We are a CHRISTIAN Nation!

I don't think there is much evidence for that first statement. What elements of American policy or behaviour have ever had any connection with the Sermon on the Mount, for instance.?

Yes, there's a whole thread over in General Politics, about 22 pages long, where Philly Rabbit cannot answer that.
Myself and my Christian sisters could CHOOSE not to get abortions. When did the US start forcing women to have abortions?

However the law of the land is to remain NOT BASED on any particular religious beliefs. It is based on upholding people's rights. Those who believe it is wrong do not have to have them.

You seem to keep forgetting that NO ONE is preventing Christians from acting like Christians. If they are, you haven't provided any proof yet.

You're fulla shit little goody two shoes. Your "Christian Sisters" :rofl2: never "choose" to not have abortions, they always choose death.

Please stop your phony new age Christian act for your own good .. please! You're as phony as a three dollar bill.
If God wants them to be born, they'll be born, right?

Here we have a new age Christian justifying abortion on demand.

She has a human God and his name is Marx.

Does anybody here actually think that herrrrrrrrrrrr's Desh! - is a Christian sister according to little goody here.
You're fulla shit little goody two shoes. Your "Christian Sisters" never "choose" to not have abortions, they always choose death.

Please provide data to support this fantasy of yours. Seriously...if this is factual...provide the proof.

Otherwise, it's just wishful thinking on your part to support your pathetic views.
Here we have a new age Christian justifying abortion on demand.

She has a human God and his name is Marx.

Does anybody here actually think that herrrrrrrrrrrr's Desh! - is a Christian sister according to little goody here.

I am 100% against communism and socialism on the part of a govt. You've been told that in black and white and CHOOSE to fantasize otherwise.

Now...you seem to know all about God, being a 'good Christian' and all. Please tell me why God doesnt save all thoses fetuses?
The ironic thing about abortion is that while it has replaced the body of Christ as the acceptable sacrament for the left, it does at least involve dead flesh.
I am 100% against communism and socialism on the part of a govt. You've been told that in black and white and CHOOSE to fantasize otherwise.

Now...you seem to know all about God, being a 'good Christian' and all. Please tell me why God doesnt save all thoses fetuses?

I'd be surprised if they are not saved. Their killers likely are not, though.
I am 100% against communism and socialism on the part of a govt. You've been told that in black and white and CHOOSE to fantasize otherwise.

Now...you seem to know all about God, being a 'good Christian' and all. Please tell me why God doesnt save all thoses fetuses?

You just told me that when a woman has an abortion, it might be because God didn't want the baby to be born.

That is justifying abortion on demand from your weird new age perverted mind.
You just told me that when a woman has an abortion, it might be because God didn't want the baby to be born.

That is justifying abortion on demand from your weird new age perverted mind.

No I didnt. I ASKED YOU why he didnt save the fetus, if that is his wish and will?
Another problem with the callousness of American business. Paying wages so low that tips are needed for a person to survive and are mandatory in many restaurants. What happened to the concept of tipping for good service?

American businesses hijacked that too.

And again, instead of socially responsible capitalism as practiced in Canada and nearly all the other first world countries!
And you are welcome to your efforts...as long as the govt does not act on them.

People seem to assume that defending abortion means someone 'likes' abortion. No one likes abortion.

if you didn't like dead babies you wouldn't let people kill babies......