We are a CHRISTIAN Nation!

Let's hear it for the shitty ways CHRISTIANS treat others!

Christians refuse to tip waiter because ‘homosexual lifestyle is an affront to God’

A group of customers refused to tip their 20-year-old server at a Carraba’s Italian restaurant in Overland Park, KS on the grounds that his homosexuality is “an affront to God.” According to KCTV Fox 19, the server went to the table after the group of customers left and found a note explaining their decision.

“Thank you for your service, it was excellent. That being said, we cannot in good conscience tip you, for your homosexual lifestyle is an affront to GOD. Queers do not share in the wealth of GOD, and you will not share in ours,” said the note. “We hope you will see the tip your queer choices made you lose out on, and plan accordingly. It is never too late for GOD’s love, but none shall be spared for queers. May GOD have mercy on you.”

Friends and supportive customers plan to dine at the restaurant Friday evening as a show of support for the waiter who received the hateful note. He has declined to give his name or go on camera and has asked people not to try and give him money.

He said in a statement, “The offers to help pay me back are much appreciated, but not at all needed. I’d prefer to let my work ethic and my service do the talking, nothing else.”


AHHHHH the cheap Christian found an excuse to not tip the guy. Christians ministers are the best at finding excuses to not feed the poor(like Judas), because they don't want to dip into their hoard of donations when they would rather spend it on hookers.lol THOSE LAZY POOR PEOPLE(Note sarcasm).

Hey Obama care is forcing me to help less fortunate sick people!!! Not on my watch!!!! That's not what Christ wants! Says the wolf in..errr I mean Christian minister.

Christ says let them work to pay their own medical bills instead of being so lazy(note sarcasm)! Its not my problem they got sick!!(note sarcasm).

On a more serious note? The guy provided a service for you. You should evaluate him judged on his service provided.

Speaking straight up? I will not shop at a clothing store that has gay helpers! I will not eat at a place that has gay waiters. That food better be pretty darn tasty for me to eat there!!!

THOUGH if I do decide to eat there and the service is good? He will get a tip. If his appearance lets me lose my appetite, like a cross dresser or he is eyeing me sexually? I will ask for another waiter. If they are all gay I can get up and go to another place to eat. They must have known he was gay when he served them, so he was good enough to serve them but not good enough to tip?
How about the shitty ways that humans treat other humans? Seriously, all you have to do is look around this board to see that fuckwittery and shitheadedness exist in ample amounts on both sides of the fence.

The difference is that conservative fuckwittery kills people. It's a proven fact that a free market will always price things -- including food and shelter -- above the economic reach of an unfortunate few. Conservatives like to ignore that and pretend that allowing people to starve to death is "market efficiency." Liberal fuckwittery makes people miserable and unhappy, but everyone lives.

It's up to you to decide which of the two shitty alternatives is shittier.
I'd rather hear about the shitty ways non-Christians treat Christians. It's so much more relevant to America's demise.

Shouldn't the Christians be providing the better example? This particular Christian seems to be void of Christian grace and social etiquette.

Ahhh he's gay so lets just make him starve! He don't deserve to eat or earn a living!!!(note sarcasm).

It's funny how since I got into politics? It seems that the left is more concerned with the poor, the sick, the elderly, etc....And the right? Although they act concerned(and some legitimately are)? Many don't want to be forced to feed the poor. Basically saying, if there is a poor person starving and I have $100 in my pocket? I should only give him a $1 IF I feel like it.lol Why do they feel this way? Well it's because of their wolves in sh.....errr I mean ministers that indoctrinate them with this. Why? So that they don't have to give THEIR money to the poor. Ministers don't give. They only take. And give with the money of others. But they want to keep most of it for themselves.

So tell me...When did the right become the left and the left the right?
Shouldn't the Christians be providing the better example? This particular Christian seems to be void of Christian grace and social etiquette.

Ahhh he's gay so lets just make him starve! He don't deserve to eat or earn a living!!!(note sarcasm).

It's funny how since I got into politics? It seems that the left is more concerned with the poor, the sick, the elderly, etc....And the right? Although they act concerned(and some legitimately are)? Many don't want to be forced to feed the poor. Basically saying, if there is a poor person starving and I have $100 in my pocket? I should only give him a $1 IF I feel like it.lol Why do they feel this way? Well it's because of their wolves in sh.....errr I mean ministers that indoctrinate them with this. Why? So that they don't have to give THEIR money to the poor. Ministers don't give. They only take. And give with the money of others. But they want to keep most of it for themselves.

So tell me...When did the right become the left and the left the right?
So tell me, how far does our responsibility to the poor extend?
It's a proven fact that a free market will always price things -- including food and shelter -- above the economic reach of an unfortunate few.

No I think that is monopolies and inflation. Another argument.....But during a recession, that few becomes many. Over 50% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and 80% are in debt.
So tell me, how far does our responsibility to the poor extend?

I say we can never accept poverty. It's not something we should get used to or we may fall prey to it one day. Our responsibility ends when poverty is eradicated from the earth. And don't believe that bullshit from ministers who use this Bible verse to justify poverty.

Matthew 26:11
The poor you will always have with you, but you will not always have me.

Basically what Jesus was saying is that after He died, the poor would still be around. IN THAT DAY! Not perpetual poverty.

I heard once that ministers love poverty because as long as it exist, they can keep milking the people!! Therefore it is in their best interest to perpetuate poverty. I seen the numbers of money collected by Religious organizations and you have to wonder. WHERE THE HECK DO ALL THESE TRILLIONS GO???? Even Charities at best give out a Maximum of 33%(at best) of the total donations. The rest goes to overhead. You know...the people that pretend to care about the cause?

I have been studying economics for quite some time. And I'm not talking about economic books that basically justify the unjust economic system. I mean really look into the problem with poverty. Do you know what I found out? Poverty could end tomorrow but it wont because of greed and racism. But then the rich would have no one to exploit.

There would still be people less wealthier then others but EVERYONE would have a roof over their head, clothing, and adequate amount of food to eat. Basically the bare necessities of a MODERN living standard.

As long as we are slaves to international bankers via national debts incurred using money made out of thin air, this will never happen......Perpetual debt and thus slavery is the name of their game.
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I'd also like to reiterate. I once posted a post defending Republicans too who feel they are taxed twice(so to speak). They already give to the poor via Church and then have to give via government. Not to mention both are skimming......

Unfortunately we live in a secular world. If America were truly a Christian nation? There would be no need to collect taxes for welfare, medicare and all that. Though since America is secular and not all people want to do their share(including some so called Christians), they are forced to by the state to do their civic and national duty to help out fellow Americans in need. And THAT is what a civilized society/community is about.
See, that's the difference between you and I.

I stick to FACTS.

You like to play these nonsensical bait and switch games.

You can't stick to the facts of the story so you have to trot out another outlandish non-sequitur to try and divert the discussion away from your homophobia and the violent sexual imagery you described over and over.

We don't live in the ME, so hows about you stop fantasizing about cocks being shoved down people's throats and stick to the topic.

The difference between you and I ?....you're a fool and I'm not.

"outlandish non-sequitur" ?....really ?

I thought it was a perfectly reasonable way to put your
idiotic faux-outrage in perspective.....not getting a tip is hardly a life threatening event for being a homo
in this "Christian country".....I just point out what would happen in other places that are not filled with those terrible crazy Christians, people that YOU seem to
think have to be personally angelic if they profess to be 'Christian', or worse yet, they actually express their values.....kinda shows what a phony ass fool you are......

Iran executes three men on homosexuality charges
Convicts were sentenced to death 'for acts against the Sharia law and bad deeds'

Four Iranian gay men are due to be executed for sodomy under their nation's Shari'a laws

Public hanging film to highlight plight of gay Iranians
Trailer released for film based on the true story of two gay teenagers publicly hung in Iran
- See more at: http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/...ght-gay-iranians190912-0#sthash.KhchuQQS.dpuf

And you bitch about a waiter not getting a tip because hes a homo ?.....Get a clue, fool
In Iran, shoving his cock down his throat would be considered a light sentence....lol
AHHHHH the cheap Christian found an excuse to not tip the guy. Christians ministers are the best at finding excuses to not feed the poor(like Judas), because they don't want to dip into their hoard of donations when they would rather spend it on hookers.lol THOSE LAZY POOR PEOPLE(Note sarcasm).

Hey Obama care is forcing me to help less fortunate sick people!!! Not on my watch!!!! That's not what Christ wants! Says the wolf in..errr I mean Christian minister.

Christ says let them work to pay their own medical bills instead of being so lazy(note sarcasm)! Its not my problem they got sick!!(note sarcasm).

On a more serious note? The guy provided a service for you. You should evaluate him judged on his service provided.

Speaking straight up? I will not shop at a clothing store that has gay helpers! I will not eat at a place that has gay waiters. That food better be pretty darn tasty for me to eat there!!!

THOUGH if I do decide to eat there and the service is good? He will get a tip. If his appearance lets me lose my appetite, like a cross dresser or he is eyeing me sexually? I will ask for another waiter. If they are all gay I can get up and go to another place to eat. They must have known he was gay when he served them, so he was good enough to serve them but not good enough to tip?

So Judas was poor, huh?......How did find that out? Not through one of those useless ancient books I hope....

And now you know what Christ wants....yet you won't eat at a place with gay waiters ?

BTW....ever hear of the word "hypocrite"......?
I'd also like to reiterate. I once posted a post defending Republicans too who feel they are taxed twice(so to speak). They already give to the poor via Church and then have to give via government. Not to mention both are skimming......

Unfortunately we live in a secular world. If America were truly a Christian nation? There would be no need to collect taxes for welfare, medicare and all that. Though since America is secular and not all people want to do their share(including some so called Christians), they are forced to by the state to do their civic and national duty to help out fellow Americans in need. And THAT is what a civilized society/community is about.

The only gov. program that has a specific tax connected to it is...Medicaid...are there other specific tax connected programs for the poor ?

And, it should be pointed out that donations to charity are tax deductible.....
How about the shitty ways that humans treat other humans? Seriously, all you have to do is look around this board to see that fuckwittery and shitheadedness exist in ample amounts on both sides of the fence.

The difference is that conservative fuckwittery kills people. It's a proven fact that a free market will always price things -- including food and shelter -- above the economic reach of an unfortunate few. Conservatives like to ignore that and pretend that allowing people to starve to death is "market efficiency." Liberal fuckwittery makes people miserable and unhappy, but everyone lives.

It's up to you to decide which of the two shitty alternatives is shittier.

That has nothing to do with the homo not getting a tip and this dreadful treatment he got from the "Christians"....

Aren't you worried ZippytheIdiot will reprimand you ?
(Un?)Fortunately, I'm new enough here that I have no idea what you're talking about. But I think I have a pretty direct response there to the posts immediately before mine. If I'm wrong, I guess I'll learn. :)
Its been proved time and time again that 99.9% of these stories are made up. Tawana Brawley, Duke University lacrosse team, Charlie Rogers, Sharmeka Moffitt, to name a few as well as countless more. The race hustlers use these lies to get the sheep all up in arms and to donate money, if it was not for idiots like you, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would both be homeless crack heads.

Remember the one where the lady complained about some guy smacking her child upside the head, in Walmart; but know one else witnessed it and no charges were filed.
OH-WAIT, it turns out that SHE LIED.
What people do I associate with?

And who are my political peers? (this should be really good)

Please, tell me. You've been wrong so far.

Your sisters all support abortion on demand. How does your version of Jesus feel about that?

(This should be even better.)
America WAS a Christian nation. Now it's a nation of wanna be feel good Christians. Goats ,vipers and wolves in sheep's clothing(who lead them) who don't know the real Jesus.
I don't think there is much evidence for that first statement. What elements of American policy or behaviour have ever had any connection with the Sermon on the Mount, for instance.?