Virginia woman killed in 'grisly mauling' by her dogs, cops say

Merry Christmas to all of you who have found a way to move on:)
What a wonderful holiday!...enjoy your family and your friends, your traditions and the celebrations.... and the glory of this wonderful day!
It's been the best day ever around here:)
Merry Christmas to all of you who have found a way to move on:)
What a wonderful holiday!...enjoy your family and your friends, your traditions and the celebrations.... and the glory of this wonderful day!
It's been the best day ever around here:)

So the dogs got a Christmas treat!
Merry Christmas to all of you who have found a way to move on. What a wonderful Holiday! Enjoy your family and your friends, your traditions and the celebrations. And the Glory of this wonderful dAy!
It's been the best day ever around here:) last PM questioned: "Jade, how did your neighborhood feast go? We went to our neighbors' for feasting and fun. It was 2F, blowing sideways snow, but cozy and happy inside. On the walk home the snow clouds lifted enough for a glimpse of the Lake. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday as well!"
But...they were headed for the holiday family visit... where they claimed to be going to visit the grandchildren and children and all.....were they not?:)
So they aren't in St.L......after all?
Last edited: last PM questioned: "Jade, how did your neighborhood feast go? We went to our neighbors' for feasting and fun. It was 2F, blowing sideways snow, but cozy and happy inside. On the walk home the snow clouds lifted enough for a glimpse of the Lake. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday as well!"
But...they were headed for the holiday family visit in where we all know where=to visit the grandchildren and children and all.....were they not?:)

I'm glad to see you've dropped the fake ignore, Toxic Twat. And that you're so interested in our travel itinerary as well. Here you go: We leave here at 6am tomorrow to travel down to see the last remaining STL kid who doesn't even live in STL anymore. We'll be back this weekend. Is that good? Would you like their names and address too? Oh wait, you already know my g-daughter's name from your FB stalkings.

Have a lovely evening. So sorry your holiday was so bitter and sad.
Big time loss:) Happy New can move on now:) have not a single thing left to go on about:) Not one.
Everyone is weary of your personal obsessions and has advised you to move on...
Three posts to say I'm ignored. LOL. Gotta love the "someone PMd me that you said ___." You can't even lie well, just stupidly. But then, consider the source. Keep on melting down, you sad sick thing.

haha 1.jpg
Desperation is setting in:)
I know, right? The sick sad thing is on another thread as we speak, telling me how she's still ignoring me, but oh by the way "someone" PMd her a post I made on yet another thread (yeah right) and I supposedly made it all up about going to visit my daughter/g-daughter in STL the day after Xmas. I think she posted 5-6x about how I'm "losing" and "ignored." It's the Twittler Method -- say bullshit enough times and it magically becomes true.

Hope you and yours had a wonderful holiday!
A glimpse inside the holiday Toxic household:


Not shown: Dogs drinking out of toilet because their bowls are dry, the lone Christmas card from the trash man tied by a red string from the bare lightbulb over the card table, the tear-encrusted pillow on the unmade mattress on the floor.
Big time loss:) Happy New can move on now:) have not a single thing left to go on about:) Not one.
Everyone is weary of your personal obsessions and has advised you to move on...

What people are weary about is your daily telling everyone you pretend to ignore,posters have told you before to STFU about that silly shit!
Merry Xmas KS last PM questioned: "Jade, how did your neighborhood feast go? We went to our neighbors' for feasting and fun. It was 2F, blowing sideways snow, but cozy and happy inside. On the walk home the snow clouds lifted enough for a glimpse of the Lake. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday as well!"
But...they were headed for the holiday family visit... where they claimed to be going to visit the grandchildren and children and all.....were they not?:)
So they aren't in St.L......after all?

Lake?I know where you live dipshit ,no lake!
How fucking drunk are you?
Lake?I know where you live dipshit ,no lake!
How fucking drunk are you?

She's trying to convince us that someone PMd her a post I made on a different thread (the Jade's Recipe Exchange). While pretending, of course, that she's ignoring me. She's all butthurt that everyone but her had a lovely holiday, and more to come. Sad, really. Meanwhile, on yet a different thread, she's trying to shove herself into the middle of a convo between me and someone else. "Hey! Look at me! Look at MEEEE not her! Hey over here! It's me Toxic look look look!" lol
Merry Christmas, everyone too whoever has chosen to move on!!!! The Rest...Bah hamburg:) See ya, wouldn't want to be ya:)