Virginia Election Results so far...

What I did say is that she most certainly benefited from name recognition and being first lady in her run for NY Senate, in her selection as Sec State and will definitely benefit from it in her run for Pres in 2016. THAT was the point being made to counter Garuds stupidity. THEN Dung decided to create straw men in an attempt to divert the topic into showing you morons how easily he can knock down his own straw men.

Speaking of creating a diversion isn't this a thread about Virginia! Did Hillary run for some office I don't know about in Virginia? Or are you the one who is diverting the conversation?
What I did say is that she most certainly benefited from name recognition and being first lady in her run for NY Senate, in her selection as Sec State and will definitely benefit from it in her run for Pres in 2016. THAT was the point being made to counter Garuds stupidity. THEN Dung decided to create straw men in an attempt to divert the topic into showing you morons how easily he can knock down his own straw men.

What does any of this have to do with the races in Virginia that were decided on Tuesday?
Speaking of creating a diversion isn't this a thread about Virginia! Did Hillary run for some office I don't know about in Virginia? Or are you the one who is diverting the conversation?

Read the thread... then get back to me... for it was Jarod that took it down this line...
I am asking you what triple she hit.

Because as a lawyer from Arkansas, she would NEVER have won a Senate seat in NY, let alone become Sec State. So what triple did she hit?

Arkansas? New York? This is a thread about Virginia? Do you even know where Virginia is?
So again, you are NOW going to pretend this is ONLY about Presidential candidates? funny how you changed your tune.

Also.. the LEADING DEM candidate IS super rich and her husband was a former President. But I am sure neither of those will help her out.

My point is that she was not born super rich and she was not born married to a former president.
What triple did she hit? Marrying Bill?

Lets see,

She went to Yale, but her father didn't. (GWB's father went to Yale, GWB did not have the grades to get into Texas A & M but did have the grades to get into Yale?)
She met Bill, he was not a child of family friends.
She got n Ivy league law degree, no help from Bill or her daddy.
She got a job at a big law firm and made partner, before Bill was even Gov of Arkansas.
She was Secretary of State and did a great job, without Bill.

Id call that more than a triple.
My point is that she was not born super rich and she was not born married to a former president.

Which is just your way of trying to shift the goal posts. Being born into it is not what you were first discussing. Being born into it has NOTHING to do with it. She is going to have a similar (if not greater) benefit from having a former President as her husband and from having their vast wealth that Bush had. Personally I think her benefit is greater as Clinton was well liked among Dems and moderates... whereas Bush Sr was disliked among many conservatives for breaking his tax pledge.
LMAO... funny how you cannot help but create a straw man.

Do you think she would have become Senator of NY being a lawyer from AR without the name recognition she gained from being first lady? Yes or no Dung?

Had Bill not been elected President she had NO shot at that. None. You know that is true, which is why you created your pathetic straw man.

Your right, she put her career on hold to marry Bill and raise a family. So without him, Id say she would never have moved to Arkansas and would likely have been further along in her career, like maybe have already been president.
Why does it have to by "Senator of NY?" It's a bullshit parameter. No, I don't think she would necessarily have become Senator of NY if she were not First Lady. But she wouldn't have been a "lawyer from Arkansas" if she didn't marry Bill. She likely would have been a DC lawyer or a California lawyer.

I mean, in order to really engage the counterfactual you have to take Bill out of the picture. With Bill out of the picture, she never goes to Arkansas. Given her education and (limited) political work experience, I think it is quite safe to say she had quite a bright future in political office had she wished to pursue it.

Pretending her success is solely due to Bill is bullshit and you know her.

She may have been senator from Illinois, and we all know you cant get elected President from that seat!
Lets see,
She went to Yale, but her father didn't. (GWB's father went to Yale, GWB did not have the grades to get into Texas A & M but did have the grades to get into Yale?)

She became Senator of NY because of family connections... not on merit or even residency in the state.

She met Bill, he was not a child of family friends.

???? ROFLMAO...

She got n Ivy league law degree, no help from Bill or her daddy.

So her successful father provided no help to her? Link us up to your source.

She got a job at a big law firm and made partner, before Bill was even Gov of Arkansas.

Something millions of people do... nothing special about getting a job at a big firm.

She was Secretary of State and did a great job, without Bill.

LMAO... ok Garud
Your right, she put her career on hold to marry Bill and raise a family. So without him, Id say she would never have moved to Arkansas and would likely have been further along in her career, like maybe have already been president.

LMAO... what are you smoking? She did not put her career on hold to marry Bill.

We have no idea what she 'might' have done. She 'might' have decided to remain a lawyer.
Whatever supercand. Its true that Clinton and Obama are American success stories who understand what it takes to make it in America if you come from a "middle class" single parent home.

Bush and his father are an example of where you can get if your daddy was senator or president. Im more impressed by Bill and Barak.
Whatever supercand. Its true that Clinton and Obama are American success stories who understand what it takes to make it in America if you come from a "middle class" single parent home.

I am curious what is “middle class” about attending Wellesley College, Georgetown, Columbia University, Oxford, Yale and Harvard?

Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School.

Bill Clinton is an alumnus of Georgetown University, and earned a Rhodes Scholarship to attend the University of Oxford

Hillary Rodham was the first student commencement speaker at Wellesley College in 1969. She then earned a J.D. from Yale Law School

Bush and his father are an example of where you can get if your daddy was senator or president. Im more impressed by Bill and Barak.

No; you’re enamored with brain dead Liberal Democrats who are mathematically challenged, known liars and who are economically stupid.
Why can’t you just be honest for one time in your pathetic life?

Yes Jarod; you really are that big of a hypocrite and hyper partisan fool.
I am curious what is “middle class” about attending Wellesley College, Georgetown, Columbia University, Oxford, Yale and Harvard?

Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School.

Bill Clinton is an alumnus of Georgetown University, and earned a Rhodes Scholarship to attend the University of Oxford

Hillary Rodham was the first student commencement speaker at Wellesley College in 1969. She then earned a J.D. from Yale Law School

No; you’re enamored with brain dead Liberal Democrats who are mathematically challenged, known liars and who are economically stupid.
Why can’t you just be honest for one time in your pathetic life?

Yes Jarod; you really are that big of a hypocrite and hyper partisan fool.

Everyone (meaning liberals) can't be as you see's statistically impossible. Sorry to have to hand you your ass.
benefitted? so what? can you say that she would not have been everything she has been today - with the exception of first lady - if she had been Hillary Rodham, smart, single, committed democrat?

So that was the entire fucking point... how many times do you have to read it before you comprehend. Jarod pretended it was just Reps who benefitted from family name and wealth. I pointed out that Hillary has both of those same benefits. What part of that is so hard for you to figure out?
Whatever supercand. Its true that Clinton and Obama are American success stories who understand what it takes to make it in America if you come from a "middle class" single parent home.

Bush and his father are an example of where you can get if your daddy was senator or president. Im more impressed by Bill and Barak.

Which does not alter one bit that Democrats from political and/or wealthy families benefit just as much as Reps do that come from similar backgrounds. Who you are more impressed with is irrelevant to that point.