Virginia Election Results so far...

Everyone (meaning liberals) can't be as you see's statistically impossible. Sorry to have to hand you your ass.

Was I talking to you, you whiney race hustling bitch? If I want your whiney race hustling opinion, I will bitch slap it out of you Neanderthal.

Now run along dimwit; you'll come when you are called bitch.
"I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."[1]

Cons:"we need a tax cut"

Fits Truth Deflector to a "t'. All he has is invective and he thinks we don't see that he uses up a spitload of bandwidth to say absolutely nothing.
Thread is going nowhere... Likely to wind up in the waste-bin if it keeps going the way it is now.
I wanted to have a convo about the Virginia Gov race during the counting. Not turn into who can fling the most poo.
So again, you are NOW going to pretend this is ONLY about Presidential candidates? funny how you changed your tune.

Also.. the LEADING DEM candidate IS super rich and her husband was a former President. But I am sure neither of those will help her out.

Since when did she announce her candidacy? I think all of you are making assumptions that may not pan out.
LMAO... funny how you cannot help but create a straw man.

Do you think she would have become Senator of NY being a lawyer from AR without the name recognition she gained from being first lady? Yes or no Dung?

Had Bill not been elected President she had NO shot at that. None. You know that is true, which is why you created your pathetic straw man.

This is a peculiar argument. If Bill hadn't been president what reason would she have to move out of AK and run for senate in NY?
Why does it have to by "Senator of NY?" It's a bullshit parameter. No, I don't think she would necessarily have become Senator of NY if she were not First Lady. But she wouldn't have been a "lawyer from Arkansas" if she didn't marry Bill. She likely would have been a DC lawyer or a California lawyer.

I mean, in order to really engage the counterfactual you have to take Bill out of the picture. With Bill out of the picture, she never goes to Arkansas. Given her education and (limited) political work experience, I think it is quite safe to say she had quite a bright future in political office had she wished to pursue it.

Pretending her success is solely due to Bill is bullshit and you know her.

Bill admitted in his autobiography that Hillary is smarter than him.
no worries, we are all aware Steeler fans are not very bright.
HEY !!!

We will go down with the ship. There will be no white flag above our doors.

Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
So in Virginia, a rabid Tea Bagger gets beaten by a liberal democrat.

In Kentucky, the governor works hand in hand with the government to implement Obamacare, stating it works....much to the consternation of libertarian lunkhead Rand Paul and neocon McConnell.

It just keeps getting better and better.

Rand isn't a Libertarian.

Could have fooled me....he blathers the same two-faced bullshit his daddy did. But then again, libertarians are nothing more than conservatives who want to smoke dope and get laid (last part stolen from Thom Hartman).
Personally, I don't think this country needs another 4 years of Slick Willy administration in the White House...but then again a viable third party candidate is all but we saw when the Dems and Repubs' conspired to change the rules at the 11th hour to freeze Nader out of the debates. But I guess Hillary is the lesser of whatever shit the neocon/teabaggers are going to put up.

And the band played on.
There is the adage "never say never", but this is for those who think it's a slam-dunk Hillary will run in 2016.

"Hillary Clinton again shot down any talk of a 2016 presidential bid on the “Today” show Monday, but did not completely discount another run for office.

During an interview that delved into the behind-the-scenes life of the secretary of State, NBC News’s Savannah Guthrie asked Clinton whether she would ever run again for president. Clinton responded, unequivocally, “no.”

“No, you know, Savannah, I’m very privileged to have had the opportunity to serve my country. I’m really old-fashioned. I feel I have made my contribution. I have done the best I can. But now I want to try some other things. I want to get back to writing and maybe some teaching, working on women and girls around the world.”

But Clinton said she would not totally shut the door on politics, adding that people will have to “just watch and wait” for what she decides to do next.

“I have made my contribution. I’m very grateful I have had the chance to serve, but I think it’s time for others to step up,” Clinton said.

Read more:
Dear Maine... if you aren't going to read the thread, then perhaps you should avoid asking questions that make you look so foolish.

JAROD was saying that REPS benefit from family name and wealth... he then tried to pretend that Hillary had no such advantage simply because her PARENTS weren't politicians or uber wealthy. THEN I pointed out that was nonsense given her name recognition from being first lady and the vast Clinton wealth would be huge advantages to her in 2016.

So either read the thread in context or go along with Dung and try your best to knock down his straw man.

my question is legit... do you think that Hillary Rodham, with her brains and her political savvy, would be a force in American politics if she hadn't married Bill.... and contrast that with Dubya. I think that Hillary Rodham would - or certainly could have been - be a force in American politics. If Bush had not come from a long pedigreed line of Bushes.... and had been, instead, George W. Brown, he wouldn't have done shit on the political scene, imo.