it is usually people with preexisting conditions.

I think it is ironic that you don't realize you're mentally retarded and should be kept in a padded cell poopiehead. :rolleyes:

See above little poopiehead. :rolleyes:
If you want to talk to yourself, poopiehead, go for it. It might do you some good. It certainly looks like you are starting to realize some things about yourself and your mental capabilities.
You said the Democrats were extreme. Since no objective standard puts them on the extreme end of the scale I can only assume you have no such standard but are basing your assessment on rhetoric alone.
It's one thing to scream insults at each other on the Congressional floor, but when the doors close, it's important that all US political parties work for the betterment of the nation as a whole, not just their own party.

Despite the rhetoric, President Reagan and Speaker Tip O'Neill worked with each other because, with them, the nation came first. Not so anymore. It's been trending this way since the 90s. Now look where we are. I call that "extreme". YMMV
You dunce; the Government takes in more and more every fucking year. It spends MORE than it takes in every fucking year. If it MADE more every year, it would still spend MORE than it takes in every year.

False. The two are completely detached from one another.

Only a low IQ, uneducated asshole believes that Government should confiscate more of our hard earned wealth.

Pretty lame ad-hom. Yawn.

P.S. The government doesn't "MAKE" anything; it "TAKES". #moron

Ditto. Up your game, dude.

The late 2000's? WTF are you even bloviating about you moron. We are in the early 2000's shit-for-brains. It's only 2020.

Would it help you if I said the late '00s. Are you familiar with the concept of a decade being referred to by the year it started. Is this yet another simple concept you can't grasp?

In 2000 revenues were at 2,025 trillion. in 2008 it was at 2,524 trillion. At the end of Obamunism it was at 3,268 trillion. Where's the "revenue" problem dumbass?

You should challenge yourself to complete a single sentence without namecalling. I know it's hard, but I believe in you. From 1982 until 2208, tax revenues represented at least 17% percent of GDP. For the next five years, that number dropped below 16, it recovered late in the Obama administration, but it has once again fallen below 17% of GDP, and is projected to be there for at least the next four years. That is a revenue problem.

Yet, during that same period, in 2000 expenditures were 1,789 trillion. In 2008 they were at 2,982 trillion and by the end of Obamunsim they were at 3,853 trillion. As you can see by the data, we have a SPENDING problem.

No, I can't see at all. Those numbers are completely out of context.

What changed you might ask where we went from a balanced budget to deficit spending? Democrats controlled the house and the senate. ;)

Stupid. What's your excuse now?

And yet here you are arguing with me. So thanks for the compliment.
False. The two are completely detached from one another.

How is revenue and spending detached you buffoon??

Pretty lame ad-hom. Yawn.

The shoe fits. Boor.

Ditto. Up your game, dude.

I wish you had one. But sounding like an uneducated dunce is all I see.

Would it help you if I said the late '00s.

Still too stupid to comprehend your lame statement. :rolleyes: Either way, your claim is still stupid and false.

Are you familiar with the concept of a decade being referred to by the year it started. Is this yet another simple concept you can't grasp?

Are you unaware of how stupid you look?

You should challenge yourself to complete a single sentence without namecalling. I know it's hard, but I believe in you.

Why? I disrespect lying assholes who desperately attempt to fabricate their own version of reality in lame attempt to defend a Socialist Marxist ideology.

If you don't want to be called an idiot, don't be one. Simple.

From 1982 until 2208,

2208? Dumbass.

tax revenues represented at least 17% percent of GDP. For the next five years, that number dropped below 16, it recovered late in the Obama administration, but it has once again fallen below 17% of GDP, and is projected to be there for at least the next four years. That is a revenue problem.

That is the dumbest bullshit I have ever heard. So when revenue increases, it's actually a decrease in dumb fuck speak? #fuckoff

No, I can't see at all. Those numbers are completely out of context.

That is why I don't like arguing with dishonest leftist hacks. #fuckoff

Stupid. What's your excuse now?

Another lame retard answer. I can't say I expected mor4e from lying leftist hacks like you. #fuckoff

And yet here you are arguing with me. So thanks for the compliment.

I wish you were better. #fuckoff
It's one thing to scream insults at each other on the Congressional floor, but when the doors close, it's important that all US political parties work for the betterment of the nation as a whole, not just their own party.

Despite the rhetoric, President Reagan and Speaker Tip O'Neill worked with each other because, with them, the nation came first. Not so anymore. It's been trending this way since the 90s. Now look where we are. I call that "extreme". YMMV

And the blame can be placed square at the feet of getting rid of the fairness doctrine, the onset of Fox News, and Rush Limbaugh. The GOP made lie-creation a billion-dollar industry. There can be no more sane discussion because the Fox scream machine will devastate and primary any member of the GOP who dare go moderate.
And the blame can be placed square at the feet of getting rid of the fairness doctrine, the onset of Fox News, and Rush Limbaugh. The GOP made lie-creation a billion-dollar industry. There can be no more sane discussion because the Fox scream machine will devastate and primary any member of the GOP who dare go moderate.

You are free to blame only the opposition, but both sides need to sincerely accept responsibility in order to fix the problem.
uneducated dunce
too stupid lame stupid and false.
how stupid you look?
lying assholes Socialist Marxist ideology.
an idiot Dumbass dumbest bullshit dumb fuck speak? #fuckoff
leftist hacks. #fuckoff lame retard answer. lying leftist hacks #fuckoff

Your intellect and wit are truly amazing.
uneducated dunce
too stupid lame stupid and false.
how stupid you look?
lying assholes Socialist Marxist ideology.
an idiot Dumbass dumbest bullshit dumb fuck speak? #fuckoff
leftist hacks. #fuckoff lame retard answer. lying leftist hacks #fuckoff
Your intellect and wit are truly amazing.

Don't fret about him. You could have been fired from your job, looking at a divorce, coming down with COVID-19 and have three kids in college and you'd still be better off than Truth Detector.

Seriously. Would anyone really want to be as fucked up as him?