Virginia Election Results so far...

Quote Originally Posted by Threedee
I will be interested to see if McAuliffe's aggressive financing and merging of business and political interests lead to a scandal. At least he didn't run in Illinois.

I will be interested if they find any "there" there. I predict that they won't. You know right wingers and their conspiracy theories. - poet
So in Virginia, a rabid Tea Bagger gets beaten by a liberal democrat.

In Kentucky, the governor works hand in hand with the government to implement Obamacare, stating it works....much to the consternation of libertarian lunkhead Rand Paul and neocon McConnell.

It just keeps getting better and better.

Rand isn't a Libertarian.
So, all the scandals repeatedly coming out of IL, MA, and NJ are just inventions, then?
Don't trip over yourself running to be outraged over a politician scandal!
Republican prostitutes, toe tapping etc when aren't politicians on both sides scandalous.
Both Bill Clinton and Obama had fathers Garud... they just weren't politicians.

Again you spin because you want to pretend it is Reps. Pelosi, Reid, Dodd, Kennedy's, Dingle, Udall are either currently in office or very recently retired.

They had biological fathers, although Bills died before he was born and Obama's moved to Africa never to return.

It takes more than sperm to be a true Father.
They had biological fathers, although Bills died before he was born and Obama's moved to Africa never to return.

It takes more than sperm to be a true Father.

I was being sarcastic you twit. Funny how THAT is the portion of the post you addressed and not the number of current crop of Dems who are from political families.
I was being sarcastic you twit. Funny how THAT is the portion of the post you addressed and not the number of current crop of Dems who are from political families.

Maybe you missed it, but I agreed its true that it happens in the Democratic party also.. only not as much and they have a hard time becoming president.
The Democratic presidents know what it is to make it not have it given to you. They know that to move up in American society requires help and they understand the myth of the 'self made man'.
Im fairly sure Barak Obama and Bill Clinton would not have gone to college without the assistance of the American tax payer via the federal Student Loan Program.

Obama is correct when he speaks about his story being an example of American Exceptionalism.
Maybe you missed it, but I agreed its true that it happens in the Democratic party also.. only not as much and they have a hard time becoming president.

See, you continue trying to make excuses. First you pretend it is Reps and not Dems. Then I list Dems. Then you pretend the Dems aren't recent enough. Then I list the recent Dems. Now you want to move the goal posts yet again by saying 'but but but they have a hard time becoming President'. Well Garud, that happens when you don't RUN for President.
See, you continue trying to make excuses. First you pretend it is Reps and not Dems. Then I list Dems. Then you pretend the Dems aren't recent enough. Then I list the recent Dems. Now you want to move the goal posts yet again by saying 'but but but they have a hard time becoming President'. Well Garud, that happens when you don't RUN for President.

1. Its not an excuse its the truth.
2. You don't think the vast majority of those folks you listed would not run for president if they thought they had a chance?
No, it is an excuse.

completely irrelevant...

No the fact that they don't have a chance getting the Democratic nomination is not irrelevant.

Heck, who do you think is the frontrunner for the Republican Nomination currently? Good chance in your top 4 there is a Bush and a Paul.