We are a CHRISTIAN Nation!

Guff. Human life begins, and always has, at birth. You live on some other planet?

That includes a baby who is killed while being born and a baby that survives a botched abortion and is left to die on his /her own without medical attention.
Well then I guess He knew what could happen....and that little embryo or fetus will be welcomed into Heaven with open arms and then recycled into a family that actually does want it.

Win Win!

Does the baby have an opinion on the abortion? Does the (ugh) man?

The baby needs a defense attorney because the baby is the one who's life is being terminated through no fault of his / her own and the baby cannot possibly defend his or her self in it's compromising position.

Your attempt to place God in the picture is disgusting. Clearly you worship a human God as do all Marxists at heart. Your goody two shoes act here with religion is mental institution territory.
That includes a baby who is killed while being born and a baby that survives a botched abortion and is left to die on his /her own without medical attention.

I don't know. The point would be decided by Church or Court, doubtless. My point is that the attempt to pretend that unborn children are human is totally unhistorical. Everyone knows that.
I don't know. The point would be decided by Church or Court, doubtless. My point is that the attempt to pretend that unborn children are human is totally unhistorical. Everyone knows that.

And I'll make a prediction right now that some day science, not religion will prove that unborn babies are human and should be protected with human rights such as life itself. Mark it down because that day is coming and either it will be the grandest cover-up in world history and never revealed or it will be the world's greatest scientific discovery and presented to the world as such.

And I would love to see the look on your face when that day arrives.
And I'll make a prediction right now that some day science, not religion will prove that unborn babies are human and should be protected with human rights such as life itself. Mark it down because that day is coming and either it will be the grandest cover-up in world history and never revealed or it will be the world's greatest scientific discovery and presented to the world as such.

And I would love to see the look on your face when that day arrives.

Clearly they are potentially so, and in a decent society the matter would seem different. To force someone to be born poor in contemporary America seems to me so obviously wicked, however, that I have no patience with such blather!
Clearly they are potentially so, and in a decent society the matter would seem different. To force someone to be born poor in contemporary America seems to me so obviously wicked, however, that I have no patience with such blather!

Abortion doesn't solve poverty.

The pro aborts claimed it would and liberals still maintain that it will but in reality it continues to create dependence.
dear fucking idiot,

You will NEVER be able to muster the idiots together to be able to keep females from controlling their own bodies.


we are over half the population you fucking asshole and you will NEVER control us ever again.

fuck you very much
dear fucking idiot,

You will NEVER be able to muster the idiots together to be able to keep females from controlling their own bodies.


we are over half the population you fucking asshole and you will NEVER control us ever again.

fuck you very much

Herrrrr's Desh! Everybody loves "Desh!" It's Christian sister "Desh!"

Jerkoff Desh, abortion is federal law and I can't do anything about it .. you jerkoff.

That doesn't mean it's right "Desh"!

I think it's unconstitutional "Desh!"
Abortion doesn't solve poverty.

The pro aborts claimed it would and liberals still maintain that it will but in reality it continues to create dependence.

Who said it did? Evil people force children to be born into a world where they must live in slums and die of drugs and they call that Christian! Sick, sick sickoes!
Who said it did? Evil people force children to be born into a world where they must live in slums and die of drugs and they call that Christian! Sick, sick sickoes!

Liberals say it does.

Obama has an international abortion program designed for population control and "to solve poverty." He got in hot water when he wanted to use it in Africa among Muslims who ahhh, oppose it.
because its a living human being, just as the infant and the toddler are.......

And yet, it's not yet even born, but it has more rights than the mother? So it comes before her right to LIFE? To pursue her life as she chooses (pursuit of happiness)?

Please tell me why the embryo or fetus is more important? Esp. when it may never even be born? One is already living her life....one only has the possibility.

Earlier you claimed that someone says the unborn has MORE RIGHTS than the mother.

Didn't you?

If the unborn's supersede the mother's then the unborn has more rights, correct? If the unborn's right to life comes before the mother's right to life?