Mott the Hoople
Sweet Jane
What are you complaining about? There was something for everyone.
I brought up the Fecal Occulosis.

What are you complaining about? There was something for everyone.
I know...but we're talking Super Freak's the nicest thing he's ever said to me!Bloody hell Mott, you'd have to be a limbo dancer to set the bar any lower.
re: warnings, they aren't restricted to private. a lot of the times it's whatever is easiest.
don't you think 'humiliated' is a bit strong?
That would rock!!I think that that English Queen has been gossiping on this board nonstop for weeks, and when a poster who is never in trouble for anything, probably the most widely liked poster on here, makes a joke, publically berating her the way Damo chose to is meant to embarrass, and that Rana shoudl have been shown the respect of a private message.
But I guess those are just for ILA, and USF and all their dirty shit.
Whatever, I don't care.
That English old lady better be put on notice, because i am on his ass after this. If it's not okay for Rana to make a joke, someone better stuff a motherfucking sock in his fucking mouth, and his gossip aren't "jokes" they are him trying to post what the stupid fool believes is personal info he got directly from that FUCKING WHORE IS FUCKING WHORE PERSONAL INFORMATION DAMO?? are you happy now that you know what I THINK?
There you go! I should put this post on a video huh? I may!
Good Lord Damo....I'm no fan of the old AOL drama being dragged in here too but you're jumping on the least of all sinners. Chill out.Leave old AOL personal info on the AOL board where nobody but the ghosts of the pasts can read it. Stop foisting that crap onto us.
I don't really fall for guilt trips. Like with what you did with my your mom thing.
But if someone just made some rando thread that didn't involve me then I wouldn't go out of my way to make heart attack puns. I'm not a monster. geez.
re: warnings, they aren't restricted to private. a lot of the times it's whatever is easiest.
Does that go for complaints as well? Rhetorical question, we all know you want us to complain in private.
Does that go for complaints as well? Rhetorical question, we all know you want us to complain in private.
you can do whatever you want. you are doing it right now.
It is unbelievable! I can't believe this! I am shaking my head, plus I didn't get warned in private, I got a public scolding.
This is such a farce. Everything we say about the bitches, who by the way were on this board, so it isn't AOL stuff, Tom will run to the mods telling them this is personal information!
He also allows posters from other boards to come here and spread their drama, but I make a reference that I made up and they get all pissy.
Gladys has been working overtime!
Just asking a question, I don't want to get the tecky treatment from you.
Just asking a question, I don't want to get the tecky treatment from you.
No, if ILA and all of them can talk about their rape fantasies I can make comments about the old board, don't like it, ban me
It isn't personal information, I made it up about the bitch.
What's hilarious is Tom is the biggest offender. You should see the shit he has been posting about me, Dantes, our history, our locations, our ages (all alleged shit he got from aol or ID in PM's). I have just shaken my head, but that's me. Someone else, say Dantes, might be pretty pissed and not shrug it off. Old Queenie better take note.
If you go I go.
Humiliate. verb. To hold one to public ridicule.don't you think 'humiliated' is a bit strong?