Virginia Election Results so far...

The areas where votes are not yet in lean very Democrat.....don't look good for Cuccinelli....

but he put up better numbers than advertised by the media before the election.

Considering libs paid a libertarian to get in the race and he took 6% of the vote yeah! huge win for the dems
The areas where votes are not yet in lean very Democrat.....don't look good for Cuccinelli....

but he put up better numbers than advertised by the media before the election.

As if that means jack squat! When has the media gotten anything correct to the last digit!
Fingers crossed. This is nerve-rackingly close.

Cuccinelli is a huge anti-abortion corporatist stooge and McAuilife is a pro-abortion corporatist stooge. And they are probably both equally corrupt. So for me, if I lived in Virginia I would vote for McAulife but the people of Virginia are mostly fucked no matter who wins and the women of Virginia are only marginally better off if McAuliffe wins. Those who need and want abortions will be able to get them but in most other areas I bet their isn't too much difference between the two which is why this race is so damn close. But I did hear that 12 percent of the electorate in exit polls were Black people which is the same percentage as the 2012 Presidential race. So McAulife could win if he gets that much of the Black vote.
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Damn, 6.66....That's a sign if there ever was one.
There is no joy in Mudville tonight...

Where'd all the righties go?


Control yourself honey, the winner is no surprise to anyone.....

The only surprise is how close it was.....and thats a good sign for 2014 and 2016

I'd hardly call VA a blue state by the looks of the map tonight.
Control yourself honey, the winner is no surprise to anyone.....

The only surprise is how close it was.....and thats a good sign for 2014 and 2016

I'd hardly call VA a blue state by the looks of the map tonight.
That depends. Christie can do it. He can win nationally and I'd consider voting for him. He's not a Plutocrat beholding to Wall Street and out of touch with most Americans and he's not a mouth breathing knuckle dragger like Cruz and Paul. If Christie avoids McCains and Romney's fatal flaw of running to the far right in the primaries only to have no credibility with the general public when they tried to move back to the center. Christie can win and he can do it with out the Southern Strategy.
Weren't they boasting a double digit win for the Dem. a few days ago ?

I never heard anything like that. All I ever heard was how close it was. Who gives a shit? None of that matters now! Your boy lost! That's all that fucking matters!
It's a miracle with the Democrats not voting and the Republicans cheating and wheeling in dead people to vote. I can't believe the Democrat won. The Republicans who counted the votes must have miscalculated somewhere.
Do you agree with him that "Adultery laws ought to stay, with more enforcement? How about "Homosexuality is against nature and harmful to society"?

He's just a good Christian Soldier marching unto war with the heathens! You're not on the side of the heathens in this are you?