The 6 women jury were highly methodical. They took a ton of notes, they were active, they were deliberate. The first thing they asked for was the entire evidence inventory list. They saw what any rational, logical person saw, that the prosecutions case was a joke. Even if you thought something bad about zimmerman, there was reasonable doubt out the ass.
No one that actually paid attention to the trial should have been shocked here.
This case should never have been brought, and as I said one year ago, it was overcharged. Everyone said otherwise, but once people started seeing the case crumble like wet tissue paper, only the truest of mouth breathers were thinking anything other than manslaughter.
The defense did more than get not guilty, they methodically proved zimmermans innocence. This is a GREAT day. Justice has been done. THe violent criminal is in the grave where he belongs, and the person that put him there is a free man.
As it should be.
As it should be.