Mott the Hoople
Sweet Jane
Damo? As high strung as SF? In what alternative universe did you observe this?Damo is probably badly constipated. Honestly, Superfreak confided in me that his personality problems ebb and flow along with his regularity which is really off. You know that Damo is wound even tighter than SF (you can tell if you read Damo closely, a lot of people don't realize it and think SF is the higher-strung Colorado asshole ((oh no offense SF!)) so we can only imagine how bad his whole digestive system is working...I may do a video on fiber here soon. I can tell it won't be amoment too soon!

I mean ok....Damo was a bit hard on Rana there and he does have a mysanthropic streak in him but wound up like Super Freak? I'm going to tell you the same thing I told Grind.
I've told you a million times...never exagerate!