We are a CHRISTIAN Nation!

What elements of American policy or behaviour have ever had any connection with the Sermon on the Mount, for instance.?

Matthew 5:10 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me."
Matthew 25:41 ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’

That was a child, not an embryo. It is a good reason to stop forcing children to grow up in stinking slums, but nothing to do with the question you raise, surely? In a decent, Christian society, obviously, there would be no need of abortion, but in your hell-hole it is the only decent answer for many women. There is no text, and well you know it.
you have to fiqure....with the Rev Phelps and his crew traveling around and protesting funerals, they must have to eat out a lot.....sooner or later they had to run into a gay waiter.....
That was a child, not an embryo. It is a good reason to stop forcing children to grow up in stinking slums, but nothing to do with the question you raise, surely? In a decent, Christian society, obviously, there would be no need of abortion, but in your hell-hole it is the only decent answer for many women. There is no text, and well you know it.

tell you what....when we get to judgement day, you tell him what he meant.....I'm sure he'll take your word for it.......
why does the right think women will settle with having their control over procreation taken away?

how in the hell do you think black people will vote for you when you work so hard to keep them from voting and use them as a cudgel to beat the heads of your racist base?

if your voter base is old and dying who will vote for you in the coming elections?
I'll leave judgement day to right-wing extremists: it is now people need to be loved and cared for.

this is the fact that EVERY Logical human faces.

How so many people are stupid enough to buy the line "helping people is bad for them" is beyond me.

what a fucking idiot ass obvious LIE
if your voter base is old and dying who will vote for you in the coming elections?

Haven't Democrats solved that problem by having dead people voting for them, racist slumlord Desh?

Years ago the Democrats learned that the surest way to win a tight election was to have just the right number of dead people ready to vote. It worked in Texas in 1948 and Illinois in 1960...

Haven't Democrats solved that problem by having dead people voting for them, racist slumlord Desh?

Years ago the Democrats learned that the surest way to win a tight election was to have just the right number of dead people ready to vote. It worked in Texas in 1948 and Illinois in 1960...


if you cant post a link that works your too fucking stupid to speak to.

remember to send cruz your dimes
yeap your party is fucked

this is the level of republican voter thought.

The voter ID laws "will kick the democrats butts"

right from the horses mouths
Your sisters all support abortion on demand. How does your version of Jesus feel about that?

(This should be even better.)

Myself and my Christian sisters could CHOOSE not to get abortions. When did the US start forcing women to have abortions?

However the law of the land is to remain NOT BASED on any particular religious beliefs. It is based on upholding people's rights. Those who believe it is wrong do not have to have them.

You seem to keep forgetting that NO ONE is preventing Christians from acting like Christians. If they are, you haven't provided any proof yet.