USMessage boards just banned me for talking about election fraud

cause you are

about a penny??

No, it just makes you nuts.

Sorry dumbass, people thinking you are nuts, doe not make you nuts, unless they are authorized to make that determination, and the people on this board aren't authorized or paid to do much of anything of any import let alone diagnose mental illness for the court system. But this is just another stupid fucking thing you have said on this thread. I bet I will find lots more of your particular strain of ignorant bullshit before I am through.
Everybody who isn't 100% in agreement with her.

No necessarily, because I am not in agreement with her and she doesn't consider me to be a Republican. But I don't tell her she is insane,l I just tell her I don't agree with her. She is cool with that!
i can never tell if there is some type of school yard flirtation going on between super and darla. like sometimes I think there is a grudging respect for each other and they wouldn't mind hanging out. I really can't get a read on the situation. Othertimes it seems darla actually hates super.


dude take a breath.
why would you feel guilty? it's not like billy had anything to do with her death. we aren't slaves to coincidence. man you people are weird as fuck.

I never understood the concept of simple blood relations (which doesn't even apply in this case as she was my grandfathers 2nd wife) must equal love. They don't. Sometimes family can be shitty. I know you understand this Grind, but for some reason other people are oblivious to that idea.
i can never tell if there is some type of school yard flirtation going on between super and darla. like sometimes I think there is a grudging respect for each other and they wouldn't mind hanging out. I really can't get a read on the situation. Othertimes it seems darla actually hates super.

Poor Superfreak. Not enough self confidence to pursue Darla.
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Listen sunshine, I know you from the old days on the War on Terror board. You were a prick then and I haven't seen any change in the interim.

I didn't post on the War on Terror board you asshole, I don't ordinarily stop to such slumming, that board was the black hole of AOL, I posted on the Bush Board, where most of the people with IQs over 60 hung out, which is why you are your banned friends never could handle it. This is more of your rewriting of history and comes from that same hole in your crotch that you pulled that shit out of about how you knew Darla for ten years, yada, yada, yada. All shit all the time. That's you all over tom!
Were you born this stupid or is this something you worked to develop?

Are you just quoting random posts of mine with this type of response just to make yourself seem intelligent? Or is it that you are trying to be an internet tough guy? Little man syndrome?
Sorry dumbass, people thinking you are nuts, doe not make you nuts, unless they are authorized to make that determination, and the people on this board aren't authorized or paid to do much of anything of any import let alone diagnose mental illness for the court system. But this is just another stupid fucking thing you have said on this thread. I bet I will find lots more of your particular strain of ignorant bullshit before I am through.

LMAO... oh... so we must be 'authorized'... I see. Wasn't aware of the 'authorization' rule to make an observation. You seem quite angry. Just go ahead and pull the stick out of your ass... I bet you would feel better.