Virginia Election Results so far...

LMAO... funny how you cannot help but create a straw man.

Do you think she would have become Senator of NY being a lawyer from AR without the name recognition she gained from being first lady? Yes or no Dung?

Had Bill not been elected President she had NO shot at that. None. You know that is true, which is why you created your pathetic straw man.

Why does it have to by "Senator of NY?" It's a bullshit parameter. No, I don't think she would necessarily have become Senator of NY if she were not First Lady. But she wouldn't have been a "lawyer from Arkansas" if she didn't marry Bill. She likely would have been a DC lawyer or a California lawyer.

I mean, in order to really engage the counterfactual you have to take Bill out of the picture. With Bill out of the picture, she never goes to Arkansas. Given her education and (limited) political work experience, I think it is quite safe to say she had quite a bright future in political office had she wished to pursue it.

Pretending her success is solely due to Bill is bullshit and you know her.
Why does it have to by "Senator of NY?" It's a bullshit parameter. No, I don't think she would necessarily have become Senator of NY if she were not First Lady. But she wouldn't have been a "lawyer from Arkansas" if she didn't marry Bill. She likely would have been a DC lawyer or a California lawyer.

I mean, in order to really engage the counterfactual you have to take Bill out of the picture. With Bill out of the picture, she never goes to Arkansas. Given her education and (limited) political work experience, I think it is quite safe to say she had quite a bright future in political office had she wished to pursue it.

Pretending her success is solely due to Bill is bullshit and you know her.

LMAO... ok Dung... bottom line is that she would not be where she was today without Bill having been President. You are just making up shit now. She could have never entered politics had she not met Bill. She would not have been Sec State, she would not have been First Lady, She would not have been a Senator from NY.
LMAO... ok Dung... bottom line is that she would not be where she was today without Bill having been President. You are just making up shit now. She could have never entered politics had she not met Bill. She would not have been Sec State, she would not have been First Lady, She would not have been a Senator from NY.

Also... I did not say it was solely due to Bill. She could have been successful on her own. But to pretend that she doesn't have a significant leg up because of who her husband is, is nothing short of bullshit... and that is the entire point we were making to Garud before you stepped in with your pathetic straw men.
LMAO... ok Dung... bottom line is that she would not be where she was today without Bill having been President. You are just making up shit now. She could have never entered politics had she not met Bill. She would not have been Sec State, she would not have been First Lady, She would not have been a Senator from NY.

The idea that a highly intelligent politically active Wellesly College and Yale Law School graudate could never have entered politics (!) without her husband is pretty fucking offensive, man. It's, like, really really really really sexist. Like, "bitch, make me a sandwich" sexist. Just so you know.
The idea that a highly intelligent politically active Wellesly College and Yale Law School graudate could never have entered politics (!) without her husband is pretty fucking offensive, man. It's, like, really really really really sexist. Like, "bitch, make me a sandwich" sexist. Just so you know.

Again... yet another fucking straw man. Words mean things you brain dead twit.

You said she 'could have' been a lawyer in NY or a lawyer in CA... I said she 'could HAVE' never entered politics at all.

I didn't say she COULDN'T EVER. You simply leave a word out to create a 'u a sexist' straw man. Just so you fucking know.
to suggest that Hillary Clinton would have been content to be a lawyer from Arkansas and is not loaded with enough inherent talent to be anything she wants to be - with or without her marriage to Bill - is silly.
to suggest that Hillary Clinton would have been content to be a lawyer from Arkansas and is not loaded with enough inherent talent to be anything she wants to be - with or without her marriage to Bill - is silly.

Which is NOT what I stated... THAT is DUNGS FUCKING STRAW MAN.
What I did say is that she most certainly benefited from name recognition and being first lady in her run for NY Senate, in her selection as Sec State and will definitely benefit from it in her run for Pres in 2016. THAT was the point being made to counter Garuds stupidity. THEN Dung decided to create straw men in an attempt to divert the topic into showing you morons how easily he can knock down his own straw men.
What I did say is that she most certainly benefited from name recognition and being first lady in her run for NY Senate, in her selection as Sec State and will definitely benefit from it in her run for Pres in 2016. THAT was the point being made to counter Garuds stupidity. THEN Dung decided to create straw men in an attempt to divert the topic into showing you morons how easily he can knock down his own straw men.

All I said was that there's a difference between being born on third base and hitting a triple. Then you decided that Hillary Clinton would have been a nobody if not for marrying Bill.
All I said was that there's a difference between being born on third base and hitting a triple. Then you decided that Hillary Clinton would have been a nobody if not for marrying Bill.

Again... a straw man... that is not what I said.

Again... you fail to tell us what 'triple' it is that you think Hillary hit.
What I did say is that she most certainly benefited from name recognition and being first lady in her run for NY Senate, in her selection as Sec State and will definitely benefit from it in her run for Pres in 2016. THAT was the point being made to counter Garuds stupidity. THEN Dung decided to create straw men in an attempt to divert the topic into showing you morons how easily he can knock down his own straw men.

benefitted? so what? can you say that she would not have been everything she has been today - with the exception of first lady - if she had been Hillary Rodham, smart, single, committed democrat?
benefitted? so what? can you say that she would not have been everything she has been today - with the exception of first lady - if she had been Hillary Rodham, smart, single, committed democrat?

Dear Maine... if you aren't going to read the thread, then perhaps you should avoid asking questions that make you look so foolish.

JAROD was saying that REPS benefit from family name and wealth... he then tried to pretend that Hillary had no such advantage simply because her PARENTS weren't politicians or uber wealthy. THEN I pointed out that was nonsense given her name recognition from being first lady and the vast Clinton wealth would be huge advantages to her in 2016.

So either read the thread in context or go along with Dung and try your best to knock down his straw man.