Virginia Election Results so far...

Cuccinelli is a huge anti-abortion corporatist stooge and McAuilife is a pro-abortion corporatist stooge. And they are probably both equally corrupt. So for me, if I lived in Virginia I would vote for McAulife but the people of Virginia are mostly fucked no matter who wins and the women of Virginia are only marginally better off if McAuliffe wins. Those who need and want abortions will be able to get them but in most other areas I bet their isn't too much difference between the two which is why this race is so damn close. But I did hear that 12 percent of the electorate in exit polls were Black people which is the same percentage as the 2012 Presidential race. So McAulife could win if he gets that much of the Black vote.

As it turns out they did, and he did !

Damn, 6.66....That's a sign if there ever was one.

Control yourself honey, the winner is no surprise to anyone.....

The only surprise is how close it was.....and thats a good sign for 2014 and 2016

I'd hardly call VA a blue state by the looks of the map tonight.

No, honey, you control yourself. Everyone from the Koch Bros. To Ted Cruz decided to lambast establishment Repubs instead of funding Cucci. He was a Tea Party Crazie and the writing is on the wall. The Tea Partier in Alabama also
lost to the establishment Republican, and was ungracious in his concession speech. The government shutdown spelled doom for Va., who had disproportionate numbers of govt. Workers who suffered. Maybe not blue yet, but decidedly purple.
Christie is giving a great speech!
He actually watch as he works with the Dems and gives the Teas indigestion, as he positions himself as the GOP frontrunner for '16...seeing that it's all over for Paul due to his plagiarism woes. LOL.
Cuccinelli was way behind in the weeks leading up to the election, yet closed phenomenally in the last two weeks because of Obamacare, despite not having Republican leadership behind him, being massively outspent and an Obama bundler funding the “libertarian” Sarvis he siphoned off at least 5% points. Democrats should be massively scared.
Cuccinelli was way behind in the weeks leading up to the election, yet closed phenomenally in the last two weeks because of Obamacare, despite not having Republican leadership behind him, being massively outspent and an Obama bundler funding the “libertarian” Sarvis he siphoned off at least 5% points. Democrats should be massively scared.
Scared of what? You're the one who should be scared , but too stupid to know it.
Cuccinelli was way behind in the weeks leading up to the election, yet closed phenomenally in the last two weeks because of Obamacare, despite not having Republican leadership behind him, being massively outspent and an Obama bundler funding the “libertarian” Sarvis he siphoned off at least 5% points. Democrats should be massively scared.

Keep at it; you'll soon have him winning! Believers in fact should be massively amused.
Cuccinelli was way behind in the weeks leading up to the election, yet closed phenomenally in the last two weeks because of Obamacare, despite not having Republican leadership behind him, being massively outspent and an Obama bundler funding the “libertarian” Sarvis he siphoned off at least 5% points. Democrats should be massively scared.

Is this the final word from the Storm Front or is there more bullshit coming? It must hurt to be you today! So much behind the scenes maneuvering and yet your boy still lost. And all you can say is Obama care was the culprit for his great showing! He lost; losing is never a great showing.

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Cuccinelli was way behind in the weeks leading up to the election, yet closed phenomenally in the last two weeks because of Obamacare, despite not having Republican leadership behind him, being massively outspent and an Obama bundler funding the “libertarian” Sarvis he siphoned off at least 5% points. Democrats should be massively scared.

Wonder why more corporations didn't throw money at him?
the government shutdown pissed these people off big time.

they are the suburbs of DC.

Its was a lot of these people who LOST income because of the tea tards
Well, it looks like Democratic Party efforts to buy the election worked with a significant amount of the $54 million McAulif raised coming from outside the state.

Money talks again.
Well, it looks like Democratic Party efforts to buy the election worked with a significant amount of the $54 million McAulif raised coming from outside the state.

Money talks again.


you were fine when it was the tea tards and the Rs outspending you scumbait.

Why do you scum always FIGHT elections reforms?
He actually watch as he works with the Dems and gives the Teas indigestion, as he positions himself as the GOP frontrunner for '16...seeing that it's all over for Paul due to his plagiarism woes. LOL.

Ironic to me that Randall Paul self destructs just at about the same time as Christie landslides his reelection.
rand paul is not as bright as Christy.

randy was always just about to make a fool of himself due to his lack of braincells
It seems to happen a lot in the Republican party that family name can get you elected, even if you are a dope.

Funny, because that's how it happens in the business world often also, your father was rich.. so you get a position, even if you are a dope.
It seems to happen a lot in the Republican party that family name can get you elected, even if you are a dope.

Funny, because that's how it happens in the business world often also, your father was rich.. so you get a position, even if you are a dope.

Hey Garud... does it happen in the Democratic party as well?

Name Kennedy ring any bells?

How about Udalls?






Perhaps AL GORE?

There are many families in both parties where this occurs... and if you are looking for dopes who get elected on family name alone... we really have to look no further than Patrick and Joseph Kennedy.
Hey Garud... does it happen in the Democratic party as well?

Name Kennedy ring any bells?

How about Udalls?






Perhaps AL GORE?

There are many families in both parties where this occurs... and if you are looking for dopes who get elected on family name alone... we really have to look no further than Patrick and Joseph Kennedy.

It happens, not so much recently but it happens. Look at out presidents, Bill Clinton did not have a father, Barak Obama did not have a father. George Bush Sr's father was a senator, GWB's father was President. Romney's father was Governor, McCain's father was an admiral in the Navy.