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There was no abortion. They wanted that baby. The point of that horrible anecdote was that there are grave risks to pregnancy that no one else should be able to make for the woman.

you raised it as an explanation of why someone should be allowed to abort......yet you admit that abortion would make no difference in the situation because they didn't know there would be medical complications......as such, it does not meet the requirements of an example of why abortion should be justified.....
the Bible teaches that they are supposed to "submit themselves"

you do remember that the same passage says men should submit themselves to their wives, right......in fact its all one sentence and it only uses the verb "submit" once for both (and for children submitting to their parents)........if you're going to use a proof text, read it, fool!.....
you raised it as an explanation of why someone should be allowed to abort......yet you admit that abortion would make no difference in the situation because they didn't know there would be medical complications......as such, it does not meet the requirements of an example of why abortion should be justified.....

A woman should not have to justify having an abortion.
Wait just a minute.
You were presenting that it's the woman who needs to be in control of her body; but now you want to bring in a division of the woman's responsibility.
Men can't become pregnant, so why aren't women making sure they don't become pregnant and stop depending on men helping them make that decision?
The responsibility of men, can be for a different discussion.

My position on it is that the decision and responsibility for sex goes to both. She cannot get pregnant alone, can she (despite childish attempts to distract with paranoid exceptions)

Because clearly Exodus 21:22-24 doesn't at all give a clear Biblical statement that causing a miscarriage (in other words, killing a baby) is only worthy of a monetary fine, whereas actually committing murder at that time and place was grounds for getting murdered yourself.

another example of quoting a proof text from a pro-abortion web site instead of from the text......the text actually provides that if the child is caused to be born early but takes no further damage then there is a monetary fine.....if there IS further damage, including loss of life, its "eye for an eye".......
Why do you insist on controlling when women make decisions that affect THEIR lives (not yours)?

because theirs is not the only life effected by the decision........why do you insist on letting women make decisions that effect the lives of unborn children?.......
everything from the hair on top of their head down to their toenails.....

Oh, ok. Then why is it ok to kill that unborn 'person' to save the life of the mother? Most (not all) pro-lifers feel that it's ok to do so in the case of rape or the save the life of the mother.