We are a CHRISTIAN Nation!

Who said it did? Evil people force children to be born into a world where they must live in slums and die of drugs and they call that Christian! Sick, sick sickoes!

So, it's your position that the only children being aborted are those that would have been born into a world of slums and or drugs?
Until they are born they are UNBORN.

The rights of the ALREADY BORN supersede the rights of the MAY BE born.

first....they are unborn living human children.....and which of the rights of the already born supersede the rights of the "may" be born (probably should make that the "will be born if you don't kill them first".......the right to nine months of not being pregnant?......
Since you want to present the idea of women controlling their bodies, then why don't they remain in control enough and not get pregnant; seeing as how they are the ones that get pregnant; unless you're suggesting that women aren't in control of their actions and can't control what they do?
My comment of course excludes rape and/or incest.

Maybe because "it takes two to tango."

And because many of you "good Christian men" love to tell your women how the Bible teaches that they are supposed to "submit themselves" to your will.

Kinda takes away the idea of women controlling their own bodies, huh?
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first....they are unborn living human children.....and which of the rights of the already born supersede the rights of the "may" be born (probably should make that the "will be born if you don't kill them first".......the right to nine months of not being pregnant?......

And then we have liberals who will stand all night at a sea turtle's nest and protect the young as they head for the ocean; thereby depriving the other creatures a food source that they've depended on for centuries.
This is one of those issues that shows the deep schizophrenia of the American Right. On one side, Libertarians should be arguing for the mother's personal right to choose; if they're not, they aren't really holding true to the Libertarian idea. On the other side, you have the Conservative Christians who oppose abortion on the grounds that killing is wrong (and yet fully support war, because obviously killing babies is wrong but killing young men gets a free pass from God because we're always on the side of good and thus it's always a noble sacrifice made by a willing young man to damage evil in some form.)

Because clearly Exodus 21:22-24 doesn't at all give a clear Biblical statement that causing a miscarriage (in other words, killing a baby) is only worthy of a monetary fine, whereas actually committing murder at that time and place was grounds for getting murdered yourself. And if you trace back the history of the "life begins at conception" concept in America, it only goes back as far as Jerry Falwell in the 1980s. Before that most Protestants were pro-choice. But forget history and what the Bible actually says. But then, I'm off on a tangent. The point here is that there is no consensus about abortion -- not across the aisle, not even just on the right side of the aisle. Trying to pretend that there is a monolithic entity "The Right" (or a corresponding entity "The Left") that can be attacked as a whole on this issue is dumb.
first....they are unborn living human children.....and which of the rights of the already born supersede the rights of the "may" be born (probably should make that the "will be born if you don't kill them first".......the right to nine months of not being pregnant?......

First, if they are "unborn" then they are not "living".

ALL of the rights of the "already born" supersede the rights of the "yet to be" born.
And then we have liberals who will stand all night at a sea turtle's nest and protect the young as they head for the ocean; thereby depriving the other creatures a food source that they've depended on for centuries.


Once the turtles ARE BORN they could use some protection.

Hilarious how dim bulb USF equates an UNBORN fetus with turtles who HAVE BEEN BORN and are most definitely alive.
Since you want to present the idea of women controlling their bodies, then why don't they remain in control enough and not get pregnant; seeing as how they are the ones that get pregnant; unless you're suggesting that women aren't in control of their actions and can't control what they do?
My comment of course excludes rape and/or incest.

The decision to have sex is not the same as the decision to have a baby. She has to accept the consequences....if any occur. Are you saying that women are not willing to accept the consequences of their actions?
The decision to have sex is not the same as the decision to have a baby. She has to accept the consequences....if any occur. Are you saying that women are not willing to accept the consequences of their actions?

When it comes to the numbers getting pregnant and then opting for abortion, I would have to say yes.
If men were showing the same rate of irresponsibility, at something they were responsible for, the left would never stop complaining.

Why is it so difficult to make sure you don't get pregnant?