Virginia Election Results so far...

McAuliffe wins governor's race in Virginia!!!

That depends. Christie can do it. He can win nationally and I'd consider voting for him. He's not a Plutocrat beholding to Wall Street and out of touch with most Americans and he's not a mouth breathing knuckle dragger like Cruz and Paul. If Christie avoids McCains and Romney's fatal flaw of running to the far right in the primaries only to have no credibility with the general public when they tried to move back to the center. Christie can win and he can do it with out the Southern Strategy.

Right the "I'd consider voting for him meme" but in the end you will pull the handle for a dem, any dem will do.

I am sure it gives you joy to think you are fooling people though


They are all plutocrats, but you keep playing Big Indian/Little Indian
Control yourself honey, the winner is no surprise to anyone.....

The only surprise is how close it was.....and thats a good sign for 2014 and 2016

I'd hardly call VA a blue state by the looks of the map tonight.

Cheer up bravs, you got Chris Christie.
I kind of wanted Cuccinelli to get stomped but it's always good when the Libertarian has more votes than the margin. Now all the fake small government types will whine about it. They made a hell of an effort to smear Sarvis and Rand and Ron blew much of their capital on the loser.
I know you're a libertarian. I'm just surprised you think McAuliffe is "far left."

I'm surprised you think either is significantly different in their willingness to violate the rights of citizens. Just because they want to violate different rights, does not make one better than the other.

Holy fuck I typed that fast.
One is right here. I personally don't like either candidate. Can't claim I get all that excited over who is Governor in Virginia.

It's symbolic: I know that's one of those big words, but this is the first time since 1977 or so that the Governor of Virginia was of the same party as the President. So people like Rachel Maddow are making a big deal out of this. I am just glad to see a Republican, no matter where he is or what he is running for, lose!
Right the "I'd consider voting for him meme" but in the end you will pull the handle for a dem, any dem will do.

I am sure it gives you joy to think you are fooling people though


They are all plutocrats, but you keep playing Big Indian/Little Indian
I've voted for far more Republicans than Democrats...but for a good period of that time knuckle dragging rednecks voted mostly Democrat. It was only after they infested the GOP to such a ridiculous degree that I started voting Democrat.