Virginia Election Results so far...

after Citizen's United, that came as a SURPRISE to you?

What did the citizens United case have to do with the massive amounts of outside funds raised by Democrats in Virginia? The biggest donors were not corporations dimwit; they were individualuals.

Isn't it ironic that the very leftist retards who rail about money in politics are perfectly willing to look the other way when it benefits their own candidates? Why do you think that is?
It happens, not so much recently but it happens. Look at out presidents, Bill Clinton did not have a father, Barak Obama did not have a father. George Bush Sr's father was a senator, GWB's father was President. Romney's father was Governor, McCain's father was an admiral in the Navy.

Bill Clinton was a philandering liar and arrogant asshole who literally helped marginalize the Democratic Party in the House and the Senate during his Presidency and where the Republicans in Congress dictated policy.

Obama is a liar and arrogant asshole who will go down in history as one of the most failed inexperienced inept President in our history.

Seeing a pattern yet?

Bush was a successful business man and Governor with the humility of a very religious family man who was confronted with 9-11 which can be directly attributed to the foreign policy failures and neglect of his predecessor.

Romney was never elected President so I am not sure what your point is other than to remove all doubt you're an idiot.

But Romney was also a very successful business man and Governor with the humility of a very religious family man.

Seeing a pattern yet?
Bill Clinton was a philandering liar and arrogant asshole who literally helped marginalize the Democratic Party in the House and the Senate during his Presidency and where the Republicans in Congress dictated policy.

Obama is a liar and arrogant asshole who will go down in history as one of the most failed inexperienced inept President in our history.

Seeing a pattern yet?

Bush was a successful business man and Governor with the humility of a very religious family man who was confronted with 9-11 which can be directly attributed to the foreign policy failures and neglect of his predecessor.

Romney was never elected President so I am not sure what your point is other than to remove all doubt you're an idiot.

But Romney was also a very successful business man and Governor with the humility of a very religious family man.

Seeing a pattern yet?

Bill Clinton was a philandering liar and arrogant asshole who literally helped marginalize the Democratic Party in the House and the Senate during his Presidency and where the Republicans in Congress dictated policy.

Obama is a liar and arrogant asshole who will go down in history as one of the most failed inexperienced inept President in our history.

Seeing a pattern yet?

Bush was a successful business man and Governor with the humility of a very religious family man who was confronted with 9-11 which can be directly attributed to the foreign policy failures and neglect of his predecessor.

Romney was never elected President so I am not sure what your point is other than to remove all doubt you're an idiot.

But Romney was also a very successful business man and Governor with the humility of a very religious family man.

Seeing a pattern yet?

Yeah, I see a pattern: you are an ideologically driven fool intent on posting ideologically based drivel!

What I don't understand is your repeated insistence on drawing attention to that fact!
Well, it looks like Democratic Party efforts to buy the election worked with a significant amount of the $54 million McAulif raised coming from outside the state.

Money talks again.
Oh, I see.....when Repubs do it, it's hunky dory...but when Dems do it, it's underhanded. Hypocrites.
Oh, I see.....when Repubs do it, it's hunky dory...but when Dems do it, it's underhanded. Hypocrites.

Wrong again dimwit; it's the libtards like you who whine and bitch about money in politics, but when your guys do it, it is all fine and dandy.

But you're a simple minded idiot; how could we possibly expect you to comprehend even the simplest of facts.

Yes Poet, you really are THAT repugnant and stupid.
Control yourself honey, the winner is no surprise to anyone.....

The only surprise is how close it was.....and thats a good sign for 2014 and 2016

I'd hardly call VA a blue state by the looks of the map tonight.

Let the rationalization game begin!

From here on out it's going to be one thread after another with desperate Righties attempting to convince themselves they've got an actual shot at winning in 2014 and 2016.
No...according to David Axelrod, on Morning Joe, for the last month TM's camp said 2 to 4 points. It wound up being 3 points.

This is part of their plan to start with the phoney narrative so they can pretend it's not really as bad as it seems for ignorant Tea Party Righties.
Cuccinelli was way behind in the weeks leading up to the election, yet closed phenomenally in the last two weeks because of Obamacare, despite not having Republican leadership behind him, being massively outspent and an Obama bundler funding the “libertarian” Sarvis he siphoned off at least 5% points. Democrats should be massively scared.

More conservatives voted for McAuliffe than Sarvis and as many Republicans. Your attempts to smear Sarvis and scapegoat libertarians is not going to help.
Wrong again dimwit; it's the libtards like you who whine and bitch about money in politics, but when your guys do it, it is all fine and dandy.

But you're a simple minded idiot; how could we possibly expect you to comprehend even the simplest of facts.

Yes Poet, you really are THAT repugnant and stupid.
Trutina Detecta, there is no concept, theory, construct, or model that I cannot fathom, and read you the riot act upon.
You're a retarded ideologue, a racist, and a waste of oxygen and space/time.
It happens, not so much recently but it happens. Look at out presidents, Bill Clinton did not have a father, Barak Obama did not have a father. George Bush Sr's father was a senator, GWB's father was President. Romney's father was Governor, McCain's father was an admiral in the Navy.

Both Bill Clinton and Obama had fathers Garud... they just weren't politicians.

Again you spin because you want to pretend it is Reps. Pelosi, Reid, Dodd, Kennedy's, Dingle, Udall are either currently in office or very recently retired.
I will be interested to see if McAuliffe's aggressive financing and merging of business and political interests lead to a scandal. At least he didn't run in Illinois. :D
So in Virginia, a rabid Tea Bagger gets beaten by a liberal democrat.

In Kentucky, the governor works hand in hand with the government to implement Obamacare, stating it works....much to the consternation of libertarian lunkhead Rand Paul and neocon McConnell.

It just keeps getting better and better.
I will be interested to see if McAuliffe's aggressive financing and merging of business and political interests lead to a scandal. At least he didn't run in Illinois. :D

As opposed to the previous merging of aggressive ideology and the defunding of public services?