USMessage boards just banned me for talking about election fraud

THe main problem was that they were for the most part unmoderated, the Bush board was the absolute worst. I will say that the Creation v Evolution board was tranquil by comparison but they really could go on and on for weeks on a subject.

They were moderated for years, it was only after Netscape was taken over by aol that they weren't. And the idea that the Bush board was "the absolute worst" is just nonsense.

The bush board was actually the election board. Rana and Dantes both go back that far. I came after Bush became President. Many of the posters there were early internet users, and intellectuals.

The WOT board was formed in response to the 9/11 attacks and "polls" were placed on the netscape home page, with "discuss" and links to that newly formed board. It attracted the general public filled with morons like USF and Loyal. It was jingoism central just as their names indicate and filled with right wing morons screaming for blood.

The smarter people were on the bush board where once in a while our attention would be brought to something going on there, and we'd take a glance, and all wrinkle our noses at each other, as if we had just smelled a particularly ripe hobo.
what'd they do

They had moderation, but it wasn't crazy moderation. But there was a mod board, (where usf hung out a lot sending cyber floral bouquets to the mods, swear to God, what a kiss-up), and the mods did peruse our board from time to time, but if you had a problem you pretty much jsut went there and got them. We didn't have many problems in the early years.

It was more the crowd. Just a unique blend of, as I said, early net users (ornot was on the internet in its infancy btw, before you were even in diapers, there are many people older than you far more experienced on the net and it's not the great unknown to us as you kinda implied on another thread) and intellectuals. We had a lot of ph.d's on that board, educators, writers, etc. And we also had a lot of "characters" like sarge. But very little viscous stuff.

I had a thought while I was writing this - I would love to see SF and a old bush board poster named Scottboxter go at it. Scott was a liberal, and he was relentless. I don't imagine their threads would ever end actually. Anyway, we had quite a cast. For a long time I felt incredibly intellectually inferior, and was more the party girl there. But later, that too changed. I learned a lot, met amazing people, and I have to say finding that board, completely by accident, resulted a lot of personal growth for me.
THe main problem was that they were for the most part unmoderated, the Bush board was the absolute worst. I will say that the Creation v Evolution board was tranquil by comparison but they really could go on and on for weeks on a subject.

As Christie will avow we were the ones that spoke out against the Iraq War and I've never changed my views on that. I always believed it to have been illegal under international law because if was not sanctioned by the UN.
They were moderated for years, it was only after Netscape was taken over by aol that they weren't. And the idea that the Bush board was "the absolute worst" is just nonsense.

The bush board was actually the election board. Rana and Dantes both go back that far. I came after Bush became President. Many of the posters there were early internet users, and intellectuals.

The WOT board was formed in response to the 9/11 attacks and "polls" were placed on the netscape home page, with "discuss" and links to that newly formed board. It attracted the general public filled with morons like USF and Loyal. It was jingoism central just as their names indicate and filled with right wing morons screaming for blood.

The smarter people were on the bush board where once in a while our attention would be brought to something going on there, and we'd take a glance, and all wrinkle our noses at each other, as if we had just smelled a particularly ripe hobo.

There were some incredible minds. Mott reminds me of Telestar!

Nova, imnoliber

Cawacko, Cawacko, although Cawacko married has far fewer drunk posts, he has lost some of his dazzle! And has a tendency to be dumbed down by Superfreak.
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They had moderation, but it wasn't crazy moderation. But there was a mod board, (where usf hung out a lot sending cyber floral bouquets to the mods, swear to God, what a kiss-up), and the mods did peruse our board from time to time, but if you had a problem you pretty much jsut went there and got them. We didn't have many problems in the early years.

It was more the crowd. Just a unique blend of, as I said, early net users (ornot was on the internet in its infancy btw, before you were even in diapers, there are many people older than you far more experienced on the net and it's not the great unknown to us as you kinda implied on another thread) and intellectuals. We had a lot of ph.d's on that board, educators, writers, etc. And we also had a lot of "characters" like sarge. But very little viscous stuff.

I had a thought while I was writing this - I would love to see SF and a old bush board poster named Scottboxter go at it. Scott was a liberal, and he was relentless. I don't imagine their threads would ever end actually. Anyway, we had quite a cast. For a long time I felt incredibly intellectually inferior, and was more the party girl there. But later, that too changed. I learned a lot, met amazing people, and I have to say finding that board, completely by accident, resulted a lot of personal growth for me.

Lol, it would be epic, Scottboxster could indeed be relentless!
We had a lot of ph.d's on that board, educators, writers, etc. And we also had a lot of "characters" like sarge. But very little viscous stuff.

this is just really hard for me to believe given that I think by far the biggest idiots on JPP (sans you, rana, christie, tom) can trace their lineage back to aol.
this is just really hard for me to believe given that I think by far the biggest idiots on JPP (sans you, rana, christie, tom) can trace their lineage back to aol.

Those were the product of the later years before everyone migrated here.

Weren't you lucky!

Hey, I like Dantes and Cawacko!
oh yeah cawacko is the man. I think he has dual lineage though. ornot talked on also darla was and I think you were on as well if I remember correctly.
Lol, it would be epic, Scottboxster could indeed be relentless!

What I found funny on that board, was all the times that a Mod would sign in and tell Scarlett that they wanted her to stop sending them naked pictures of herself; because they weren't interested.
But then; in her defense she only did that when she had been drinking, which seemed to be all the time.
Swear to god.
I still see him making posts on the SF Chronicle website after articles. I wrote him a note to say hello and told him about this board but never heard anything back. :(

He knew about this board he posted here for a while, if you look under Ornot you will find his name! He grew tired like so many of us of all the trite and puerile bullshit from the children here!
He knew about this board he posted here for a while, if you look under Ornot you will find his name! He grew tired like so many of us of all the trite and puerile bullshit from the children here!

I spend WAAY too much time here and I've never seen him post. How recent was this? It's to bad, Ornot is good people.
They were moderated for years, it was only after Netscape was taken over by aol that they weren't. And the idea that the Bush board was "the absolute worst" is just nonsense.

The bush board was actually the election board. Rana and Dantes both go back that far. I came after Bush became President. Many of the posters there were early internet users, and intellectuals.

The WOT board was formed in response to the 9/11 attacks and "polls" were placed on the netscape home page, with "discuss" and links to that newly formed board. It attracted the general public filled with morons like USF and Loyal. It was jingoism central just as their names indicate and filled with right wing morons screaming for blood.

The smarter people were on the bush board where once in a while our attention would be brought to something going on there, and we'd take a glance, and all wrinkle our noses at each other, as if we had just smelled a particularly ripe hobo.

Thank you for this very astute summary of what was happening on the Netscape boards (which Was for the most part the internet) between 1999 and 2003. Besides for so many reasons that I can not for personal reasons and matters of hte heart the Bush board will always hold a special place in my heart. But what you have said here is a true representation of things as they were in 2001-2004. It was a lively group of people who thought and carred deeply about the direction of this country under Bush and for the most part they were very bright and engaged. Even the libertarians there were about three cuts above what passes for libertarians here. At least they could discuss it on a level that was articulate and fairly coherent. They were still wrong, but they at least had a semblance of order to their thought. And there were few who just jousted with windmills. There were some fools like Diamondglitter (the now deceased Blabba) and Tex, but for the most part it was a sharp, friendly and lively group!