Virginia Election Results so far...

It seems to happen a lot in the Republican party that family name can get you elected, even if you are a dope.

Funny, because that's how it happens in the business world often also, your father was rich.. so you get a position, even if you are a dope.

It happens, not so much recently but it happens. Look at out presidents, Bill Clinton did not have a father, Barak Obama did not have a father. George Bush Sr's father was a senator, GWB's father was President. Romney's father was Governor, McCain's father was an admiral in the Navy.

Maybe you missed it, but I agreed its true that it happens in the Democratic party also.. only not as much and they have a hard time becoming president.

1. Its not an excuse its the truth.
2. You don't think the vast majority of those folks you listed would not run for president if they thought they had a chance?

Take a look at how your comments progressed Garud...
I only know two Democrats running and neither of them had parents in politics or were super rich.
They had biological fathers, although Bills died before he was born and Obama's moved to Africa never to return.

It takes more than sperm to be a true Father.

Hush, truth. How many sperm donors do you think that there are, up in here?
I only know two Democrats running and neither of them had parents in politics or were super rich.

I mean having a husband that has already been President and has already lined up a tremendous fundraising machine for you is no advantage for anyone.
I mean having a husband that has already been President and has already lined up a tremendous fundraising machine for you is no advantage for anyone.

That's not the point, she was not born into it like Jeb and Paul, she worked hard and got where she is, sure her husband helped, but nobody gets to the white house without help from there spouse. She was not born Bill Clintons wife.
That's not the point, she was not born into it like Jeb and Paul, she worked hard and got where she is, sure her husband helped, but nobody gets to the white house without help from there spouse. She was not born Bill Clintons wife.

Yes men and women need help from their spouses but to compare a regular joe spouse to a spouse that's a former President? Please.
I only know two Democrats running and neither of them had parents in politics or were super rich.

So again, you are NOW going to pretend this is ONLY about Presidential candidates? funny how you changed your tune.

Also.. the LEADING DEM candidate IS super rich and her husband was a former President. But I am sure neither of those will help her out.
So again, you are NOW going to pretend this is ONLY about Presidential candidates? funny how you changed your tune.

Also.. the LEADING DEM candidate IS super rich and her husband was a former President. But I am sure neither of those will help her out.

There's a difference between being born on third base and hitting a triple.
That's not the point, she was not born into it like Jeb and Paul, she worked hard and got where she is, sure her husband helped, but nobody gets to the white house without help from there spouse. She was not born Bill Clintons wife.

Her parents were pretty affluent you twit. Amazing how you keep changing the criteria. First it was being a elected as part of a political family, then it was rich and/or political family running for President, now the person not only has to be running for President, but the family member has to be a parent.

Tell us Garud, do you think a lawyer from Arkansas would have become Senator of NY without being married to a former President?
Her parents were pretty affluent you twit. Amazing how you keep changing the criteria. First it was being a elected as part of a political family, then it was rich and/or political family running for President, now the person not only has to be running for President, but the family member has to be a parent.

Tell us Garud, do you think a lawyer from Arkansas would have become Senator of NY without being married to a former President?

You know what happens when you try to argue with an idiot; you get entangled in the never ending circle of stupidity.

Sure, SF. That's the sum total of her life's accomplishments and she has no personal merit whatsover.

Well according to your brain dead leftist pal Jarod, Bush and Romney had no personal merit whatsoever.

Yes, you and your leftist pals really are THAT incredibly stupid and repugnant hypocrites.
Sure, SF. That's the sum total of her life's accomplishments and she has no personal merit whatsover.

I am asking you what triple she hit.

Because as a lawyer from Arkansas, she would NEVER have won a Senate seat in NY, let alone become Sec State. So what triple did she hit?
I am asking you what triple she hit.

Because as a lawyer from Arkansas, she would NEVER have won a Senate seat in NY, let alone become Sec State. So what triple did she hit?

Yes, the Wellesley College, Yale Law School graduate who was exteremely active in politics and campaigns during college and law school totally had no shot to make it in politics if not for her husband. Got it.
Yes, the Wellesley College, Yale Law School graduate who was exteremely active in politics and campaigns during college and law school totally had no shot to make it in politics if not for her husband. Got it.

LMAO... funny how you cannot help but create a straw man.

Do you think she would have become Senator of NY being a lawyer from AR without the name recognition she gained from being first lady? Yes or no Dung?

Had Bill not been elected President she had NO shot at that. None. You know that is true, which is why you created your pathetic straw man.